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Created January 7, 2023 16:17
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SonnenBatterie output for reference
# Power:
[{'a_l1': 0,
'a_l2': 0,
'a_l3': 0.06300000101327896,
'channel': 1,
'deviceid': 4,
'direction': 'production',
'error': 0,
'kwh_exported': 0,
'kwh_imported': 29984.80078125,
'v_l1_l2': 410.6000061035156,
'v_l1_n': 236,
'v_l2_l3': 407.29998779296875,
'v_l2_n': 234.89999389648438,
'v_l3_l1': 409.79998779296875,
'v_l3_n': 235.3000030517578,
'va_total': 14.699999809265137,
'var_total': 9.300000190734863,
'w_l1': 0,
'w_l2': 0,
'w_l3': -11.5,
'w_total': -11.5},
{'a_l1': 0.9279999732971191,
'a_l2': 2.068000078201294,
'a_l3': 0.5640000104904175,
'channel': 2,
'deviceid': 4,
'direction': 'consumption',
'error': 0,
'kwh_exported': 0,
'kwh_imported': 11967.7001953125,
'v_l1_l2': 410.6000061035156,
'v_l1_n': 236,
'v_l2_l3': 407.29998779296875,
'v_l2_n': 234.89999389648438,
'v_l3_l1': 409.79998779296875,
'v_l3_n': 235.3000030517578,
'va_total': 786.2000122070312,
'var_total': -611.7999877929688,
'w_l1': 83.9000015258789,
'w_l2': 398.6000061035156,
'w_l3': 11.300000190734863,
'w_total': 493.79998779296875},
{'a_l1': 0,
'a_l2': 0,
'a_l3': 0,
'channel': 2,
'deviceid': 5,
'direction': 'consumption',
'error': 3,
'kwh_exported': 0,
'kwh_imported': 0,
'v_l1_l2': 408.29998779296875,
'v_l1_n': 234.6999969482422,
'v_l2_l3': 405.1000061035156,
'v_l2_n': 233.8000030517578,
'v_l3_l1': 407.70001220703125,
'v_l3_n': 234.10000610351562,
'va_total': 0,
'var_total': 0,
'w_l1': 0,
'w_l2': 0,
'w_l3': 0,
'w_total': 0}]
# Battery System:
{'battery_system': {'ecu': {'board': 'Kontron SMARC-sAMX6i module\x00',
'version': 2},
'network': {'lanip': '',
'vpnip': '',
'wanip': ''},
'software': {'firmware_version': '',
'release_channel': 'stable',
'software_version': '1.8.7'},
'system': {'bms_technology': 'sonnenmodule 4',
'hardware_article': 'xxxxxxx',
'hardware_line': 'sonnenBatterie',
'hardware_version': 10.0,
'inverter_capacity': '8000',
'inverter_type': 'sonneninverter 4 - 3ph',
'mac_address': 'be:ef:2b:ad:4d:ad',
'model': '23',
'model_name': 'power unit sB10p sI4 9005 sDCM '
'serial': '47110815',
'storage_capacity': '4',
'storage_capacity_per_module': '5500',
'system_time': '2023-01-07 16:55:47.614079'}},
'grid_information': {'fac': '50.046',
'iac_total': '2.32',
'ibat': '-3.02',
'ipv': '0.00',
'pac_microgrid': '0.00',
'pac_total': '475.00',
'pbat': '-635.00',
'phi': '0.00',
'ppv': '0.00',
'sac_total': '549.00',
'tmax': '30.00',
'uac': '235.37',
'ubat': '210.19',
'upv': '0.00'},
'marketing_capacity': '5500',
'modules': 4,
'stack_capacity': 0,
'stack_modules': 0}
# Inverter:
{ 'settings': { 'Active PvsF': { 'ActivationDelay': 100,
'Enable': '0',
'FrequencyLowerEntry': -200,
'FrequencyLowerExit': -200,
'FrequencyUpperEntry': 200,
'FrequencyUpperExit': 200,
'GradientOverFrequency': 4000,
'GradientUnderFrequency': 10000},
'Common': { 'Grid Nominal Values': { 'Nominal Grid Frequency': '50.00',
'Nominal Grid Voltage': '230.00'},
'Threshold Values': { 'Charge Threshold': 'nan',
'Discharge Threshold': 'nan'}},
'CountryInfo': { 'Certification Area': '4',
'CountryCode': '4901',
'Nominal Grid Frequency': '5000',
'Nominal Grid Voltage': '23000',
'Standard Reference': '80'},
'Date': { 'day': 19,
'hour': 14,
'minute': 9,
'month': 11,
'second': 21,
'year': 2022},
'FFR': { 'Enabled': True,
'Lower frequency': -100,
'Mode': 'Disabled',
'Target power': 8000,
'Test frequency': 0,
'Upper frequency': 100},
'Firmware': { 'Aux Control Board Version': '106',
'DSP Version': '1176',
'Monitor Version': '1103'},
'Frequency Shift': 220,
'Limits': { 'DC Low Voltage Threshold': '15000',
'Topping Charge Voltage': '23500'},
'Microgrid power suply mode': 'auto switch',
'OffgridOverloadLimits': { 'OverloadCurrent1': 4530,
'OverloadCurrent2': 4940,
'OverloadCurrent3': 6180,
'OverloadCurrent4': 7200,
'OverloadTimeout1': 3000,
'OverloadTimeout2': 300,
'OverloadTimeout3': 20,
'OverloadTimeout4': 1},
'PassivePvsFConfiguration': { 'Frequency': 200,
'Gradient': 4000},
'PvsUConfiguration': { 'ControlResponseTime_s': 0,
'Enable': '0',
'Voltage_LowerEnd_ppt': 0,
'Voltage_LowerEntry_ppt': 0,
'Voltage_UpperEnd_ppt': 0,
'Voltage_UpperEntry_ppt': 0},
'ReactivePowerConfiguration': { 'Control mode': 'disable',
'CosPhi Curve': { 'CosPhi point1': '-100',
'CosPhi point2': '-100',
'CosPhi point3': '-100',
'CosPhi point4': '-90',
'P point1': '50',
'P point2': '50',
'P point3': '50',
'P point4': '100'},
'Power factor': 90,
'Q(U) configuration': { 'Q point1': '-100',
'Q point2': '0',
'Q point3': '0',
'Q point4': '100',
'Q_Dynamic': '10',
'V point1': '920',
'V point2': '960',
'V point3': '1050',
'V point4': '1100',
'min_cosphi': '0',
'p_lock_in': '0',
'p_lock_out': '0',
'q_u_function': '0'},
'q_fix': 0},
'SPIConfiguration': { 'Disengaging Ratio': { 'Threshold1': 0,
'Threshold2': 0},
'MaximumPhaseVoltage': { 'Limit Overvoltage Ueff>': 1100,
'Limit Overvoltage Ueff>>': 1250,
'Limit Overvoltage Ueff>>>': 0,
'Time Overvoltage Ueff>>': 10,
'Time Overvoltage Ueff>>>': 0},
'MinimumPhaseVoltage': { 'Limit Undervoltage Ueff<<': 450,
'Time Undervoltage Ueff<<': 30,
'Trip Time Under Voltage U<<': 300,
'Under Voltage U<<': 800},
'Overfrequency': { 'Over Frequency f>': 150,
'Trip Time Over Frequency f>': 10},
'Underfrequency': { 'Trip Time Under Frequency f<': 10,
'Under Frequency f<': -250}}},
'status': { 'AC Measures': { 'active power l1': '-158.00',
'active power l2': '-155.00',
'active power l3': '-161.00',
'apparent power l1': '182.00',
'apparent power l2': '182.00',
'apparent power l3': '185.00',
'current l1': '0.77',
'current l2': '0.77',
'current l3': '0.78',
'frequency': '50.05',
'pf1': '0.86',
'pf2': '0.84',
'pf3': '0.86',
'reactive power l1': '91.00',
'reactive power l2': '98.00',
'reactive power l3': '92.00',
'total active power': '-475.00',
'total apparent power': '549.00',
'total pf': '0.85',
'total reactive power': '282.00',
'voltage l1': '235.37',
'voltage l1-l2': '406.64',
'voltage l2': '234.49',
'voltage l2-l3': '406.28',
'voltage l3': '234.93',
'voltage l3-l1': '407.78'},
'DC Measures': { 'bus voltage': '615.50',
'current': '-3.02',
'dc inductor current 1': '-3.08',
'dc inductor current 2': '0.09',
'dc inductor current 3': '0.18',
'input voltage': '210.19',
'l1 filter capacitor voltage': '235.38',
'l1 inductor current': '1.39',
'l2 filter capacitor voltage': '234.43',
'l2 inductor current': '1.41',
'l3 filter capacitor voltage': '234.94',
'l3 inductor current': '1.42',
'power': '-635.00',
'voltage imbalance ac bus': '0.00'},
'Dry I/O contacts status': { 'Input Dry Contact 1 Status': False,
'Input Dry Contact 2 Status': False,
'Input Dry Contact 3 Status': False,
'Input Dry Contact 4 Status': False,
'Input Dry Contact 5 Status': False,
'Input Dry Contact 6 Status': False,
'Input Dry Contact 7 Status': False,
'Input Dry Contact 8 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 1 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 2 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 3 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 4 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 5 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 6 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 7 Status': False,
'Output Dry Contact 8 Status': False},
'Functional flags': { 'Cabinet ATE Mode': False,
'Control Box ATE Mode': False,
'DC Black start in progress': False,
'DC-DC Single phase status': True,
'Derating BMS': False,
'Derating Frequency': False,
'Derating Temperature': False,
'Derating Voltage': False,
'Drooping Status': False,
'FFR Activation': False,
'Initializing DSP': False,
'Request Upload Energy': False,
'Request Upload Fault': False,
'Self Aging Mode': False,
'Synch Status': False},
'Grid Measures': { 'active power l1': '0.00',
'active power l2': '0.00',
'active power l3': '0.00',
'apparent power l1': '0.00',
'apparent power l2': '0.00',
'apparent power l3': '0.00',
'current l1': '0.00',
'current l2': '0.00',
'current l3': '0.00',
'frequency': '50.05',
'pf1': '0.00',
'pf2': '0.00',
'pf3': '0.00',
'reactive power l1': '0.00',
'reactive power l2': '0.00',
'reactive power l3': '0.00',
'total active power': '0.00',
'total apparent power': '0.00',
'total pf': '0.00',
'total reactive power': '0.00',
'voltage l1': '235.21',
'voltage l1-l2': '406.48',
'voltage l2': '234.51',
'voltage l2-l3': '406.22',
'voltage l3': '234.81',
'voltage l3-l1': '407.50'},
'Grid connection flags': { 'Grid Reconnection Accessing': False,
'Grid Recovery Delaying': False,
'Master Cabinet Online': False,
'Master String Online': False,
'Master System Online': False},
'Load Measures': { 'active power l1': '0.00',
'active power l2': '0.00',
'active power l3': '0.00',
'apparent power l1': '0.00',
'apparent power l2': '0.00',
'apparent power l3': '0.00',
'current l1': '0.00',
'current l2': '0.00',
'current l3': '0.00',
'frequency': '0.00',
'pf1': '0.00',
'pf2': '0.00',
'pf3': '0.00',
'reactive power l1': '0.00',
'reactive power l2': '0.00',
'reactive power l3': '0.00',
'total active power': '0.00',
'total apparent power': '0.00',
'total pf': '0.00',
'total reactive power': '0.00',
'voltage l1': '235.52',
'voltage l1-l2': '406.85',
'voltage l2': '234.51',
'voltage l2-l3': '406.85',
'voltage l3': '234.88',
'voltage l3-l1': '406.96'},
'Operation flags': { 'Charging': False,
'Constant volt float charging': False,
'Constant volt topping charging': False,
'Discharging': True,
'Fully charge': False,
'Running': True,
'Standby': False,
'Totally discharge': False},
'Relay status': { 'AC Bus Switch Closed': False,
'AC Relay Closed': True,
'Bypass Switch Closed': False,
'DC Relay Closed': True,
'DC Switch Closed': False,
'Grid-Tied Switch Closed': False,
'Load Switch Closed': False,
'PEN Relay Closed': False,
'PV Relay Closed': False,
'PV Switch Closed': False},
'Temperatures': { 'ambient temperature': 30,
'cabinet temperature': 34,
'module temperature': 0}}}
# System Data:
{'CN_CascadingRole': 'none',
'DE_Ticket_Number': '47110815',
'ERP_ArticleName': 'power unit sB10p sI4 9005 sDCM 8kW',
'IN_SystemInstalled': '1',
'dc_module': False,
'release_channel': 'stable',
'software_version': '1.8.7'}
# Status:
{'BackupBuffer': '20',
'BatteryCharging': False,
'BatteryDischarging': True,
'Consumption_Avg': 512,
'Consumption_W': 505,
'Fac': 50.04600143432617,
'FlowConsumptionBattery': True,
'FlowConsumptionGrid': True,
'FlowConsumptionProduction': False,
'FlowGridBattery': False,
'FlowProductionBattery': False,
'FlowProductionGrid': False,
'GridFeedIn_W': -62,
'IsSystemInstalled': 1,
'OperatingMode': '2',
'Pac_total_W': 443,
'Production_W': 0,
'RSOC': 42,
'RemainingCapacity_Wh': 22479,
'SystemStatus': 'OnGrid',
'Timestamp': '2023-01-07 17:01:37',
'USOC': 37,
'Uac': 235,
'Ubat': 210,
'dischargeNotAllowed': False,
'generator_autostart': False}
# Battery:
{'measurements': {'alarms': {'communicationerror': 0,
'highestoperationtemperature': 0,
'initializeerror': 0,
'lowestoperationtemperature': 0,
'lowvoltage': 0,
'mixedbmsmodules': 0,
'modulecorrupted': 0,
'overchargecurrent': 0,
'overdischarge': 0,
'overdischargecurrent': 0,
'oversystemchargecurrentlimit': 0,
'oversystemdischargecurrentlimit': 0,
'overtemperaturecharge': 0,
'overtemperaturedischarge': 0,
'overvoltage': 0,
'undertemperaturecharge': 0,
'undertemperaturedischarge': 0,
'wrongbmstype': 0},
'battery_status': {'balancechargerequest': '0',
'chargecurrentlimit': '79.940',
'cyclecount': '254',
'dischargecurrentlimit': '79.940',
'fullchargecapacity': '195.312',
'maximumcelltemperature': '19.95',
'maximumcellvoltage': '3.287',
'maximumcellvoltagenum': '0',
'maximummodulecurrent': '-1.300',
'maximummoduledcvoltage': '105.120',
'maximummoduletemperature': '-273.15',
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'minimumcellvoltagenum': '0',
'minimummodulecurrent': '-1.440',
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'minimummoduletemperature': '-273.15',
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'stateofhealth': '100.0',
'systemalarm': '0',
'systemcurrent': '-2.725',
'systemdcvoltage': '210.215',
'systemstatus': '49',
'systemtime': '0',
'systemwarning': '0'},
'battery_status_units': {'balancechargerequest': '',
'chargecurrentlimit': 'A',
'cyclecount': 'count',
'dischargecurrentlimit': 'A',
'fullchargecapacity': 'Ah',
'maximumcelltemperature': 'C',
'maximumcellvoltage': 'V',
'maximumcellvoltagenum': '',
'maximummodulecurrent': 'A',
'maximummoduledcvoltage': 'V',
'maximummoduletemperature': 'C',
'minimumcelltemperature': 'C',
'minimumcellvoltage': 'V',
'minimumcellvoltagenum': '',
'minimummodulecurrent': 'A',
'minimummoduledcvoltage': 'V',
'minimummoduletemperature': 'C',
'relativestateofcharge': '%',
'remainingcapacity': 'Ah',
'stateofhealth': '%',
'systemalarm': '',
'systemcurrent': 'A',
'systemdcvoltage': 'V',
'systemstatus': '',
'systemtime': 'sec',
'systemwarning': ''},
'system_status': {'savedatacompleteflag': 1,
'systemalarmstatus': 0,
'systempoweroffready': 1,
'systemready': 1,
'systemwarningstatus': 0},
'warnings': {'communicationerror': 0,
'fullchargerequestformaintenance': 0,
'loginfailure': 0,
'mixedbmsmodules': 0,
'modulecorrupted': 0,
'notallserialnumbersread': 0,
'overchargecurrent': 0,
'overdischarge': 0,
'overdischargecurrent': 0,
'overtemperaturebalancer': 0,
'overtemperaturecharge': 0,
'overtemperaturedischarge': 0,
'overtemperaturepcb': 0,
'overvoltage': 0,
'undercurrent': 0,
'undertemperaturecharge': 0,
'undertemperaturedischarge': 0,
'undervoltage': 0,
'wrongbmstype': 0,
'wrongserialnumberformat': 0}},
'module_log': {'1': {'ModuleAlarm': {'cellunbalance': 'NO ERROR',
'overchargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overdischargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'overvoltage': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved1': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved2': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'undervoltage': 'NO ERROR'},
'Module_Data': {'celladdress': '1',
'electricalserialnumber': 'redacted',
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'parameterversion': '2.6.4',
'serialnumber': 'redacted',
'softwareversion': '2.8.21',
'systemtime': '0',
'vendorname': 'sonnenModule 4'},
'Module_Status': {'averagecurrent': '-1290',
'chargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'current': '-1290',
'cyclecount': '247',
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'dischargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'fullchargecapacity': '48828',
'maximumcelltemperature': '2921',
'maximumcellvoltage': '3287',
'minimumcelltemperature': '2911',
'minimumcellvoltage': '3283',
'relativestateofcharge': '430',
'remainingcapacity': '20996',
'stateofhealth': '1000'},
'VendorSpecificError': {'afe_balancertemphigh': False,
'afe_overcurrent': False,
'afe_overtemperature': False,
'afe_overvoltage': False,
'afe_pcbtemphigh': False,
'afe_selftesterror': '0x0000',
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'balancertemphigh': False,
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'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
'permanent_balancertemphigh': False,
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'permanent_overtemperature': False,
'permanent_overvoltage': False,
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'permanent_undercurrent': False,
'permanent_undertemperature': False,
'permanent_undervoltage': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False},
'VendorSpecificStatus': {'balancingactive': False,
'charging': False,
'deratingactive': False,
'discharging': True,
'erroractive': 'NO ERROR',
'statusrl': 'CLOSED',
'statusrlcountdown': '8301',
'tricklechargereq': False},
'VendorSpecificWarning': {'balancertemphigh': False,
'overcurrent': False,
'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False}},
'2': {'ModuleAlarm': {'cellunbalance': 'NO ERROR',
'overchargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overdischargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'overvoltage': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved1': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved2': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'undervoltage': 'NO ERROR'},
'Module_Data': {'celladdress': '2',
'electricalserialnumber': 'redacted',
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'parameterversion': '2.6.4',
'serialnumber': 'redacted',
'softwareversion': '2.8.21',
'systemtime': '0',
'vendorname': 'sonnenModule 4'},
'Module_Status': {'averagecurrent': '-1400',
'chargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'current': '-1400',
'cyclecount': '254',
'dcvoltage': '105090',
'dischargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'fullchargecapacity': '48828',
'maximumcelltemperature': '2931',
'maximumcellvoltage': '3285',
'minimumcelltemperature': '2921',
'minimumcellvoltage': '3284',
'relativestateofcharge': '420',
'remainingcapacity': '20507',
'stateofhealth': '1000'},
'VendorSpecificError': {'afe_balancertemphigh': False,
'afe_overcurrent': False,
'afe_overtemperature': False,
'afe_overvoltage': False,
'afe_pcbtemphigh': False,
'afe_selftesterror': '0x0000',
'afe_undercurrent': False,
'afe_undertemperature': False,
'afe_undervoltage': False,
'balancertemphigh': False,
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'overcurrent': False,
'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
'permanent_balancertemphigh': False,
'permanent_overcurrent': False,
'permanent_overtemperature': False,
'permanent_overvoltage': False,
'permanent_pcbtemphigh': False,
'permanent_undercurrent': False,
'permanent_undertemperature': False,
'permanent_undervoltage': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False},
'VendorSpecificStatus': {'balancingactive': True,
'charging': False,
'deratingactive': False,
'discharging': True,
'erroractive': 'NO ERROR',
'statusrl': 'CLOSED',
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'VendorSpecificWarning': {'balancertemphigh': False,
'overcurrent': False,
'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False}},
'3': {'ModuleAlarm': {'cellunbalance': 'NO ERROR',
'overchargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overdischargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'overvoltage': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved1': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved2': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'undervoltage': 'NO ERROR'},
'Module_Data': {'celladdress': '3',
'electricalserialnumber': 'redacted',
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'parameterversion': '2.6.4',
'serialnumber': 'redacted',
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'systemtime': '0',
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'Module_Status': {'averagecurrent': '-1270',
'chargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'current': '-1270',
'cyclecount': '238',
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'dischargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'fullchargecapacity': '48828',
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'minimumcelltemperature': '2901',
'minimumcellvoltage': '3284',
'relativestateofcharge': '740',
'remainingcapacity': '36132',
'stateofhealth': '1000'},
'VendorSpecificError': {'afe_balancertemphigh': False,
'afe_overcurrent': False,
'afe_overtemperature': False,
'afe_overvoltage': False,
'afe_pcbtemphigh': False,
'afe_selftesterror': '0x0000',
'afe_undercurrent': False,
'afe_undertemperature': False,
'afe_undervoltage': False,
'balancertemphigh': False,
'mcuerror': '0x0000',
'overcurrent': False,
'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
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'permanent_overvoltage': False,
'permanent_pcbtemphigh': False,
'permanent_undercurrent': False,
'permanent_undertemperature': False,
'permanent_undervoltage': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False},
'VendorSpecificStatus': {'balancingactive': False,
'charging': False,
'deratingactive': False,
'discharging': True,
'erroractive': 'NO ERROR',
'statusrl': 'CLOSED',
'statusrlcountdown': '8301',
'tricklechargereq': False},
'VendorSpecificWarning': {'balancertemphigh': False,
'overcurrent': False,
'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False}},
'4': {'ModuleAlarm': {'cellunbalance': 'NO ERROR',
'overchargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overdischargecurrent': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'overtemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'overvoltage': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved1': 'NO ERROR',
'reserved2': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturecharge': 'NO ERROR',
'undertemperaturedischarge': 'NO ERROR',
'undervoltage': 'NO ERROR'},
'Module_Data': {'celladdress': '4',
'electricalserialnumber': 'redacted',
'electricalversion': '3',
'parameterversion': '2.6.4',
'serialnumber': 'redacted',
'softwareversion': '2.8.21',
'systemtime': '0',
'vendorname': 'sonnenModule 4'},
'Module_Status': {'averagecurrent': '-1380',
'chargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'current': '-1380',
'cyclecount': '249',
'dcvoltage': '105110',
'dischargecurrentlimit': '39970',
'fullchargecapacity': '48828',
'maximumcelltemperature': '2931',
'maximumcellvoltage': '3286',
'minimumcelltemperature': '2921',
'minimumcellvoltage': '3284',
'relativestateofcharge': '600',
'remainingcapacity': '29296',
'stateofhealth': '1000'},
'VendorSpecificError': {'afe_balancertemphigh': False,
'afe_overcurrent': False,
'afe_overtemperature': False,
'afe_overvoltage': False,
'afe_pcbtemphigh': False,
'afe_selftesterror': '0x0000',
'afe_undercurrent': False,
'afe_undertemperature': False,
'afe_undervoltage': False,
'balancertemphigh': False,
'mcuerror': '0x0000',
'overcurrent': False,
'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
'permanent_balancertemphigh': False,
'permanent_overcurrent': False,
'permanent_overtemperature': False,
'permanent_overvoltage': False,
'permanent_pcbtemphigh': False,
'permanent_undercurrent': False,
'permanent_undertemperature': False,
'permanent_undervoltage': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False},
'VendorSpecificStatus': {'balancingactive': True,
'charging': False,
'deratingactive': False,
'discharging': True,
'erroractive': 'NO ERROR',
'statusrl': 'CLOSED',
'statusrlcountdown': '8301',
'tricklechargereq': False},
'VendorSpecificWarning': {'balancertemphigh': False,
'overcurrent': False,
'overtemperature': False,
'overvoltage': False,
'pcbtemphigh': False,
'undercurrent': False,
'undertemperature': False,
'undervoltage': False}}},
'module_refresh_running': False,
'show_refresh': True}
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