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Last active August 10, 2020 21:47
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Job Tracker using EFPosh PowerShell Module
Function Start-CollectionMigration {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
Function Test-CollectionMigration {
$Random = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10
if($Random -eq 2){
return $false
return $true
Function Get-CollectionsToMigrate {
10..99 | foreach-object { @{ 'CollectionId' = "PS1000$($_)" } }
Class JobTracker {
$Tables = @( New-EFPoshEntityDefinition -Type 'JobTracker' -PrimaryKeys 'CollectionId' )
$Context = New-EFPoshContext -SQLiteFile '.\JobTracker.sqlite' -Entities $Tables -EnsureCreated
$CollectionsToMigrate = Get-CollectionsToMigrate
Foreach($Collection in $CollectionsToMigrate) {
$Record = Search-EFPosh -Entity $Context.JobTracker -Expression { $_.CollectionId -eq $Collection.CollectionId } -FirstOrDefault
if($null -eq $Record){
$Record = [JobTracker]::new()
$Record.CollectionId = $Collection.CollectionId
if($false -eq $Record.Complete){
Write-Host "Migrating $($Collection.CollectionId)"
Start-CollectionMigration -Collection $Collection
$Record.Complete = Test-CollectionMigration -Collection $Collection
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