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Save Rudis1261/7231799 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP Tables Class. I use this class to create tables quicker without hand coding out the HTML. We basically treat the arrays are HTML properties=>values.
# Author: Rudi Strydom
# Date: Aug 2013
# Purpose: Building a quick and dirty table class. To transform an array to a table
class Table
public $table_attributes = array();
public $table_heading = array();
public $table_children = array();
# How does it all begin?
function __construct( $overide_defaults=false )
# We need some basic form attributes to start off
$this->table_attributes = array(
"cellpadding" => "0",
"cellspacing" => "0",
"class" => "table table-striped table-hover table-rounded table-bordered"
# We may also want to override the defaults on construct
if ($overide_defaults)
# The override them
$this->table_attributes = (array)$overide_defaults;
# We may want to be able to alter or add some attributes
function attributes($array_input=false)
# Ensure it is an array
if (is_array($array_input))
# Cool it's an array.
foreach($array_input as $attribute => $value)
$this->table_attributes[$attribute] = $value;
return true;
return false;
# We may want to have some headers
function heading($array)
$this->table_heading = $array;
return true;
# Alias to heading
function headers($array)
return $this->heading($array);
# Alias to heading
function headings($array)
return $this->heading($array);
# Add more elements (Children)
function addRow($array)
$this->table_children[] = $array;
return true;
# We may also want to add a class
function addClass($classes_to_add=false)
# Ensure it is an array
if ($classes_to_add)
# Explode by space
$classes = explode(' ', $this->table_attributes['class']);
# Loop through the new additions
foreach( (array)$classes_to_add as $class_to_add)
$class_to_add = strtolower($class_to_add);
# Ensure that the section does not already exists
if (!in_array($class_to_add, $classes))
# Then append the option and implode the array
$classes[] = $class_to_add;
# Only do the implode once
$this->table_attributes['class'] = implode(" ", $classes);
return true;
return false;
# We may also want to remove a class
function removeClass($classes_to_remove=false)
# Ensure it is an array
if ($classes_to_remove)
# Explode by space
$classes = explode(' ', $this->table_attributes['class']);
# Loop through the things we want removed
foreach( (array)$classes_to_remove as $class_to_remove)
$class_to_remove = strtolower($class_to_remove);
# Loop through the classes
foreach($classes as $index => $class)
# If the class is indeed found then unset it from the exploded array
if ($class_to_remove == $class)
# Only do the implode once
$this->table_attributes['class'] = implode(" ", $classes);
return true;
return false;
# This function will be used to implode an array into an HTML format
function implode_attributes($array_input=false)
# Ensure it is an array
if (is_array($array_input))
# We need a string to put this all together
$output = " ";
# Cool it's an array.
foreach($array_input as $attribute => $value)
# Drop the tag
if ($attribute == "tag") continue;
if ($attribute == "value") continue;
# If it's empty
if ($value == "")
# Then it's solely an attribute
$output .= $attribute . ' ';
} else {
# append the Attribute value pair
$output .= $attribute . '="' . $value .'" ';
# Return the output
return $output;
# Otherwise return the string as is
return $array_input;
# This function will end off the form and return it for output
function render()
# Build up the form
$output = "\n<table " . $this->implode_attributes( $this->table_attributes ) . ">\n";
# Check if the heading are empty or not
if (!empty($this->table_heading))
$output .= "\t<thead>\n";
foreach($this->table_heading as $th)
$value = $th;
$implode = "";
if (is_array($th))
$implode = $this->implode_attributes($th);
$value = $th['value'];
$output .= "\t\t<th " . $implode . ">" . $value . "</th>\n";
$output .= "\t</thead>\n";
# If there are children then loop through them
if (!empty($this->table_children))
$output .= "\t<tbody>\n";
foreach($this->table_children as $row)
$output .= "\t<tr>\n";
foreach($row as $td)
$value = $td;
$implode = "";
if (is_array($td))
$implode = $this->implode_attributes($td);
$value = $td['value'];
$output .= "\t\t<td " . $implode . ">" . $value . "</td>\n";
$output .= "\t</tr>\n";
$output .= "\t</tbody>\n";
$output .= "</table>\n";
return $output;
# Require the class
# Fire up an instance of the table class
$table = new Table();
# Define some headings
$headings = array("Name", "Date Of Birth", "Title", "Job Title");
# Add them to the class using the headings() function
# Create some rows
$row1 = array("Rudi", "14 September 1985", "Mr", "DevOps");
$row2 = array("Buks", "8 October 1986", "Mr", "DevOps");
$row3 = array("Grace", "10 May 1975", "Mrs", "P.A.");
# You can also add any HTML attributes as follows, where value is the content to be displayed and any other keys are HTML attributes with values you want to specify.
$row4 = array(
array("value"=>"Grace", "style"=>"color: red;", "class"=>"myTdClass"),
"10 May 1975",
# Then add the rows to the table with the addRow() function
# To complete the table you need to run the render function
echo $table->render();
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