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Created February 14, 2018 17:54
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
-- A translation of
-- from Idris to Haskell
-- Requires GHC 8.2 or later
module Decidable where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Void
data family Sing (z :: k)
data Dec a = Yes a | No (a -> Void)
class DecEq t where
decEq :: Sing (x :: t) -> Sing (y :: t) -> Dec (x :~: y)
instance DecEq Nat where
decEq SZ SZ = Yes Refl
decEq SZ SS{} = No $ \case
decEq SS{} SZ = No $ \case
decEq (SS n) (SS m)
= case decEq n m of
Yes Refl -> Yes Refl
No contra -> No $ \Refl -> contra Refl
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data instance Sing (z :: Nat) where
SZ :: Sing Z
SS :: Sing n -> Sing (S n)
data Vect :: Nat -> Type -> Type where
VNil :: Vect Z a
(:&:) :: a -> Vect n a -> Vect (S n) a
infixr 5 :&:
type family Fun (ts :: Vect n Type) (r :: Type) :: Type where
Fun VNil r = r
Fun (t :&: ts) r = t -> Fun ts r
type Rel (ts :: Vect n Type) = Fun ts Type
newtype WrappedLiftRel (t :: Type) (ts :: Vect n Type)
(p :: t -> Fun ts Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
= WrapLiftRel { unwrapLiftRel :: forall (x :: t). Sing x -> LiftRel ts (p x) f }
type family LiftRel (ts :: Vect n Type) (p :: Rel ts) (f :: Type -> Type) :: Type where
LiftRel VNil p f = f p
LiftRel (t :&: ts) p f = WrappedLiftRel t ts p f
class Decidable (ts :: Vect k Type) (p :: Rel ts) where
decide :: LiftRel ts p Dec
data LTE :: Nat -> Nat -> Type where
LTEZero :: LTE Z right
LTESucc :: LTE left right -> LTE (S left) (S right)
lteIsReflexive :: Sing (n :: Nat) -> LTE n n
lteIsReflexive SZ = LTEZero
lteIsReflexive (SS n) = LTESucc (lteIsReflexive n)
ltesuccinjective :: Sing (n :: Nat) -> Sing (m :: Nat)
-> (LTE n m -> Void) -> LTE (S n) (S m) -> Void
ltesuccinjective _ _ disprf (LTESucc nLTEm) = absurd (disprf nLTEm)
decideLTE :: Sing (n :: Nat) -> Sing (m :: Nat) -> Dec (LTE n m)
decideLTE SZ _ = Yes LTEZero
decideLTE (SS _) SZ = No $ \case
decideLTE sx@(SS x) sy@(SS y)
= case decEq sx sy of
Yes Refl -> Yes $ lteIsReflexive sy
No _ -> case decideLTE x y of
Yes nLTEm -> Yes $ LTESucc nLTEm
No nGTm -> No $ ltesuccinjective x y nGTm
instance Decidable (Nat :&: Nat :&: VNil) LTE where
decide = WrapLiftRel $ \sn -> WrapLiftRel $ decideLTE sn
data Fin :: Nat -> Type where
FZ :: Fin (S k)
FS :: Fin k -> Fin (S k)
data instance Sing (z :: Fin n) where
SFZ :: Sing FZ
SFS :: Sing k -> Sing (FS k)
finToNat :: Fin n -> Nat
finToNat FZ = Z
finToNat (FS k) = S (finToNat k)
type family FinToNat (f :: Fin n) :: Nat where
FinToNat FZ = Z
FinToNat (FS k) = S (FinToNat k)
sFinToNat :: Sing a -> Sing (FinToNat a)
sFinToNat SFZ = SZ
sFinToNat (SFS sk) = SS (sFinToNat sk)
newtype FinLTE :: forall (k :: Nat). Fin k -> Fin k -> Type where
FromNatPrf :: forall (k :: Nat) (m :: Fin k) (n :: Fin k).
{ runFromNatPrf :: LTE (FinToNat m) (FinToNat n) } -> FinLTE m n
instance Decidable (Fin k :&: Fin k :&: VNil) FinLTE where
= WrapLiftRel $ \m ->
WrapLiftRel $ \n ->
case decideLTE (sFinToNat m) (sFinToNat n) of
Yes prf -> Yes $ FromNatPrf prf
No disprf -> No $ disprf . runFromNatPrf
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