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Ryan Bibby RyanBibby

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# Bash script to setup headless Selenium (uses Xvfb and Chrome)
# (Tested on Ubuntu 12.04) trying on ubuntu server 14.04
# Add Google Chrome's repo to sources.list
echo "deb stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
# Install Google's public key used for signing packages (e.g. Chrome)
# (Source:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ryanbibby on github.
  • I am ryanbibby ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBmlx3-9iIpkwZWC-6qXoymkFJ2qdc97x7vfadoGDJezQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

<<<<<<< HEAD
The bombe was an electromechanical device used by British cryptologists to help decipher German Enigma-machine-encrypted signals during World War II. The US Navy and US Army later produced machines to the same functional specification, but engineered differently.
The initial design of the bombe was produced in 1939 at the UK Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park by Alan Turing,[2] with an important refinement devised in 1940 by Gordon Welchman.[3] The engineering design and construction was the work of Harold Keen of the British Tabulating Machine Company. It was a substantial development from a device that had been designed in 1938 by Polish Cipher Bureau cryptologist Marian Rejewski, and known as the "cryptologic bomb" (Polish: "bomba kryptologiczna").
The function of the bombe was to discover some of the daily settings of the Enigma machines on the various German military networks: specifically, the set of rotors in use and their positions in the machine; the rotor core start pos
RyanBibby / gist:1905392
Created February 25, 2012 02:30
Entry for the 2011 Facebook hacker cup qualification
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
count = 1
hc = set(["H","A","C","K","E","R","U","P"])
for line in f:
letters = {}
for char in line:
if char in letters:
letters[char] +=1