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Created July 5, 2024 22:49
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commit 25d3e99f8e05ca9b5af21859965e2d072f7855c0
Author: Ryan Scott <>
Date: Fri Jul 5 18:47:29 2024 -0400
WIP: finish interpret
diff --git a/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Operators.hs b/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Operators.hs
index 94624508..0009e568 100644
--- a/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Operators.hs
+++ b/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Operators.hs
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ data Op2 a b c where
-- ^ Array access/projection of an array element.
-- Struct operator.
- UpdateField :: (Typeable b, KnownSymbol s)
+ UpdateField :: (Typeable b, KnownSymbol s, Show b)
=> Type a -> Type b -> (a -> Field s b) -> Op2 a b a
-- ^ Projection of a struct field.
diff --git a/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Type.hs b/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Type.hs
index 9074049f..38973f5e 100644
--- a/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Type.hs
+++ b/copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Type.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Struct a where
-- | Transforms all the struct's fields into a list of values.
toValues :: a -> [Value a]
- updateField :: Typeable t => a -> Value t -> a
+ updateField :: a -> Value a -> a
updateField = error "Field updates not supported for this type."
-- | The field of a struct, together with a representation of its type.
diff --git a/copilot-interpreter/src/Copilot/Interpret/Eval.hs b/copilot-interpreter/src/Copilot/Interpret/Eval.hs
index 8207e280..4da73f84 100644
--- a/copilot-interpreter/src/Copilot/Interpret/Eval.hs
+++ b/copilot-interpreter/src/Copilot/Interpret/Eval.hs
@@ -244,9 +244,10 @@ evalOp2 op = case op of
BwShiftL _ _ -> ( \ !a !b -> shiftL a $! fromIntegral b )
BwShiftR _ _ -> ( \ !a !b -> shiftR a $! fromIntegral b )
Index _ -> \xs n -> (arrayElems xs) !! (fromIntegral n)
- UpdateField (Struct _) ty (f :: a -> Field s b) -> \str v -> let fv :: Field s b
- fv = Field v
- in updateField str (Value ty fv)
+ UpdateField (Struct _) ty (f :: a -> Field s b) -> \str v ->
+ let fv :: Field s b
+ fv = Field v
+ in updateField str (Value ty fv)
-- Extract value from field
unfield (Field v) = v
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Main (main) where
import Language.Copilot
import Copilot.Compile.C99
import Data.Type.Equality as DE
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (sameSymbol)
data SoA = SoA
{ arr :: Field "arr" SoB
instance Struct SoA where
typeName _ = "soa"
toValues soa = [Value typeOf (arr soa)]
instance Typed SoA where
typeOf = Struct $ SoA $ Field undefined
data SoB = SoB
{ arr2 :: Field "arr2" (Array 3 Float)
instance Struct SoB where
typeName _ = "sob"
toValues sob = [Value typeOf (arr2 sob)]
instance Typed SoB where
typeOf = Struct $ SoB $ Field undefined
data SoC = SoC
{ arr3 :: Field "arr3" Int32
instance Struct SoC where
typeName _ = "soc"
toValues soc = [Value typeOf (arr3 soc)]
updateField s (Value ty (f :: Field s b)) =
case sameSymbol (Proxy @s) (Proxy @"arr3") of
Just DE.Refl -> case testEquality ty Int32 of
Just DE.Refl -> s { arr3 = f }
_ -> error "what do you think you are doing"
_ -> error "you done goofed"
instance Typed SoC where
typeOf = Struct $ SoC $ Field undefined
recursiveArray :: Stream SoB
recursiveArray = [b1, b2] ++ recursiveArray
v1 = SoA $ Field $ SoB $ Field $ array [0, 1, 2]
-- , SoB $ Field $ array [3, 4, 5]
-- ]
b1 = SoB $ Field $ array [10, 20, 30]
b2 = SoB $ Field $ array [40, 50, 60]
spec :: Spec
spec = do
let soa :: Stream SoA
soa = constant v1
soa1 = soa ## arr =: recursiveArray
soa2 = soa ## arr =: constant b1
soarr = soa ## arr =: soa # arr
soc = constant (SoC $ Field 5)
-- trigger "arrays" (soa1 # arr # arr2 .!! 1 /= 60) [arg soa, arg soa1, arg soa2]
trigger "arrays2" true [arg (soc ## arr3 =$ (+1))]
main :: IO ()
main = do
spec' <- reify spec
compile "structs_of_arrays" spec'
interpret 5 spec
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