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Last active July 28, 2021 00:24
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Simulates the probability of a double-spend attack succeeding over a 10 minute interval, with 10 minute vs 1 minute target block interval times
# Simulations carried out by the R statistical language:
# Set the random seed to make the results reproducible <- 10 <- 1
hashpower.honest.miners <- 0.70
hashpower.malicious.miner <- 0.30
n.simulations <- 1000000
# One million simulations
normal.operations <- rexp(n.simulations) * / (hashpower.honest.miners + hashpower.malicious.miner)
# Draw n.simulations from an exponential distribution, scaled by block time and hashpower
# 10.00411
# Mean block time is 10.00411 minutes
honest.blocks.attack.current <- rexp(n.simulations) * / hashpower.honest.miners
malicious.blocks.attack.current <- rexp(n.simulations) * / hashpower.malicious.miner
# Now, split the hashpower by honest and malicious miners
# 14.32075
# Mean time between blocks found by the honest miners is 14.32075
# 33.2966
# Mean time between blocks found by the malicious miner is 33.2966
mean(malicious.blocks.attack.current < honest.blocks.attack.current)
# 0.300555
# On average, the malicious miner finds a block before the honest miners in 30.0555% of cases
# Now, simulate a one-minute block time
# How often will the malicious miner find 10 blocks before the honest miners find 10 blocks?
honest.blocks.sum.v <- vector("numeric", length = n.simulations)
malicious.blocks.sum.v <- vector("numeric", length = n.simulations)
for (i in seq_len(n.simulations)) {
honest.blocks.attack.modified <- rexp( * / hashpower.honest.miners
malicious.blocks.attack.modified <- rexp( * / hashpower.malicious.miner
# Draw 10 values from an exponential distribution for both honest and malicious miners
honest.blocks.sum.v[i] <- sum(honest.blocks.attack.modified)
malicious.blocks.sum.v[i] <- sum(malicious.blocks.attack.modified)
# Take the sums. This is the total time it took each set of miners to find 10 blocks
mean(malicious.blocks.sum.v < honest.blocks.sum.v)
# 0.032736
# In 3.2736% of cases, the malicious miner finds 10 blocks before the honest miners finds 10 blocks
# 1.429406
# Mean time between blocks found by the honest miners is 1.429406 minutes
# 3.334569
# Mean time between blocks found by the malicious miner is 3.334569 minutes
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