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Created May 23, 2018 21:22
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pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
// @title VeoEscrow -- trustless escrow smart contract for VEO<->ETH swaps
// @author
* This escrow contract uses a similar mechanism as the MAD escrow protocol.
* MAD = mutually assured destruction. The significance of this title is that
* both the buyer and seller are disincentivized to cheat since neither would
* be able to take actions that would harm the other party without also harming
* themselves to an equal extent.
* Imagine this scenario:
* Buyer A wants to purchase some VEO from Seller B using ETH. Let's assume
* that the 2 parties agree to make the trade for 10 VEO in exchange for 5 ETH.
* Who sends first? or do they use an escrow service?
* Without a trusted third party one of the parties will be taking on a large risk.
* The escrow contract eliminates the need for a 3rd party and works as follows:
* - BOTH Buyer A and Seller B deposit 5 ETH into the escrow contract.
* - Buyer A deposits an additional 5 ETH (or all 10 at once to save in txn fees).
* - Seller B sends the 10 VEO to Buyer A and Finalizes the escrow contract.
* - Buyer A confirms the receipt of VEO and also Finalizes the escrow contract.
* - Seller B receives their 5 ETH deposit and 5 ETH from Buyer A.
* - Buyer A receives their 5 ETH deposit.
* - If either party does not finalize then neither party receives any of the funds.
* Now let's imagine that either the buyer or the seller has bad intentions.
* Since BOTH parties must sign off to finalize the escrow otherwise BOTH lose their
* funds in the escrow contract they are disincentivized from not doing the right thing.
* If Buyer A receives the VEO but doesn't finalize then they will have paid 2x the original
* amount agreed upon in trade.
* If Seller B doesn't send the VEO they will lose the amount they would have received for
* the VEO in addition to not getting paid.
contract VeoEscrow {
// Escrow parameters set at deployment
address public buyer; //BUYER
address public seller; //SELLER
uint public purchaseAmount = 0; //Total paid by BUYER
// escrow state
bool public initiated = false;
bool public finalized = false;
// @dev Buyer required escrow funding (2x purchaseAmount)
uint public buyerRequiredEscrow = 0;
// @dev Seller required escrow funding (1x purchaseAmount)
uint public sellerRequiredEscrow = 0;
// @dev TOTAL required escrow funding (3x purchaseAmount)
uint public totalEscrowAmount = 0;
// @dev Buyer escrow funding received
uint public buyerEscrowedFunds = 0;
// @dev Seller escrow funding received
uint public sellerEscrowedFunds = 0;
// @notice This will be true when the buyer has sent 2x the purchaseAmount
// @dev True when buyerEscrowedFunds >= buyerRequiredEscrow
bool public buyerHasFunded = false;
// @notice Has Seller sent required amount of ETH to escrow
// @dev True when sellerEscrowedFunds >= sellerRequiredEscrow
bool public sellerHasFunded = false;
// @notice Has enough ETH been sent to escrow to meet escrow requirement
// @dev True when both buyerHasFunded = true AND sellerHasFunded = true
bool public escrowFullyFunded = false;
// Once FullyFunded, both parties must finalize the trade/sale
bool public buyerfinalized = false;
bool public sellerfinalized = false;
event Terms(uint purchaseAmount, uint totalEscrowAmount, uint BuyerRequiredFunding, uint SellerRequiredFunding);
event Initiated(address initiator, address buyer, address seller, uint tradeFundsforXfer);
event FundsReceived(address sender, uint amount);
event PartyFinalized(address party);
event EscrowComplete(bool completed, uint buyerReceives, uint sellerReceives);
/** Constructor
* @param _buyer address of the buyer
* @param _seller address of the seller
* @param _purchaseAmount uint amount of ETH being paid to seller
function VeoEscrow(
address _buyer,
address _seller,
uint _purchaseAmount
) public {
// require _seller and _buyer to be non-zero and unique.
require(_seller != address(0));
require(_buyer != address(0));
require(_buyer != _seller);
// require the contract creator to be either _buyer or _seller
require(msg.sender == _seller || msg.sender == _buyer);
// require escrow amount to be non-zero
require(_purchaseAmount > 0);
// ensure variable seet to false
escrowFullyFunded = false;
// assign trade parties
buyer = _buyer; //Buyer
seller = _seller; //Seller
// set state to initiated
initiated = true;
// set required funding amounts
buyerRequiredEscrow = _purchaseAmount * 2;
sellerRequiredEscrow = _purchaseAmount;
totalEscrowAmount = _purchaseAmount * 3;
purchaseAmount = _purchaseAmount;
// assert that the required total is a sum of the parts
assert(totalEscrowAmount == (buyerRequiredEscrow + sellerRequiredEscrow));
// event emission
emit Initiated(msg.sender, buyer, seller, _purchaseAmount);
emit Terms(purchaseAmount, totalEscrowAmount, buyerRequiredEscrow, sellerRequiredEscrow);
* @dev fallback function to receive funds sent to this escrow contract
* @dev this function then calls the internal fundContract() function
function() external payable {
address _funder = msg.sender;
uint _amount = msg.value;
fundContract(_funder, _amount);
emit FundsReceived(_funder, _amount);
/** @dev called internally to add received funds to the respective party balance
* @param _funder address that sent ETH to fund escrow
* @param _amount uint of ETH that was send by the _funder
* @dev if the _funder's respective balance is less than required the _amount is
* added to their EscrowedFunds balance
* @dev finally, the checkFundingStatus() function is called internally
function fundContract(address _funder, uint _amount) public {
if (_funder == buyer && buyerEscrowedFunds <= buyerRequiredEscrow) {
uint buyerCurrentFunds = buyerEscrowedFunds;
buyerEscrowedFunds = buyerCurrentFunds + _amount;
if (_funder == seller && sellerEscrowedFunds <= sellerRequiredEscrow) {
uint sellerCurrentFunds = sellerEscrowedFunds;
sellerEscrowedFunds = sellerCurrentFunds + _amount;
* @notice internal function to check funding status
* @dev set respective party's funding status to true if
* amount of funds received from said party is >= required funds
* @dev If both buyer and seller have sent enough ETH
* as per required amounts than set escrowFullyFunded to true
function checkFundingStatus() internal {
if (buyerEscrowedFunds >= buyerRequiredEscrow) {
buyerHasFunded = true;
if (sellerEscrowedFunds >= sellerRequiredEscrow) {
sellerHasFunded = true;
if (sellerHasFunded == true && buyerHasFunded == true) {
escrowFullyFunded = true;
} else {
escrowFullyFunded = false;
* @notice Once fully funded, both parties must finalize the transaction
* @dev Once both finalizations are received the funds are released accordingly
* @dev The logic works such that if one party finalizes the contract checks
* to see if the other party has already finalized.
function buyerFinalize() public {
require(msg.sender == buyer);
buyerfinalized = true;
emit PartyFinalized(msg.sender);
if (sellerfinalized == true) {
return finalizeTrade();
function sellerFinalize() public {
require(msg.sender == seller);
sellerfinalized = true;
emit PartyFinalized(msg.sender);
if (buyerfinalized == true) {
* @dev finalizeTrade called internally to distribute the escrow funds
function finalizeTrade() internal {
// require both parties to have funded the escrow as required
require(sellerHasFunded == true);
require(buyerHasFunded == true);
// require both parties to have finalized the trade
require(buyerfinalized == true);
require(sellerfinalized == true);
// require that the trade has not yet been finalized
require(finalized == false);
// Seller receives the purchaseAmount and their escrowed funds
uint256 forSeller = purchaseAmount + sellerEscrowedFunds;
// Buyer receives their escrowed funds minus the purchaseAmount
uint256 forBuyer = buyerEscrowedFunds - purchaseAmount;
// event emission
emit EscrowComplete(finalized, forBuyer, forSeller);
// transfer the funds
// finalize the trade
finalized = true;
// destroy escrow contract to preserve anonymity and reduce chainwaste
// NOTE: seller was chosen since VEO transaction fees are usually from their pocket
// this value should be close to zero if not zero anyway
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