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Created March 28, 2021 15:24
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import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
from pprint import pprint
from easy_vector import Vector
from functools import reduce
from time import sleep
mp_drawing =
mp_hands =
landmark = mp_hands.HandLandmark
def digitExtended(*args, digit="unidentified", extended_value_ratio=0.3):
"""Calculates whether or not the digits of a finger are in a straight line."""
if len(args) < 2:
return 0
# First, normalize by subtracting the first vector from all other vectors.
args2 = list(map(lambda v: v - args[0], args))
# Subtract the accumulated previous points from each point to isolate each vector.
points = []
acc = Vector(0,0,0)
for index in range(len(args2)):
vec = args2[index] - acc
acc = acc + args2[index]
# print(f"Point {index} : {vec}")
# Next, add all the vectors together to create a final vector
length = 0
vecTotal = Vector(0,0,0)
for point in points:
length = length + point.length
vecTotal = args[len(args)-1] - args[0]
difference = vecTotal.length/length
return (digit, difference > extended_value_ratio, length, vecTotal.length, difference)
# For webcam input:
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
with mp_hands.Hands(
min_tracking_confidence=0.6) as hands:
while cap.isOpened():
success, image =
if not success:
print("Ignoring empty camera frame.")
# If loading a video, use 'break' instead of 'continue'.
# Flip the image horizontally for a later selfie-view display, and convert
# the BGR image to RGB.
image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.flip(image, 1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# To improve performance, optionally mark the image as not writeable to
# pass by reference.
image.flags.writeable = False
results = hands.process(image)
# Draw the hand annotations on the image.
image.flags.writeable = True
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for hand_landmarks in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, hand_landmarks, mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
points = list(map(lambda v: Vector(v.x, v.y, v.z), hand_landmarks.landmark))
# Fingers are 0-thumb 1-index, 2- middle, etc. Creates boolean list of 'extended' or not.
fingers_extended = [
digitExtended(points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], digit="thumb ", extended_value_ratio=1.0),
digitExtended(points[0], points[5], points[6], points[7], points[8], digit="index "),
digitExtended(points[0], points[9], points[10], points[11], points[12], digit="middle"),
digitExtended(points[0], points[13], points[14], points[15], points[16], digit="ring "),
digitExtended(points[0], points[17], points[18], points[19], points[20], digit="pinkie"),
debug_str = "\n\n============================"
for finger in fingers_extended:
debug_str = debug_str + f"\n{finger[0]} => {finger[1]} : len: {finger[2]:.2f} vecLen: {finger[3]:.2f} diff: {finger[4]:.2f}"
cv2.imshow('MediaPipe Hands', image)
if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27:
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