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Last active May 27, 2018 04:03
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A concept of a generic, reusable TimeLine which can be used to calculate a value between key frames based on the progression through the timeline
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class TimeLine<T> {
private Map<Float, KeyFrame<T>> mapEvents;
private Blender<T> blender;
private SplineInterpolator splineInterpolator;
public TimeLine(Blender<T> blender) {
this(blender, null);
public TimeLine(Blender<T> blender, SplineInterpolator splineInterpolator) {
mapEvents = new TreeMap<>();
this.blender = blender;
this.splineInterpolator = splineInterpolator;
public void setBlender(Blender<T> blender) {
this.blender = blender;
public Blender<T> getBlender() {
return blender;
public void setSplineInterpolator(SplineInterpolator splineInterpolator) {
this.splineInterpolator = splineInterpolator;
public SplineInterpolator getSplineInterpolator() {
return splineInterpolator;
public void add(float progress, T value) {
mapEvents.put(progress, new KeyFrame<T>(progress, value));
public T getValueAt(float progress) {
if (progress < 0) {
progress = 0;
} else if (progress > 1) {
progress = 1;
SplineInterpolator interpolator = getSplineInterpolator();
if (interpolator != null) {
progress = (float)interpolator.interpolate(progress);
List<KeyFrame<T>> keyFrames = getKeyFramesBetween(progress);
float max = keyFrames.get(1).progress - keyFrames.get(0).progress;
float value = progress - keyFrames.get(0).progress;
float weight = value / max;
T blend = blend(keyFrames.get(0).getValue(), keyFrames.get(1).getValue(), 1f - weight);
return blend;
public List<KeyFrame<T>> getKeyFramesBetween(float progress) {
List<KeyFrame<T>> frames = new ArrayList<>(2);
int startAt = 0;
Float[] keyFrames = mapEvents.keySet().toArray(new Float[mapEvents.size()]);
while (startAt < keyFrames.length && keyFrames[startAt] <= progress) {
if (startAt >= keyFrames.length) {
startAt = keyFrames.length - 1;
frames.add(mapEvents.get(keyFrames[startAt - 1]));
return frames;
protected T blend(T start, T end, float ratio) {
return blender.blend(start, end, ratio);
public static interface Blender<T> {
public T blend(T start, T end, float ratio);
public class KeyFrame<T> {
private float progress;
private T value;
public KeyFrame(float progress, T value) {
this.progress = progress;
this.value = value;
public float getProgress() {
return progress;
public T getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return "KeyFrame progress = " + getProgress() + "; value = " + getValue();
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RustyKnight commented May 26, 2018

A sample implementation of a Blender for "float" values

	public class FloatBlender implements TimeLine.Blender<Float> {

		public Float blend(Float start, Float end, float ratio) {
			float ir = (float) 1.0 - ratio;
			return (float) (start * ratio + end * ir);


A simple timeline can be established with a series of "key frames", which specify key values at given points along the timeline

timeLine = new DurationTimeLine<>(new FloatBlender());
timeLine.add(0.0f, 0.0f);
timeLine.add(0.5f, 1.0f);
timeLine.add(1.0f, 0.0f);

A value can then be extracted from the TimeLine using getValueAt(float) (where at is a normalised value between 0-1) which will return the value for the specified progress

The overall concept (and partial motivation) is demonstrated at

The "concept" is also used at

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The TimeLine makes use of a SplineInterpolator which can be found at

This allows the TimeLine to support interpolations of the value based on the time curve - that is, things like slow-in, slow-out

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