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Created February 20, 2022 04:51
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@SlothOath - avereage temperature amplitude - possible solutions with benchmarks
const temperatures = [3, -2, -6, -1, 'error', 9, 13, 17, 15, 14, 9, 5, "", undefined, null, NaN],
benchmarkRunFuncXTimes = 1000,
toBenchmark = {};
// ===========================================================================================
// Mögliche Lösungen:
// ===========================================================================================
toBenchmark.filterSortLastAndFirst = function (range) {
let minAndMax = range.filter(t => !isNaN(t)).sort((a, b) => a - b);
return -;
toBenchmark.onlySort = function (range) {
let minAndMax = range.sort((a, b) => a - b);
return -;
toBenchmark.calcAmplitudeVonSlothOath = function (temperatures) {
let lowestTemp = 1000;
let highestTemp = -1000;
for (let i = 0; i < temperatures.length; i++) {
if (temperatures[i] === 'error') continue;
if (temperatures[i] < lowestTemp) lowestTemp = temperatures[i];
if (temperatures[i] > highestTemp) highestTemp = temperatures[i];
return highestTemp - lowestTemp;
// ===========================================================================================
// Benchmark stuff..:
// ===========================================================================================
/** 🧐 Funktion wird nur zum Vergleichen der Performance von anderen Funktionen benötigt. */
const longestFunctionNameLength = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(toBenchmark)
.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length).at(-1).length;
const longestNumberLength = `${Number.MAX_VALUE}`.length - 1;
function benchmarkFunction(func, funcName) {
let result = func(temperatures);
let runtimes = [...Array(benchmarkRunFuncXTimes).keys()].map(_ => {
let began =;
let done =;
return (done - began);
let averageRuntime = runtimes.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / runtimes.length;
console.log(`| ${funcName.padEnd(longestFunctionNameLength)} | ${result.toString().padEnd(longestNumberLength)} | ${averageRuntime.toString().padEnd(longestNumberLength)} |`);
console.log(`\nDurchschnittliche Laufzeiten bei jeweils ${benchmarkRunFuncXTimes} durchläufen:\n`)
let tableHeader = `| ${"Function Name".padEnd(longestFunctionNameLength)} | ${"Ergebnis ".padEnd(longestNumberLength)} | ${"Laufzeit in ms ".padEnd(longestNumberLength)} |`;
console.log("".padEnd(tableHeader.length, '-'))
console.log("".padEnd(tableHeader.length, '-'))
for (let i in toBenchmark)
benchmarkFunction(toBenchmark[i], i);
console.log("".padEnd(tableHeader.length, '-'))
"C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" C:\_Files\0_Programming\1_Playground\nodejs\app.js
Durchschnittliche Laufzeiten bei jeweils 1000 durchläufen:
| Function Name | Ergebnis | Laufzeit in ms |
| filterSortLastAndFirst | 23 | 0.005349499702453613 |
| onlySort | NaN | 0.002023699402809143 |
| calcAmplitudeVonSlothOath | 23 | 0.00390200012922287 |
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