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Last active May 29, 2024 14:45
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Perfectly-type-safe tail-recursive factorial with combinator optimization
// boilerplate
class BigUint {
/** Zero */
static N0() {
return new BigUint(0n)
/** One */
static N1() {
return new BigUint(1n)
constructor(x: string | number | bigint | boolean) {
const n = BigInt(x)
if (n < 0n) throw new RangeError('Value must be unsigned')
this.#x = n
// `get` would be misleading
valueOf() { return this.#x }
/** equal */
eq(n: BigUint) {
return this.#x == n.#x
/** not equal */
ne(n: BigUint) {
return this.#x != n.#x
/** less than or equal */
le(n: BigUint) {
return this.#x <= n.#x
/** less than */
lt(n: BigUint) {
return this.#x < n.#x
/** greater than or equal */
ge(n: BigUint) {
return this.#x >= n.#x
/** greater than */
gt(n: BigUint) {
return this.#x > n.#x
/** sum (plus) */
add(n: BigUint) {
return new BigUint(this.#x + n.#x)
/** increment */
inc() {
return new BigUint(this.#x + 1n)
/** subtract (minus) */
sub(n: BigUint) {
if (this.#x < n.#x)
throw new RangeError('Underflow')
return new BigUint(this.#x - n.#x)
/** decrement */
dec() {
if (this.#x == 0n)
throw new RangeError('Underflow: cannot decrement zero')
return new BigUint(this.#x - 1n)
/** multiply */
mul(n: BigUint) {
return new BigUint(this.#x * n.#x)
/** divide */
div(d: BigUint) {
return new BigUint(this.#x / d.#x)
/** remainder */
rem(d: BigUint) {
return new BigUint(this.#x % d.#x)
/** power (exponential) */
pow(e: BigUint) {
return new BigUint(this.#x ** e.#x)
// more boilerplate:
const enum RecurResKind {
interface Cont<C> {
kind: RecurResKind.Cont
0: C
interface Ret<R> {
kind: RecurResKind.Ret
0: R
type RecurRes<C, R> = Cont<C> | Ret<R>
// key is 0 for tuple-like API
const RecurRes = {
Cont<C>(c: C): Cont<C> {
return {
kind: RecurResKind.Cont,
0: c
Ret<R>(r: R): Ret<R> {
return {
kind: RecurResKind.Ret,
0: r
const tail_recurse = <C, R,>(init: C, f: (a: C) => RecurRes<C, R>): R => {
while (true) {
const out = f(init)
switch (out.kind) {
case RecurResKind.Cont: { init = out[0]; break }
case RecurResKind.Ret: return out[0]
/** factorial */
const fact = (n: BigUint) =>
tail_recurse<[BigUint, BigUint], BigUint>([n, BigUint.N1()], ([a, b]) =>
? RecurRes.Ret(b)
: RecurRes.Cont([a.dec(), a.mul(b)])
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