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Last active December 15, 2023 01:55
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A class that provides translation capabilities with support for multiple sources, such as file-based translations and database translations.
* MultiSourceTranslator is a class that provides translation capabilities with support for multiple sources, such as
* file-based translations and database translations. It allows you to load translations for multiple languages and
* supports string interpolation using placeholders.
* @class MultiSourceTranslator
* @author Mohamed Riyad <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2023 RyadPasha. All rights reserved.
* @license MIT
* @version 1.1.8-2023.12.15
* @see {@link} for updates
import * as fs from 'fs'
import { CronJob } from 'cron'
import mysql, { Pool } from 'mysql2'
import logger from './logger'
// Table structure for the translations table
// CREATE TABLE `translations` (
// `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
// `language` varchar(6) NOT NULL,
// `t_key` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
// `t_value` text NOT NULL,
// PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
// UNIQUE KEY `lang_key` (`language`,`t_key`)
interface TranslationRecord {
id?: number
language: string
t_key: string
t_value: string
interface Translation {
[key: string]: string | Translation
interface MultiSourceTranslatorOptions {
filePath: string // Path to the directory containing translation files
defaultLanguage?: string // Default language code
loadFileTranslations?: boolean // Load translations from files
loadDbTranslations?: boolean // Load translations from the database
syncTranslationsToDatabase?: boolean // Sync the file translations to the database (WARNING: This should not be used in production)
truncateTranslationsTableBeforeSync?: boolean // Truncate the 'translations' table before synchronizing translations
logsEnabled?: boolean // Enable/disable logging
refreshCronJob?: string // Cron job to periodically refresh translations
saveMissingTranslations?: boolean // Save missing translations to a JSON file
checkConsistency?: boolean // Check if translations are consistent across languages
export class MultiSourceTranslator {
private fileTranslations: { [language: string]: Translation } = {}
private dbTranslations: { [language: string]: Translation } = {}
private fileLoaded: boolean = false
private dbLoaded: boolean = false
private allLanguageCodes: string[] = []
private readonly pool: Pool
private isInitiated: boolean = false
* Construct a MultiSourceTranslator instance.
* @param options - The configuration options.
* @param dbConfigOrPool - The MySQL connection pool or configuration object.
constructor(private options: MultiSourceTranslatorOptions, dbConfigOrPool?: Pool | object) {
if (!options) {
throw new Error('Missing required argument "options".')
} else if (!options.filePath) {
throw new Error('Missing required option "filePath".')
// Set default values if not provided in options
options.defaultLanguage = options.defaultLanguage || 'en'
options.loadFileTranslations = options.loadFileTranslations !== undefined ? options.loadFileTranslations : true
options.loadDbTranslations = options.loadDbTranslations !== undefined ? options.loadDbTranslations : true
options.syncTranslationsToDatabase = options.syncTranslationsToDatabase !== undefined ? options.syncTranslationsToDatabase : false
options.truncateTranslationsTableBeforeSync = options.truncateTranslationsTableBeforeSync !== undefined ? options.truncateTranslationsTableBeforeSync : false
options.logsEnabled = options.logsEnabled !== undefined ? options.logsEnabled : false
options.saveMissingTranslations = options.saveMissingTranslations !== undefined ? options.saveMissingTranslations : false
options.checkConsistency = options.checkConsistency !== undefined ? options.checkConsistency : false
if (dbConfigOrPool) {
if ('createPool' in dbConfigOrPool) {
* The MySQL connection pool.
* @type {Pool}
this.pool = dbConfigOrPool as Pool
} else if (typeof dbConfigOrPool === 'object' && !Array.isArray(dbConfigOrPool)) {
* The MySQL connection pool.
* @type {Pool}
this.pool = mysql.createPool(dbConfigOrPool as object)
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid argument type for dbConfigOrPool. Expected an object or a mysql.Pool instance.')
if (options.filePath && options.syncTranslationsToDatabase) {
this.log('WARNING: Translations will be synchronized to the database. This will overwrite any existing translations in the database.')
this.log('WARNING: This should not be used in production.')
this.syncTranslationsToDatabase(options.filePath, options.truncateTranslationsTableBeforeSync).then(() => {
this.log('Translations have been synchronized to the database.')
* Initialize the translator by loading translations from file and/or database based on configuration.
* @async
async init(): Promise<void> {
if (this.isInitiated) return
await this.loadTranslations()
this.isInitiated = true
if (this.options.checkConsistency) {
if (this.options.refreshCronJob) {
// Schedule the refresh cron job to periodically update translations
new CronJob(this.options.refreshCronJob, () => {
this.log('Refreshing translations...')
* Log the given arguments.
* @param args
log(...args: any[]) {
if (this.options.logsEnabled) console.log(...args)
* Load translations from file and/or database, based on the configuration.
* @private
* @async
private async loadTranslations(): Promise<void> {
if (this.options.loadFileTranslations && !this.fileLoaded) {
if (this.options.loadDbTranslations && !this.dbLoaded) {
await this.loadDbTranslationsFromDatabase()
// Combine language codes from 'fileTranslations' and 'dbTranslations', remove duplicates using a Set,
// and store the unique language codes in 'allLanguageCodes' array.
this.allLanguageCodes = [ Set([...Object.keys(this.fileTranslations), ...Object.keys(this.dbTranslations)])]
* Load translations from files in the specified directory and detects available languages.
* @private
private loadFileTranslationsFromDirectory() {
try {
this.log(`Loading translations from files in "${this.options.filePath}"...`)
const files = fs.readdirSync(this.options.filePath)
for (const file of files) {
if (file.endsWith('.json')) {
const language = file.replace('.json', '')
if (language.endsWith('.missing')) {
// this.log(`Skipping missing translations file "${file}".`)
this.log(`Loading translations from file "${file}" ...`)
if (language.length !== 2) {
this.log(`Invalid language code "${language}". Skipping file "${file}".`)
const data = fs.readFileSync(`${this.options.filePath}/${file}`, 'utf-8')
const translations = JSON.parse(data)
// Recursively flatten and store translations in the desired format
const flattenTranslations = (currentObj, currentKey = '') => {
for (const key in currentObj) {
const newKey = currentKey ? `${currentKey}.${key}` : key
if (typeof currentObj[key] === 'object') {
flattenTranslations(currentObj[key], newKey)
} else {
this.fileTranslations[language] = this.fileTranslations[language] || {}
this.fileTranslations[language][newKey] = currentObj[key]
this.log('Translations have been loaded from files.')
this.fileLoaded = true
} catch (error) {
this.log('Error loading translations from files:', error)
* Load translations from the database and detects available languages.
* @private
* @async
private async loadDbTranslationsFromDatabase(): Promise<void> {
try {
if (!this.pool) {'MySQL connection pool is not initialized.')
const [result] = await this.pool.promise().execute('SELECT language, t_key, t_value FROM translations')
const rows = result as TranslationRecord[]
for (const row of rows) {
const language = row.language
if (!this.dbTranslations[language]) {
this.dbTranslations[language] = {}
this.dbTranslations[language][row.t_key] = row.t_value
this.dbLoaded = true
} catch (error) {
this.log('Error loading translations from the database:', error)
* Translate a given key in the specified language with optional string interpolation using placeholders.
* @param key - The translation key.
* @param placeholders - Optional placeholders for string interpolation.
* @param language - The language for which the translation is needed.
* @returns A translated string.
translate(key: string, placeholders?: Record<string, string>, language?: string): string {
if (!language) language = this.options.defaultLanguage
if (!placeholders) placeholders = {}
// Normalize the provided language to a standard format (e.g., "en-US" or "en")
language = this.normalizeLanguage(language)
// Load translations from the file in case the class was not initialized (init() is not called)
if (this.options.loadFileTranslations && !this.fileLoaded) {
// if (this.options.loadDbTranslations && !this.dbLoaded) {
// await this.loadDbTranslationsFromDatabase()
// }
const dbTranslation = this.findTranslation(this.dbTranslations[language], key)
if (dbTranslation !== undefined) {
return this.interpolate(dbTranslation, placeholders)
const fileTranslation = this.findTranslation(this.fileTranslations[language], key)
if (fileTranslation !== undefined) {
return this.interpolate(fileTranslation, placeholders)
// Fallback to the default language if available
if (language !== this.options.defaultLanguage) {
this.log(`Translation for "${key}" in "${language}" not found. Fallback to default language "${this.options.defaultLanguage}".`)
const defaultDbTranslation = this.findTranslation(this.dbTranslations[this.options.defaultLanguage], key)
if (defaultDbTranslation !== undefined) {
return this.interpolate(defaultDbTranslation, placeholders)
const defaultFileTranslation = this.findTranslation(this.fileTranslations[this.options.defaultLanguage], key)
if (defaultFileTranslation !== undefined) {
return this.interpolate(defaultFileTranslation, placeholders)
// Fallback to the default value if available
if (placeholders['defaultValue']) {
return this.interpolate(placeholders['defaultValue'], placeholders)
// Otherwise, return the key itself
const lastKey = key.lastIndexOf('.')
const defaultValue = key.substring(lastKey + 1)
if (this.options.saveMissingTranslations) {
this.saveMissingTranslation(key, language, defaultValue)
const keyBasedTranslation = this.interpolate(key, placeholders)
return keyBasedTranslation === key ? defaultValue : keyBasedTranslation
* Common function to process translation arguments.
* @param args - Translation arguments.
* @returns Object containing 'key', 'placeholders' and 'defaultValue'.
processTranslationArgs(...args: [key: string, placeholders?: Record<string, string> | { defaultValue: string }] | [key: string, defaultValue?: string, placeholders?: Record<string, string>]) {
let key, defaultValue, placeholders
if (args.length === 1) {
;[key] = args
} else if (args.length === 2) {
let arg2
;[key, arg2] = args
if (typeof arg2 === 'string') {
defaultValue = arg2
} else {
if (arg2 && arg2.defaultValue) {
defaultValue = arg2.defaultValue
placeholders = arg2
} else if (args.length === 3) {
;[key, defaultValue, placeholders] = args
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid number of arguments')
if (defaultValue) {
placeholders = placeholders || {}
placeholders['defaultValue'] = defaultValue
return { key, placeholders, defaultValue }
* Translate a given key in the specified language with optional string interpolation using placeholders.
* @param language - The language for which the translation is needed.
* @param args - The translation key, optional default value, and optional placeholders for string interpolation.
* @returns A translated string.
language = null,
...args: [key: string, placeholders?: Record<string, string> | { defaultValue: string }] | [key: string, defaultValue?: string, placeholders?: Record<string, string>]
): string {
const { key, placeholders, defaultValue } = this.processTranslationArgs(...args)
if (!key) return defaultValue
// Call the translate function with the given language, if any
return this.translate(key, placeholders, language)
* Translate a message for multiple languages and return translations in an object.
* @param args - The translation key, optional default value, and optional placeholders for string interpolation.
* @returns Translations for all languages.
...args: [key: string, placeholders?: Record<string, string> | { defaultValue: string }] | [key: string, defaultValue?: string, placeholders?: Record<string, string>]
): Record<string, string> {
const { key, placeholders, defaultValue } = this.processTranslationArgs(...args)
const translations: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const language of this.allLanguageCodes) {
if (!key) {
translations[language] = defaultValue
} else {
const translation = this.translate(key, placeholders, language)
if (translation) {
translations[language] = translation
return translations
* Recursively searches for a translation key in a translation object.
* @private
* @param translations - The translation object.
* @param key - The translation key (e.g., "common.greeting.hello").
* @returns The translated string or undefined if the key is not found.
private findTranslation(translations: Translation, key: string): string | undefined {
if (!translations) return undefined
if (key in translations) {
return translations[key] as string
* Interpolate placeholders in a translation string using the provided placeholders.
* @private
* @param translation - The translation string containing placeholders.
* @param placeholders - A dictionary of placeholders and their corresponding values.
* @returns The interpolated translation string.
private interpolate(translation: string, placeholders: Record<string, string>): string {
return translation.replace(/{{(\w+)}}/g, (match, placeholder) => {
return placeholders[placeholder] || match
* Normalize the provided language code to a standard format (e.g., "en-US" or "en").
* @private
* @param language - Language code to normalize.
* @returns The normalized language code.
private normalizeLanguage(language: string): string {
return (language + '').substring(0, 2).toLowerCase()
* Recursively merge two objects, where object properties are deep-merged.
* @param {object} obj1 - The first object to merge.
* @param {object} obj2 - The second object to merge.
* @returns {object} - The merged object.
mergeObjects(obj1: object, obj2: object): object {
for (const key in obj2) {
if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof obj1[key] === 'object' && typeof obj2[key] === 'object') {
obj1[key] = this.mergeObjects(obj1[key], obj2[key])
} else {
obj1[key] = obj2[key]
return obj1
* Convert a dot-separated string into an object structure.
* @param str - The dot-separated string representing the object structure.
* @param value - The value to assign to the innermost property.
* @returns An object with the specified structure.
createObjectFromString(str: string, value: any): object {
// Split the input string by dots and reverse the array to process keys in reverse order.
const keys = str.split('.') //.reverse()
let result = value
// Build the object structure from innermost property to outermost property.
while (keys.length) {
const key = keys.pop()
result = { [key]: result }
return result
* Save missing translations to a JSON file with the specified language code.
* @param key The translation key.
* @param language The language code for which to save missing translations.
* @param value The translation value.
saveMissingTranslation(key: string, language: string, value: string = 'MISSING_TRANSLATION'): void {
const filePath = `${this.options.filePath}/${language}.missing.json`
// Merge your object into the existing data
const objectFromStr = this.createObjectFromString(key, value)
// Initialize an empty object as the default data
let existingData = {}
try {
// Attempt to read the existing JSON data from the file
const existingDataString = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')
existingData = JSON.parse(existingDataString)
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
// Handle the case where the file does not exist
this.log('File not found. Creating a new one.')
} else {
// Handle other file read errors
this.log('Error reading the file:', err)
try {
const mergedData = this.mergeObjects(existingData, objectFromStr)
// Write the merged data back to the JSON file
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(mergedData, null, 2), 'utf8')
this.log(`Missing translations for "${key}" in "${language}" have been saved to "${filePath}".`)
} catch (error) {
this.log('Error saving missing translations:', error)
* Synchronize translations from translation files to the database.
* @async
* @param filePath - The path to the directory containing translation files.
* @param truncateTable - Whether to truncate the 'translations' table before synchronizing translations. Defaults to `false`.
async syncTranslationsToDatabase(filePath: string, truncateTable: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
try {
const files = fs.readdirSync(filePath)
if (truncateTable) {
await this.pool.promise().execute('TRUNCATE TABLE translations')
for (const file of files) {
if (file.endsWith('.json')) {
const language = file.replace('.json', '')
if (language.endsWith('.missing')) {
// this.log(`Skipping missing translations file "${file}".`)
if (language.length !== 2) {
this.log(`Invalid language code "${language}". Skipping file "${file}".`)
const data = fs.readFileSync(`${filePath}/${file}`, 'utf-8')
const translations = JSON.parse(data)
const updatedTranslations = {}
// Recursively flatten and store translations in the desired format
const flattenTranslations = (currentObj, currentKey = '') => {
for (const key in currentObj) {
const newKey = currentKey ? `${currentKey}.${key}` : key
if (typeof currentObj[key] === 'object') {
flattenTranslations(currentObj[key], newKey)
} else {
updatedTranslations[language] = updatedTranslations[language] || {}
updatedTranslations[language][newKey] = currentObj[key]
for (const language in updatedTranslations) {
for (const key in updatedTranslations[language]) {
await this.insertOrUpdateTranslation(language, key, updatedTranslations[language][key])
} catch (error) {
this.log('Error syncing translations to the database:', error)
* Insert or update a translation in the database.
* @async
* @private
* @param language - The language of the translation.
* @param key - The translation key.
* @param value - The translation value.
private async insertOrUpdateTranslation(language: string, key: string, value: string): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.pool.promise().execute('INSERT INTO translations (language, t_key, t_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE t_value = VALUES(t_value)', [language, key, value])
} catch (error) {
this.log('Error inserting/updating translation:', error)
* Compare translations and identifies the keys that are missing in certain languages.
* @param translations - The translations object containing language-specific key-value pairs.
* @returns An array of strings indicating the differences in translations.
compareFieldsAcrossLanguages(translations: { [language: string]: Translation }): string[] {
const keys = new Set<string>()
// Collect all keys from all languages
for (const lang in translations) {
for (const key in translations[lang]) {
const differences: string[] = []
// Check each key for availability in each language
keys.forEach((key) => {
const availableIn: string[] = []
for (const lang in translations) {
if (translations[lang][key]) {
// If a key is missing in a language, add it to differences
const missingIn = Object.keys(translations).filter((lang) => !availableIn.includes(lang))
if (missingIn.length > 0) {
differences.push(`'${key}' is available in '${availableIn.join(`' and '`)}' but not in '${missingIn.join(`' or '`)}'`)
if (differences.length > 0) {
logger.warn('Translations are not consistent across languages:')
differences.forEach((diff) => logger.warn(diff))
return differences
// Example usage
const dbConfig = {
host: 'host',
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
database: 'database',
charset: 'utf8mb4'
const translator = new MultiSourceTranslator(
filePath: './src/translations',
defaultLanguage: 'en',
loadFileTranslations: true,
loadDbTranslations: true,
syncTranslationsToDatabase: true, // WARNING: This should not be used in production
truncateTranslationsTableBeforeSync: false, // WARNING: This should not be used in production
checkConsistency: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', // WARNING: This should not be used in production
refreshCronJob: process.env.REFRESH_CRON_JOB
translator.init().then(async () => {
const translation = await translator.translate('common.greeting.hello', 'en', {
name: 'Mohamed'
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