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Last active August 1, 2022 14:35
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(defn create-index [distance-fn]
(with-meta {} {:distance-fn distance-fn}))
(defn index->root [index]
(-> index meta :root))
(defn index->distance-fn [index]
(-> index meta :distance-fn))
(defn index-many [index objects]
(letfn [(index-one
([index x]
(if-some [root (index->root index)]
(index-one root index x)
(vary-meta index assoc :root x)))
([root index x]
(let [distance ((index->distance-fn index) root x)
child (get-in index [root distance])]
(if (some? child)
(recur child index x)
(update index root
(fn [value]
(if (some? value)
(assoc value distance x)
(sorted-map distance x))))))))]
(reduce index-one index objects)))
(defn query [index tolerance query]
(letfn [(search [root]
(let [distance ((index->distance-fn index) root query)
min (- distance tolerance)
max (+ distance tolerance)
children (or (get index root) (sorted-map))
frontier (map val (subseq children >= min <= max))]
(if (empty? frontier)
(if (<= distance tolerance)
(list {:node root :distance distance})
(if (<= distance tolerance)
(cons {:node root :distance distance} (mapcat search frontier))
(mapcat search frontier)))))]
(fn [m x]
(update m (:distance x) (fnil conj #{}) (:node x)))
(search (index->root index)))))
(def index (create-index clj-fuzzy.levenshtein/distance))
(def index (index-many index ["book" "rook" "nooks" "boon"]))
; => {"book" {1 "rook", 2 "nooks"}, "rook" {2 "boon"}}
(query index 1 "soon")
; => {1 #{"boon"}}
(query index 2 "soon")
; => {1 #{"boon"}, 2 #{"book" "rook"}}
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