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Created September 3, 2020 06:08
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Editing Math With Texmacs

To edit the contents of the clipboard with TeXMacs:

  1. Save the clipboard to a temp .tex file
  2. Open the .tex file with TeXmacs a. TeXmacs will automatically import it on the fly
  3. From TeXmacs use the GUI to edit the math
  4. Save TeXmacs and it will export the file on the fly
  5. Run the file through pandoc to strip off all the header arguments
  6. Put the file back into the clipboard

This script will open the clipboard in TeXMacs for editing, it works for me and should work on MacOS:

#! /usr/bin/env bash
    IFS=$'\t\n'   # Split on newlines and tabs (but not on spaces)
    readonly script_name=$(basename "${0}")
             script_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
    readonly script_dir=$(realpath "${script_dir}""/""${script_name}" | xargs dirname)
DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
cd "${DIR}"

main() {
    openHelp "${@}"        # Open Help
    checkDep || exit 1        # Check Dependencies
    setClipboard    # MacOS or Linux?
    saveClip        # Save the clipboard to a temp file
    ConvertClip     # Open the clipboard with TexMacs
    rm -r "${DIR}"  # Clear Temp Files

saveClip () {
    echo "$(CLIP_OUT)" > "${FILE}".tex

ConvertClip () {
    texmacs "${FILE}".tex
    # Use pandoc to strip header arguments, i.e.
    # make it not --standalone.
    cat "${FILE}".tex | pandoc -f latex -t latex | CLIP_IN

setClipboard () {

case "$(uname -s)" in

        CLIP_IN () { pbcopy ; }
        CLIP_OUT () {  pbpaste ; }
        xdg-open () {  open "%{@}" ; }

        ## "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" not always defined
        if [[ "$( loginctl show-session $(loginctl | grep $(whoami) | awk '{print $1}') -p Type | rg 'wayland' )" ]]; then
            CLIP_IN () { wl-copy ; }
            CLIP_OUT () {  wl-paste ; }
            CLIP_IN () { xclip -selection clipboard ; }
            CLIP_OUT () {  xclip -selection clipboard -o ; }

            CLIP_IN () { xclip -selection clipboard ; }
            CLIP_OUT () {  xclip -selection clipboard -o ; }

   # Add here more strings to compare
   # See correspondence table at the bottom of this answer

       echo "Could not Detect OS, if you're not on Mac/Linux, file a bug please"
       echo "Applying Linux Defaults"
        CLIP_IN () { xclip -selection clipboard ; }
        CLIP_OUT () {  xclip -selection clipboard -o ; }


checkDep () {
    DEP="pandoc" ; command -v "${DEP}"  >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo -e >&2 "I require ${DEP} but it's not installed"; return 1; }
    DEP="texmacs"; command -v "${DEP}"  >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo -e >&2 "I require ${DEP} but it's not installed"; return 1; }

openHelp () {
    if [[ "${1}" == "-h" || "${1}" == "--help" ]]; then
        echo ""
        echo "Usage: ${script_name}"
        echo ""
        echo  "Copy some math into the clipboard"
        echo  "This will open whatever is in the clipboard in TexMacs"
        echo  "Edit the math in texmacs"
        echo  "Save (answer yes to any data conversion prompt with Alt+y)"
        echo  "The new math should be in the clipboard"
        echo ""
        exit 0

# * Call the Main Function
main "${@}"

To call this from emacs I use the following elisp:

(defun my-edit-clipboard-with-texmacs ()
    (async-shell-command (format "~/bin/"))
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