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Created October 3, 2015 10:00
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BlockThem Python2 Example
import urllib2
import json
import re
def isDomainBlockedLive( domain, jsonFile ):
domain = re.sub(r'http(s?):\/\/', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'^www\.', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'\/$', '', domain)
headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0' }
req = urllib2.Request(jsonFile, None, headers)
res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
data = json.loads(res)
return domain in data
def isDomainBlockedCached( domain, jsonFile ):
domain = re.sub(r'http(s?):\/\/', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'^www\.', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'\/$', '', domain)
with open (jsonFile, "r") as myfile:
data = json.loads(res)
return domain in data
# Example: Live
# Output: False
print isDomainBlockedLive( '', '' )
# Example: Cached
# Output: True
print isDomainBlockedCached( '', 'blacklist.json' )
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