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Last active July 24, 2022 12:33
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Proofs of the difference list invariant for various operations
Require Import Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Lists.Streams.
Inductive DList (a : Type) : Type :=
| MkDList : (list a -> list a) -> DList a.
Arguments MkDList {a} f.
Definition apply {a} (dl : DList a) : list a -> list a :=
let 'MkDList f := dl in f.
Definition valid_DList {a} (d : DList a) : Prop :=
exists p, forall (l : list a), apply d l = p ++ l.
Definition fromList {a} (l : list a) : DList a :=
MkDList (fun l2 => l ++ l2).
Theorem valid_fromList :
forall {a} (l : list a),
valid_DList (fromList l).
intros a l. unfold valid_DList. simpl. exists l. auto.
Definition toList {a} (dl : DList a) : list a :=
apply dl [].
Definition invariant_DList {a} (xs : DList a) : Prop :=
fromList (toList xs) = xs.
Theorem invariantImpliesValid :
forall {a} (d : DList a),
invariant_DList d -> valid_DList d.
unfold valid_DList, invariant_DList, fromList, toList.
intros a d invariant.
exists (toList d).
intros z. destruct d. simpl.
injection invariant as invariant.
change (l [] ++ z) with ((fun l2 => l [] ++ l2) z).
rewrite -> invariant.
Theorem toFromList :
forall {a} (l : list a),
toList (fromList l) = l.
Proof. intros. simpl. apply app_nil_r. Qed.
Theorem fromToList :
forall {a} (dl : DList a),
valid_DList dl ->
invariant_DList dl.
unfold invariant_DList.
intros a [l] valid_dl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_dl. simpl in valid_dl.
simpl. unfold fromList. f_equal. extensionality l2.
destruct valid_dl as [p P].
rewrite -> (P []). rewrite -> (P l2).
rewrite -> app_nil_r. auto.
Theorem applyToList :
forall {a} (xs : DList a) (ys : list a),
valid_DList xs ->
apply xs ys = toList xs ++ ys.
intros a [l] ys valid_dl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_dl. simpl in valid_dl. simpl.
destruct valid_dl as [p P].
rewrite -> (P ys). rewrite -> (P []).
rewrite -> app_nil_r. auto.
Definition empty {a} : DList a :=
MkDList id.
Theorem valid_empty :
forall {a},
valid_DList (@empty a).
intros a. unfold valid_DList. simpl. exists []. auto.
Theorem toListEmpty :
forall {a},
toList (@empty a) = [].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition singleton {a} (x : a) : DList a :=
MkDList (fun l => x :: l).
Theorem valid_singleton :
forall {a} (x : a),
valid_DList (singleton x).
intros a x. unfold valid_DList. simpl. exists [x]. auto.
Theorem toListSingleton :
forall {a} (x : a),
toList (singleton x) = [x].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition cons {a} (x : a) (xs : DList a) : DList a :=
MkDList (fun l => x :: apply xs l).
Theorem valid_cons :
forall {a} (x : a) (xs : DList a),
valid_DList xs ->
valid_DList (cons x xs).
intros a x [xs] valid_xs.
unfold valid_DList. simpl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_xs. simpl in valid_xs.
destruct valid_xs as [p P].
exists (x :: p). simpl.
intros l. rewrite <- (P l). auto.
Theorem toListCons :
forall {a} (x : a) (xs : DList a),
toList (cons x xs) = x :: toList xs.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition snoc {a} (xs : DList a) (x : a) : DList a :=
MkDList (fun l => apply xs (x :: l)).
Theorem valid_snoc :
forall {a} (xs : DList a) (x : a),
valid_DList xs ->
valid_DList (snoc xs x).
intros a [xs] x valid_xs.
unfold valid_DList. simpl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_xs. simpl in valid_xs.
destruct valid_xs as [p P].
exists (p ++ [x]). intros l. rewrite <- app_assoc.
simpl. rewrite -> (P (x :: l)). auto.
Theorem toListSnoc :
forall {a} (xs : DList a) (x : a),
valid_DList xs ->
toList (snoc xs x) = toList xs ++ [x].
intros a [xs] x valid_xs. simpl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_xs. simpl in valid_xs.
destruct valid_xs as [p P].
rewrite -> (P [x]). rewrite -> (P []).
rewrite -> app_nil_r. auto.
Definition append {a} (xs : DList a) (ys : DList a) : DList a :=
MkDList (fun l => apply xs (apply ys l)).
Theorem valid_append :
forall {a} (xs ys : DList a),
valid_DList xs ->
valid_DList ys ->
valid_DList (append xs ys).
intros a [xs] [ys] valid_xs valid_ys.
unfold valid_DList. simpl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_xs. simpl in valid_xs.
unfold valid_DList in valid_ys. simpl in valid_ys.
destruct valid_xs as [p P].
destruct valid_ys as [q Q].
exists (p ++ q). intros l.
rewrite -> (Q l). rewrite -> (P (q ++ l)).
apply app_assoc.
Theorem toListAppend :
forall {a} (xs ys : DList a),
valid_DList xs ->
valid_DList ys ->
toList (append xs ys) = toList xs ++ toList ys.
intros a [xs] [ys] valid_xs valid_ys. simpl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_xs. simpl in valid_xs.
unfold valid_DList in valid_ys. simpl in valid_ys.
destruct valid_xs as [p P].
destruct valid_ys as [q Q].
rewrite -> (P []). rewrite -> (Q []).
rewrite -> 2 app_nil_r. rewrite -> (P q).
Fixpoint foldrList {a b} (k : a -> b -> b) (z : b) (l : list a) : b :=
match l with
| [] => z
| x :: xs => k x (foldrList k z xs)
Definition concat {a} : list (DList a) -> DList a :=
foldrList append empty.
Theorem valid_concat :
forall {a} (l : list (DList a)),
Forall valid_DList l ->
valid_DList (concat l).
intros a l valid_l. unfold valid_DList.
induction l as [|d ds IHds].
- exists []. auto.
- change (concat (d :: ds))
with (append d (concat ds)).
inversion valid_l as [|A B valid_d valid_ds]. subst.
destruct valid_d as [p P].
destruct (IHds valid_ds) as [q Q].
exists (p ++ q).
intros l.
rewrite -> (Q l).
rewrite -> (P (q ++ l)).
apply app_assoc.
Theorem toListConcat :
forall {a} (xss : list (DList a)),
Forall valid_DList xss ->
toList (concat xss) = List.concat ( toList xss).
intros a xss valid_xss. induction xss as [|x xs IHxs].
- auto.
- change (toList (concat (x :: xs)))
with (apply x (toList (concat xs))).
inversion valid_xss as [|A B valid_x valid_xs]. subst.
rewrite <- (IHxs valid_xs).
unfold toList.
destruct valid_x as [p P].
destruct (valid_concat xs valid_xs) as [q Q].
rewrite -> (Q []).
rewrite -> (P []).
rewrite -> (P (q ++ [])).
rewrite -> 2 app_nil_r.
CoFixpoint repeat {a} (x : a) : Stream a :=
Cons x (repeat x).
Fixpoint take {a} (n : nat) (s : Stream a) : list a :=
let 'Cons x xs := s in
match n with
| 0 => []
| S m => x :: take m xs
Definition replicateList {a} (n : nat) (x : a) : list a :=
take n (repeat x).
Fixpoint replicate_helper {a} (n : nat) (x : a) (xs : list a) : list a :=
match n with
| 0 => xs
| S m => x :: replicate_helper m x xs
Definition replicate {a} (n : nat) (x : a) : DList a :=
MkDList (replicate_helper n x).
Theorem valid_replicate :
forall {a} (n : nat) (x : a),
valid_DList (replicate n x).
intros a n x. unfold valid_DList.
induction n as [|m IHm]; simpl.
- exists []. auto.
- simpl in IHm. destruct IHm as [p P].
exists (x :: p). intros l.
rewrite -> (P l). auto.
Theorem toListReplicate :
forall {a} (n : nat) (x : a),
toList (replicate n x) = replicateList n x.
intros a n x. unfold replicateList.
induction n as [|m IHm]; simpl.
- auto.
- simpl in IHm. rewrite -> IHm. auto.
Definition headList {a} (xs : list a) : option a :=
match xs with
| x :: _ => Some x
| [] => None
Definition head {a} (xs : DList a) : option a :=
match toList xs with
| x :: _ => Some x
| [] => None
Theorem headToList :
forall {a} (xs : DList a),
head xs = headList (toList xs).
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition tailList {a} (xs : list a) : option (list a) :=
match xs with
| _ :: ys => Some ys
| [] => None
Definition tail {a} (xs : DList a) : option (list a) :=
match toList xs with
| _ :: ys => Some ys
| [] => None
Theorem tailToList :
forall {a} (xs : DList a),
tail xs = tailList (toList xs).
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition foldr {a b} (f : a -> b -> b) (z : b) (xs : DList a) : b :=
foldrList f z (toList xs).
Theorem foldrToList :
forall {a b} (f : a -> b -> b) (z : b) (xs : DList a),
foldr f z xs = foldrList f z (toList xs).
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition map {a b} (f : a -> b) : DList a -> DList b :=
foldr (fun x => cons (f x)) empty.
Lemma foldrConsFromList :
forall {a b} (f : a -> b) (l : list a),
foldrList (fun x : a => cons (f x)) empty l = fromList ( f l).
intros a b f l. induction l as [|x xs IHxs]; simpl.
- auto.
- rewrite -> IHxs. auto.
Theorem valid_map :
forall {a b} (f : a -> b) (xs : DList a),
valid_DList xs ->
valid_DList (map f xs).
intros a b f [xs] valid_xs.
unfold valid_DList, map, foldr. simpl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_xs. simpl in valid_xs.
destruct valid_xs as [p P].
rewrite -> (P []). rewrite -> app_nil_r.
rewrite -> foldrConsFromList.
destruct (valid_fromList ( f p)) as [q Q].
exists q. intros l.
rewrite -> Q.
Theorem toListMap :
forall {a b} (f : a -> b) (xs : DList a),
valid_DList xs ->
toList (map f xs) = f (toList xs).
intros a b f [xs] valid_xs.
unfold map, foldr. simpl.
unfold valid_DList in valid_xs. simpl in valid_xs.
destruct valid_xs as [p P].
rewrite -> (P []). rewrite -> app_nil_r.
rewrite -> foldrConsFromList.
rewrite -> toFromList.
Fixpoint prependToAll {a} (sep : a) (l : list a) : list a :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: xs => sep :: x :: prependToAll sep xs
Definition intersperse {a} (sep : a) (l : list a) : list a :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: xs => x :: prependToAll sep xs
Definition intercalateList {a} (sep : list a) (xss : list (list a)) : list a :=
List.concat (intersperse sep xss).
Definition intercalate {a} (sep : DList a) (xss : list (DList a)) : DList a :=
concat (intersperse sep xss).
Lemma valid_prependToAll :
forall {a} (sep : DList a) (xss : list (DList a)),
valid_DList sep ->
Forall valid_DList xss ->
Forall valid_DList (prependToAll sep xss).
intros a sep xss valid_sep valid_xss.
induction xss as [|x xs IHxs]; simpl.
- constructor.
- constructor.
+ auto.
+ constructor; inversion valid_xss; auto.
Lemma valid_intersperse :
forall {a} (sep : DList a) (xss : list (DList a)),
valid_DList sep ->
Forall valid_DList xss ->
Forall valid_DList (intersperse sep xss).
intros a sep xss valid_sep valid_xss.
destruct xss as [|x xs]; simpl.
- constructor.
- constructor; inversion valid_xss; subst.
+ auto.
+ apply valid_prependToAll; auto.
Theorem valid_intercalate :
forall {a} (sep : DList a) (xss : list (DList a)),
valid_DList sep ->
Forall valid_DList xss ->
valid_DList (intercalate sep xss).
intros a sep xss valid_sep valid_xss.
unfold valid_DList, intercalate.
destruct (valid_concat (intersperse sep xss)
(valid_intersperse sep xss valid_sep valid_xss))
as [p P].
exists p. intros l. rewrite -> (P l).
Lemma mapPrependToAll :
forall {a b} (f : a -> b) (sep : a) (xs : list a), f (prependToAll sep xs) =
prependToAll (f sep) ( f xs).
intros a b f sep xs. induction xs as [|x xs IHxs].
- auto.
- simpl. rewrite -> IHxs. auto.
Lemma mapIntersperse :
forall {a b} (f : a -> b) (sep : a) (xs : list a), f (intersperse sep xs) =
intersperse (f sep) ( f xs).
intros a b f sep xs. destruct xs as [|x xs].
- auto.
- simpl. rewrite -> mapPrependToAll. auto.
Theorem toListIntercalate :
forall {a} (sep : DList a) (xss : list (DList a)),
valid_DList sep ->
Forall valid_DList xss ->
toList (intercalate sep xss) = intercalateList (toList sep) ( toList xss).
intros a sep xss valid_sep valid_xss.
unfold intercalateList, intercalate.
rewrite -> (toListConcat (intersperse sep xss)
(valid_intersperse sep xss valid_sep valid_xss)).
rewrite -> mapIntersperse.
Definition bind {a b} (m : DList a) (k : a -> DList b) : DList b :=
foldr (fun x => append (k x)) empty m.
Lemma foldrAppendConcat :
forall {a b} (f : a -> DList b) (l : list a),
foldrList (fun x : a => append (f x)) empty l = concat ( f l).
intros a b f l. induction l as [|x xs IHxs]; simpl.
- auto.
- rewrite -> IHxs. auto.
Lemma valid_list_map :
forall {a b} (k : a -> DList b) (l : list a),
(forall (x : a), valid_DList (k x)) ->
Forall valid_DList ( k l).
intros a b k l valid_k. induction l as [|x xs IHxs]; simpl.
- constructor.
- constructor.
+ apply (valid_k x).
+ auto.
Theorem valid_bind :
forall {a b} (m : DList a) (k : a -> DList b),
valid_DList m ->
(forall (x : a), valid_DList (k x)) ->
valid_DList (bind m k).
intros a b [m] k valid_m valid_k.
unfold valid_DList, bind, foldr. simpl.
destruct valid_m as [p P]. simpl in P.
rewrite -> (P []). rewrite -> app_nil_r.
rewrite -> foldrAppendConcat.
destruct (valid_concat ( k p)
(valid_list_map k p valid_k))
as [q Q].
exists q. intros l.
rewrite -> (Q l). auto.
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