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Created October 5, 2023 02:59
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From an array pulls the SPF, DMARC and DKIM of a domain. for DKIM you need to know the DKIM_Selector or leave it blank to skip pulling the DKIM. #Utility #Inventory #SPF #email #Public #DMARC #DKIM
# dkim-spf-dmarc-inventory.ps1
#Install-Module -name DomainHealthChecker # Only needed if you don't already have the Module installed
import-module -name DomainHealthChecker
$all = @()
# List of the domains to check, and there dkim selector used in the DNS. If you don't have the dkim selector leave blank "".
$urls_check = @( [pscustomobject]@{'domain'="";'dkim_selector'="t9959"},
[pscustomobject]@{'domain'="";'dkim_selector'=""} #example of a blank dkim_selector
$runon = Get-date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt K"
foreach ($url in $urls_check) {
$all += Invoke-SpfDkimDmarc -Name $url.domain | Select-Object @{N = "Run-On";E = {$runon}},Name, SPFRecord, DMARCRecord, @{n= "DKIM_Selector";e= {$url.dkim_selector} }, @{N = "DKIM_Record";E = { ((Get-DKIMRecord -Name $url.domain -DkimSelector $url.dkim_selector).dkimrecord )} }
$all | sort-object name #| clip # replace clip with pbcopy for MacOS - Copies output to clipboard
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