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Last active July 20, 2019 10:53
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Save RyadPasha/cdeb607587d9812559175d10b9784570 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Full Secure File Upload Function in PHP.
* @project: PHP File Uploader
* @purpose: This fuction provides a full secure file upload in PHP.
* @version: 1.0
* @author: Mohamed Riyad
* @created on: 9 Jun, 2019
* @url:
* @email:
* @license: GNU General Public License v3.0
* @see:
* Ex.: Suppose we have a posted file with field
* name ‘profile_pic’ ($_FILES['profile_pic'])
* Since it's a picture, we can validate it as follows:
* secureUpload('profile_pic', 'uploads/', 2000000, 'user_111112', true, true);
function secureUpload($fileField = null, $uploadPath = 'uploads/', $maxSize = 8000000, $newName = 1, $isImage = true, $checkImage = false, $allowedMimeTypes = []) {
// Create an array to hold any outputs:
$output = [];
$allowedMimeTypes =
['jpeg'=> 'image/jpeg',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'png' => 'image/png',
'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
'gif' => 'image/gif'];
elseif(!is_array($allowedMimeTypes) || @count($allowedMimeTypes) < 1)
$allowedMimeTypes =
else if(isset($allowedMimeTypes['0'])) $output['errors'][] = 'The allowed extensions must be used as index for each MIME type in the ‘$allowedMimeTypes’ array.';
$uploadPath = rtrim($uploadPath, '/') . '/'; // Checking if path ends in '/' ... if not then tack it on.
// || Validation ||
if(!$fileField) $output['errors'][] = 'Please specify a valid file field.';
if(!$uploadPath) $output['errors'][] = 'Please specify a valid upload path.';
if(@count($output['errors']) > 0) return $output;
if((!empty($_FILES[$fileField])) && ($_FILES[$fileField]['error'] == 0)) {
// Get file info:
$fileInfo = pathinfo($_FILES[$fileField]['name']);
$fileName = $fileInfo['filename'];
$fileSize = $_FILES[$fileField]['size'];
$fileExt = strtolower($fileInfo['extension']);
// Check if the file has the right extension and type:
if(!@isset($allowedMimeTypes[$fileExt])) $output['errors'][] = 'Invalid file extension.';
if(!@in_array($_FILES[$fileField]['type'], $allowedMimeTypes)) $output['errors'][] = 'Invalid file type.';
// Check that the file is not too big .. Given $maxSize in (byets).
if($fileSize > $maxSize) $output['errors'][] = 'File is too big. Max allowed size is: '.($maxSize / 1024).' Kb, yours is '.($fileSize / 1024).' Kb.';
// If ‘$isImage’ AND ‘$checkImage’ are set to ‘true’
// Then, using getimagesize(), we'll be processing the image with the GD library.
// If it isn’t an image, this will fail and therefor the entire upload will fail:
if($checkImage && $isImage){if(!getimagesize($_FILES[$fileField]['tmp_name'])) $output['errors'][] = 'Uploaded file is not a valid image.';}
$newFileName = ($newName === 1 ? sprintf('%s.%s', md5_file($_FILES[$fileField]['tmp_name']), $fileExt) // If ($newName = 1) <- $newFileName = Md5_file
: ($newName === 2 ? sprintf('%s.%s', substr(md5(microtime()),0,15), $fileExt) // If ($newName = 2) <- $newFileName = Random name
: ($newName === 3 ? sprintf('%s.%s', $fileName, $fileExt) // If ($newName = 3) <- $newFileName = Same name
: sprintf('%s.%s', $newName, $fileExt)))); // Else <- $newFileName = The name passed in ‘$newName’
// Check if file already exists on server:
if(file_exists($uploadPath.$newFileName)) $output['errors'][] = 'A file with the same name already exists.';
// Create the $uploadPath if it doesn't already exist:
if(!is_dir($uploadPath)) @mkdir($uploadPath) OR $output['errors'][] = 'Error creating directory: '.str_replace(['mkdir(): ','File'],['','Directory'], error_get_last()['message']);
// The file has not correctly validated:
if(@count($output['errors']) > 0) return $output;
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fileField]['tmp_name'], $uploadPath.$newFileName)) {
$output['filename'] = $newFileName;
$output['filepath'] = $uploadPath;
$output['filesize'] = $fileSize;
} else $output['errors'][] = 'Server error.';
} else $output['errors'][] = 'No file uploaded.';
return $output;
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