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Created January 24, 2019 00:25
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Unmapped methods by package
/net/minecraft [7437/14874]
advancement [81/162]
criterion [72/144]
block [257/514]
dispenser [1/2]
entity [60/120]
enums [1/2]
pattern [1/2]
piston [2/4]
client [1589/3178]
audio [16/32]
font [33/66]
gl [8/16]
gui [632/1264]
container [30/60]
hud [63/126]
spectator [12/24]
ingame [120/240]
menu [256/512]
settings [41/82]
recipebook [15/30]
widget [77/154]
input [1/2]
model [4/8]
network [122/244]
packet [51/102]
options [13/26]
particle [15/30]
recipe [6/12]
book [6/12]
render [525/1050]
block [65/130]
entity [27/54]
chunk [41/82]
debug [10/20]
entity [240/480]
feature [18/36]
model [94/188]
item [20/40]
model [86/172]
json [47/94]
resource [13/26]
language [1/2]
metadata [1/2]
search [6/12]
sortme [11/22]
texture [54/108]
toast [9/18]
tutorial [8/16]
util [33/66]
math [13/26]
world [30/60]
command [330/660]
arguments [178/356]
serialize [12/24]
suggestion [6/12]
container [79/158]
data [52/104]
dev [4/8]
report [2/4]
server [29/58]
validate [7/14]
datafixers [548/1096]
fixes [308/616]
schemas [193/386]
enchantment [12/24]
entity [974/1948]
ai [76/152]
control [11/22]
goal [34/68]
pathing [31/62]
attribute [18/36]
boss [46/92]
dragon [31/62]
phase [16/32]
damage [4/8]
data [12/24]
decoration [20/40]
effect [10/20]
mob [201/402]
passive [269/538]
player [54/108]
projectile [35/70]
raid [6/12]
thrown [4/8]
vehicle [40/80]
fluid [51/102]
item [126/252]
map [21/42]
nbt [12/24]
network [30/60]
encryption [2/4]
listener [7/14]
predicate [16/32]
block [1/2]
entity [15/30]
realms [6/12]
recipe [84/168]
crafting [46/92]
resource [8/16]
scoreboard [41/82]
server [1109/2218]
command [690/1380]
config [6/12]
dedicated [83/166]
command [61/122]
gui [7/14]
function [6/12]
integrated [3/6]
network [80/160]
packet [10/20]
rcon [15/30]
world [158/316]
chunk [14/28]
light [14/28]
sortme [239/478]
rule [3/6]
structures [161/322]
processor [7/14]
stat [16/32]
property [2/4]
tag [22/44]
text [51/102]
event [4/8]
util [228/456]
crash [10/20]
math [47/94]
noise [7/14]
palette [3/6]
profiler [2/4]
registry [34/68]
shape [39/78]
snooper [1/2]
village [15/30]
world [841/1682]
biome [41/82]
layer [14/28]
source [12/24]
border [5/10]
chunk [81/162]
light [19/38]
storage [1/2]
dimension [16/32]
explosion [1/2]
gen [322/644]
carver [21/42]
chunk [45/90]
decorator [68/136]
feature [156/312]
village [6/12]
surfacebuilder [13/26]
level [19/38]
storage [7/14]
loot [269/538]
condition [91/182]
context [10/20]
entry [33/66]
function [99/198]
updater [1/2]
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