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Created January 5, 2017 03:59
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Elm reducer / union type example
type alias Model =
{ error: Maybe String
, message: Maybe String
, isSubmitting: Bool
type alias Error =
{ message: String }
type Msg
= ClearAlerts
| SubmissionInitiation
| SubmissionSuccess
| SubmissionError Error
| SubmissionMessage String
initModel : (Model, Cmd Msg)
initModel =
{ error = Nothing
, message = Nothing
, isSubmitting = False
-- Update (Note, I remove the Cmd ![] return value from each of these for brevity sake.
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
ClearAlerts ->
{ model | error = Nothing, message = Nothing }
SubmissionInitiation ->
{ model | isSubmitting = True }
SubmissionInitiation ->
{ model | isSubmitting = True }
SubmissionError err ->
{ model | error = err }
SubmissionMessage message ->
{ model | message = message }
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