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Last active January 18, 2016 21:22
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  • Save Ryan2065/c5bf40ac7cf5f1b7860a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ryan2065/c5bf40ac7cf5f1b7860a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create WPF code from XAML
Function New-EphingWPFCode {
Writes the code for a new WPF window in the ISE
The $xaml varialbe needs to be loaded in the session before this is run
Make sure to highlight the $xaml varialbe and run it!
New-EphingWPFCode -VariableName 'NewWindow' -xaml $xaml
This will create WPF code with the variable name NewWindow
New-EphingWPFCode -xaml $xaml
This will create WPF code with the variable name Window
.PARAMETER VariableName
Specify the variable name
AUTHOR: Ryan Ephgrave
LASTEDIT: 09/30/2015 10:26:11
Param (
[string]$VariableName = 'Window',
#[bool]$HideConsoleWindow = $false,
$EditorText = @"
# Add assemblies
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework,PresentationCore,WindowsBase
# Make window
`$$VariableName = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader `$xaml))
`$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | Foreach-Object { Set-Variable -Name (("$VariableName" + "_" + `$_.Name)) -Value `$$VariableName.FindName(`$_.Name) }
#region Create Class
if($CreateClass) {
$CreatedClass = $false
$VariablesAdded = @()
$ClassText = @'
#region CreateClass
Add-Type -Language CSharp @'
using System.ComponentModel;
public class WindowClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Title]") | Foreach-Object {
If($_.Title.ToString().Contains('{Binding')) {
$BindPath = $_.Title.ToString().Replace('{Binding Path=','').Replace('{Binding ','')
$BindPath = $BindPath.Substring(0,$BindPath.Length - 1)
if ($VariablesAdded -inotcontains $BindPath) {
$PrivateVariable = "private" + $BindPath
if(!($CreatedClass)) {
$CreatedClass = $true
$ClassText = $ClassText + @"
private string $PrivateVariable;
public string $BindPath
get { return $PrivateVariable; }
$PrivateVariable = value;
$VariablesAdded += @($BindPath)
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Content]") | Foreach-Object {
If($_.Content.ToString().Contains('{Binding')) {
$BindPath = $_.Content.ToString().Replace('{Binding Path=','').Replace('{Binding ','')
$BindPath = $BindPath.Substring(0,$BindPath.Length - 1)
if ($VariablesAdded -inotcontains $BindPath) {
$PrivateVariable = "private" + $BindPath
if(!($CreatedClass)) {
$CreatedClass = $true
$ClassText = $ClassText + @"
private string $PrivateVariable;
public string $BindPath
get { return $PrivateVariable; }
$PrivateVariable = value;
$VariablesAdded += @($BindPath)
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Text]") | Foreach-Object {
If($_.Text.ToString().Contains('{Binding')) {
$BindPath = $_.Text.ToString().Replace('{Binding Path=','').Replace('{Binding ','')
$BindPath = $BindPath.Substring(0,$BindPath.Length - 1)
if ($VariablesAdded -inotcontains $BindPath) {
$PrivateVariable = "private" + $BindPath
if(!($CreatedClass)) {
$CreatedClass = $true
$ClassText = $ClassText + @"
private string $PrivateVariable;
public string $BindPath
get { return $PrivateVariable; }
$PrivateVariable = value;
$VariablesAdded += @($BindPath)
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@ItemsSource]") | Foreach-Object {
If($_.ItemsSource.ToString().Contains('{Binding')) {
$BindPath = $_.ItemsSource.ToString().Replace('{Binding Path=','').Replace('{Binding ','')
$BindPath = $BindPath.Substring(0,$BindPath.Length - 1)
if ($VariablesAdded -inotcontains $BindPath) {
$PrivateVariable = "private" + $BindPath
if(!($CreatedClass)) {
$CreatedClass = $true
$ClassText = $ClassText + @"
private object $PrivateVariable;
public object $BindPath
get { return $PrivateVariable; }
$PrivateVariable = value;
$VariablesAdded += @($BindPath)
if($CreatedClass) {
$ClassText = $ClassText + @"
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string property)
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
$EditorText = $EditorText + $ClassText
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | Foreach-Object {
if (($_.LocalName -eq 'Button') -or ($_.LocalName -eq 'MenuItem')) {
$NodeName = $VariableName + "_" + $_.Name
$EditorText = $EditorText + @"
$EditorText = $EditorText + [Environment]::NewLine + "`$$VariableName.ShowDialog() | Out-Null" + [Environment]::NewLine
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