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Last active July 7, 2022 19:57
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(defn gc-managed-pool
"Wraps a manually managed pool to create an automatically managed pool
that returns resources to the pool as the doled out references are
garbage collected by the jvm."
[pool borrow return]
(letfn [(interfaces [x]
(->> (ancestors (class x))
(filter class?)
(filter #(.isInterface %))))
(create-facade [x]
(.getClassLoader (class x))
(into-array Class (interfaces x))
(reify InvocationHandler
(invoke [this proxy method args]
(.invoke method x args)))))]
(let [queue (ReferenceQueue.)
references (atom #{})]
(loop []
(when-some [ref (.remove queue)]
(let [{:keys [resource]} (meta ref)]
(swap! references disj resource)
(return pool resource)
(finally (.clear ref)))
(fn [& args]
(let [created (apply borrow pool args)
view (create-facade created)
state {:resource created}
reference (proxy [WeakReference IMeta] [view queue]
(meta [] state))]
(swap! references conj created)
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Wraps a manually managed resource pool with logic that returns resources to the pool as the doled out references are garbage collected by the JVM.

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