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Created February 21, 2024 10:45
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'use strict';
* A flag indicating whether the origin is ready to accept traffic. It's
* a static value for this example, but you could instead read the value
* from an S3 bucket with restricted access, a DynamoDB table,
* or the CloudFront cache.
const originAcceptingTraffic = true;
* The origin hit rate (a value between 0 and 1) specifies a percentage of
* users that go directly to the origin, while the rest go to
* a "waiting room." Premium users always go to the origin. If you want
* to adjust traffic dynamically, you can store and retrieve the origin
* hit rate value from an S3 bucket, a DynamoDB table, or the CloudFront
* cache.
const originHitRate = 0.3;
const waitingRoomS3 = '';
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
if (!shouldGoToOrigin(request)) {
callback(null, request);
function shouldGoToOrigin(request) {
if (!originAcceptingTraffic) {
console.log("Origin is not accepting any traffic. " +
"All requests go to the waiting room.");
return false;
if (isPremiumUser(request.headers.cookie)) {
console.log("A premium user goes to the origin.");
return true;
if (Math.random() <= originHitRate) {
console.log("A lucky user goes to the origin.");
return true;
console.log("An unlucky user goes to the waiting room.");
return false;
function isPremiumUser(cookies) {
* You can replace the static cookie value here with
* your own custom authentication logic.
const premiumUserCookieName = 'premium-user-cookie';
const premiumUserCookieValue = 'some-secret-cookie-value';
const parsedCookies = parseCookies(cookies);
if (parsedCookies[premiumUserCookieName] &&
parsedCookies[premiumUserCookieName] === premiumUserCookieValue) {
console.log(`Cookie "${premiumUserCookieName}" has ` +
`a valid secret value of "${premiumUserCookieValue}".`);
return true;
return false;
function setupWaitingRoom(request) {
request.origin = {
s3: {
domainName: waitingRoomS3,
region: '',
authMethod: 'none',
path: '/waitingroom',
customHeaders: {}
request.headers['host'] = [{ key: 'host', value: waitingRoomS3 }];
request.uri = '/please-try-again.html';
function parseCookies(cookies) {
cookies = cookies || [];
let parsed = {};
for (let hdr of cookies) {
for (let cookie of hdr.value.split(';')) {
const kv = cookie.split('=');
if (kv[0] && kv[1]) {
parsed[kv[0].trim()] = kv[1].trim();
return parsed;
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