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Created December 10, 2013 10:00
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  • Save Rudis1261/7888309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Rudis1261/7888309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
2nd Factory Authentication. The idea is for a second layer of authentication. This way it's a password which you need to complete a section of. i would possibly rather use a db to track the attempts etc as sessions could possibly be tampered with.
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# Start the session
$max = 5;
# Define the password
$password = 'eukunuba';
# Get the random keys from session
$_SESSION['comparison'] = (isset($_SESSION['comparison'])) ? $_SESSION['comparison'] : array_rand(str_split($password), ceil(strlen($password) / 3));
$_SESSION['attempts'] = (isset($_SESSION['attempts'])) ? $_SESSION['attempts'] + 1 : 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST['clear']))
# Block a user should they exceed attempts
if ($_SESSION['attempts'] > $max)
die("Maximum attempts exceeded!");
# Function to generate the password prompt
function getPasswordPrompt($password)
# Split the password into an array
$split = str_split($password);
$out = '<div id="passwordContainer">';
# Loop through the split password
foreach($split as $id => $char)
# Is it one of the characters that should be hidden
if (in_array($id, $_SESSION['comparison']))
$out .= '<input type="password" name="answer[]" class="passwordInput" size="1" />';
# Otherwise just print the character
$out .= strtoupper($char);
$out .= '</div>';
return $out;
function validatePassword($password)
# Split the password into an array
$split = str_split($password);
# Attempt to get the answer
$answer = (isset($_REQUEST['answer'])) ? $_REQUEST['answer'] : false;
$indexes = array();
$error = 0;
# Attempt to find the character in the password
foreach($answer as $i=>$find)
# Ensure that the index exists and that it is in the right place
//echo $split[$_SESSION['comparison'][$i]] . " - " . $find;
if ((isset($split[$_SESSION['comparison'][$i]])) AND ($split[$_SESSION['comparison'][$i]] !== $find))
$error += 1;
# Success
if ($error == 0)
# Unset attempts and return true
if (isset($_SESSION['attempts'])) unset($_SESSION['attempts']);
return true;
# Default to a false
return false;
# Check if the form has been submitted and validate the password.
if (isset($_REQUEST['attemptSypherLogin']))
# Validate the user's input
$validate = validatePassword($password);
# Auth Success
if ($validate)
echo "<h1>Welcome user!</h1>";
# Auth Failure
echo "<h1 style='color: red;'>Sorry, I don't know you!</h1>";
echo "<form method='post'>
Attempt: " . (int)$_SESSION['attempts'] . "/" . $max . "<br />"
. getPasswordPrompt($password) . "
<br />
<input type='submit' class='passwordLogin' name='attemptSypherLogin' value='Login' />
<script src="//"></script>
// Hook into the document ready
$( document ).ready(function() {
// When things are started
$(".passwordInput").bind("click focus", function() {
$(this).css({ 'color' : 'black' });
// Detect a keyup event to move on
$(".passwordInput").bind("keyup", function(event) {
if ((event.keyCode != 8) && (event.keyCode != 9) && (event.keyCode !== 16) && ($(this).val() != ""))
// Move to the next item automatically
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