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Created March 5, 2018 21:44
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{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
module SingConstrained where
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.List
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar (tupleNameDegree_maybe, unboxedTupleNameDegree_maybe)
genSingConstrained :: Name -> Q [Dec]
genSingConstrained n = do
DatatypeInfo { datatypeName = d_name
, datatypeVars = d_vars
, datatypeVariant = d_variant
, datatypeCons = d_cons
} <- reifyDatatype n
let noDataFamilies = fail "Data family instances are currently not supported"
case d_variant of
DataInstance -> noDataFamilies
NewtypeInstance -> noDataFamilies
Datatype -> pure ()
Newtype -> pure ()
concatMapM from_con d_cons
from_con :: ConstructorInfo -> Q [Dec]
from_con (ConstructorInfo { constructorName = c_name
, constructorVars = c_vars
, constructorContext = c_context
, constructorFields = c_fields
, constructorVariant = c_variant
}) = do
unless (null c_vars && null c_context) $
fail $ unlines
[ "GADTs or datatypes with existentially quantified"
, "data constructors currently not supported"
let sing_name = singDataConName c_name
constr_name = mkName (nameBase sing_name ++ "_")
(constr_var_names, constr_args)
<- case c_variant of
NormalConstructor -> do ns <- replicateM (length c_fields) $ newName "n"
return (ns, PrefixPatSyn ns)
InfixConstructor -> do n1 <- newName "n1"
n2 <- newName "n2"
return ([n1, n2], InfixPatSyn n1 n2)
RecordConstructor fs -> return (fs, RecordPatSyn fs)
let constr_tvs = map VarT constr_var_names
constr_exps = map VarE constr_var_names
constr_pats = map VarP constr_var_names
constr_type = ForallT [] [] $
ForallT [] (map (AppT (ConT ''SingI)) constr_tvs) $
ravel (map (AppT (ConT ''Sing)) constr_tvs) $
ConT ''Sing `AppT` foldl' AppT (PromotedT c_name) constr_tvs
constr_expr = ExplBidir [ Clause constr_pats
(NormalB (foldl' AppE (ConE sing_name) constr_exps))
mk_rhs_pat p = ViewP (VarE 'gen) (TupP [p, ConP 'SingInstance []])
constr_pat = ConP sing_name $ map mk_rhs_pat constr_pats
return [ PatSynSigD constr_name constr_type
, PatSynD constr_name constr_args constr_expr constr_pat
gen :: Sing (a :: k) -> (Sing a, SingInstance a)
gen sing = (sing, singInstance sing)
-- Taken directly from singletons
singDataConName :: Name -> Name
singDataConName nm
| nm == '[] = 'SNil
| nm == '(:) = 'SCons
| Just degree <- tupleNameDegree_maybe nm = mkTupleDataName degree
| Just degree <- unboxedTupleNameDegree_maybe nm = mkTupleDataName degree
| otherwise = prefixConName "S" "%" nm
mkTupleDataName :: Int -> Name
mkTupleDataName n = mkName $ "STuple" ++ (show n)
-- Put an uppercase prefix on a constructor name. Takes two prefixes:
-- one for identifiers and one for symbols.
-- This is different from 'prefixName' in that infix constructor names always
-- start with a colon, so we must insert the prefix after the colon in order
-- for the new name to be syntactically valid.
prefixConName :: String -> String -> Name -> Name
prefixConName pre tyPre n = case (nameBase n) of
(':' : rest) -> mkName (':' : tyPre ++ rest)
alpha -> mkName (pre ++ alpha)
ravel :: [Type] -> Type -> Type
ravel [] res = res
ravel (h:t) res = AppT (AppT ArrowT h) (ravel t res)
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-}
module SingConstrainedExample where
import Data.Singletons.TH
import SingConstrained
data N = Z | S N
$(return [])
$(genSingletons [''N])
$(genSingConstrained ''N)
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