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Last active May 7, 2019 09:59
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Native SKSE64 Task Interface Implementation
#include "common/IDebugLog.h" // IDebugLog
#include "skse64_common/skse_version.h" // RUNTIME_VERSION
#include "skse64/gamethreads.h" // TaskDelegate
#include "skse64/PluginAPI.h" // SKSETaskInterface, SKSEInterface, PluginInfo
#include <ShlObj.h> // CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS
#include "version.h" // VERSION_VERSTRING, VERSION_MAJOR
static SKSETaskInterface* g_taskInterface = 0;
class MyDelegate : public TaskDelegate
virtual void Run() override
_MESSAGE("This task is running on the main thread!");
virtual void Dispose() override
delete this;
extern "C" {
bool SKSEPlugin_Query(const SKSEInterface* a_skse, PluginInfo* a_info)
gLog.OpenRelative(CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, "\\My Games\\Skyrim Special Edition\\SKSE\\MyFirstPlugin.log");
a_info->infoVersion = PluginInfo::kInfoVersion;
a_info->name = "MyFirstPlugin";
a_info->version = MYFP_VERSION_MAJOR;
if (a_skse->isEditor) {
_FATALERROR("[FATAL ERROR] Loaded in editor, marking as incompatible!\n");
return false;
} else if (a_skse->runtimeVersion != RUNTIME_VERSION_1_5_73) {
_FATALERROR("[FATAL ERROR] Unsupported runtime version %08X!\n", a_skse->runtimeVersion);
return false;
return true;
bool SKSEPlugin_Load(const SKSEInterface* a_skse)
_MESSAGE("[MESSAGE] MyFirstPlugin loaded");
g_taskInterface = static_cast<SKSETaskInterface*>(a_skse->QueryInterface(kInterface_Task));
if (!g_taskInterface) {
return false;
g_taskInterface->AddTask(new MyDelegate());
return true;
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