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Created July 22, 2016 17:02
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move_1 move_2 name pokemon_id individual_stamina power_quotient individual_defense stamina individual_attack cp nickname
------------- --------------- ---------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------- -------------------- --------- ------------------- ---- ----------
Ember Heat Wave Flareon 136 15 91 11 77 15 1195
Zen Headbutt Psybeam Psyduck 54 11 89 14 55 15 434
Pound Psyshock Drowzee 96 13 89 12 61 15 362
Poison Sting Horn Attack Nidorino 33 13 89 14 76 13 689
Confusion Psychic Hypno 97 15 89 11 98 14 983
Tackle Sludge Koffing 109 14 89 11 43 15 387
Confusion Water Pulse Slowpoke 79 11 87 14 108 14 612
Karate Chop Low Sweep Machop 66 14 87 10 89 15 576
Mud Slap Bulldoze Rhyhorn 111 15 87 10 93 14 525
Water Gun Aqua Tail Vaporeon 134 9 87 15 162 15 1631 Rainer
Razor Leaf Sludge Bomb Weepinbell 70 14 87 13 82 12 887
Quick Attack Body Slam Eevee 133 15 87 10 11 14 14
Splash Struggle Magikarp 129 14 87 10 30 15 130
Lick Dark Pulse Gastly 92 12 87 15 31 12 242
Pound Dazzling Gleam Clefable 36 15 84 15 88 8 693
Splash Struggle Magikarp 129 12 84 12 31 14 148
Bug Bite Cross Poison Paras 46 12 84 15 48 11 499
Vine Whip Wrap Bellsprout 69 11 84 15 55 12 431
Bug Bite Seed Bomb Paras 46 12 84 15 34 11 249
Bubble Mud Bomb Poliwag 60 13 84 11 52 14 394
Bite Hyper Fang Raticate 20 15 84 12 62 11 558
Water Gun Psychic Slowpoke 79 10 82 15 104 12 570
Scratch X Scissor Paras 46 9 82 15 29 13 196
Spark Discharge Voltorb 100 11 82 12 50 14 391
Scratch Rock Slide Sandshrew 27 12 82 13 59 12 347
Scratch Brick Break Mankey 56 12 82 13 52 12 431
Thunder Shock Thunder Punch Electabuzz 125 12 82 10 84 15 1181
Rock Throw Rock Tomb Geodude 74 14 82 11 50 12 371
Tackle Flame Charge Ponyta 77 10 80 13 65 13 832
Tackle Body Slam Eevee 133 13 80 9 75 14 622
Low Kick Brick Break Machop 66 12 78 13 81 10 470
Acid Dark Pulse Koffing 109 9 78 12 22 14 114
Ember Heat Wave Flareon 136 5 78 15 80 15 1457 Rainer
Bite Flame Wheel Growlithe 58 9 78 14 39 12 229
Razor Leaf Petal Blizzard Gloom 44 14 78 11 80 10 923
Vine Whip Power Whip Tangela 114 12 78 13 86 10 998
Rock Throw Iron Head Onix 95 12 78 13 46 10 410
Steel Wing Aerial Ace Fearow 22 15 78 11 72 9 667
Wing Attack Poison Fang Golbat 42 14 78 8 86 13 822
Tackle Signal Beam Porygon 137 11 78 13 45 11 267
Zen Headbutt Moonblast Clefable 36 12 78 15 122 8 1343
Bubble Scald Poliwhirl 61 12 78 13 82 10 690
Tackle Flame Wheel Ponyta 77 11 78 11 35 13 239
Zen Headbutt Horn Attack Tauros 128 8 76 12 70 14 559
Confusion Psyshock Drowzee 96 7 76 15 53 12 290
Acid Moonblast Gloom 44 13 76 11 79 10 920
Frost Breath Icy Wind Dewgong 87 9 76 12 91 13 769
Spark Thunder Punch Raichu 26 14 76 10 28 10 144
Quick Attack Body Slam Vulpix 37 10 76 11 27 13 129
Rock Smash Megahorn Rhydon 112 4 76 15 46 15 163
Zen Headbutt Psyshock Hypno 97 14 76 7 71 13 508
Spark Magnet Bomb Magnemite 81 10 76 13 23 11 211
Ice Shard Aqua Jet Seel 86 11 76 9 75 14 485
Tackle Body Slam Eevee 133 10 73 9 62 14 439
Razor Leaf Sludge Bomb Oddish 43 10 73 13 59 10 614
Scratch Body Slam Meowth 52 6 73 15 48 12 360
Zen Headbutt Body Slam Clefairy 35 12 71 12 78 8 477
Confusion Ancient Power Exeggcute 102 10 71 12 77 10 585
Karate Chop Cross Chop Mankey 56 13 71 12 29 7 133
Bubble Water Pulse Krabby 98 7 71 10 36 15 356
Pound Moonblast Clefairy 35 12 71 12 53 8 217
Bubble Bubble Beam Tentacool 72 10 71 12 33 10 188
Bubble Water Pulse Krabby 98 5 71 14 35 13 351
Bite Poison Fang Zubat 41 8 71 13 45 11 252
Tackle Water Pulse Shellder 90 4 71 15 35 13 363
Poison Sting Sludge Bomb Nidoran F 29 3 71 14 32 15 111
Tackle Horn Attack Tauros 128 10 71 7 77 15 661
Lick Sludge Bomb Gastly 92 13 69 5 32 13 233
Zen Headbutt Psyshock Hypno 97 13 69 5 77 13 599
Water Gun Swift Staryu 120 10 69 10 37 11 395
Quick Attack Power Gem Staryu 120 12 69 9 18 10 90
Bubble Vice Grip Krabby 98 15 69 12 36 4 266
Peck Water Pulse Goldeen 118 15 69 4 44 12 258
Shadow Claw Dark Pulse Haunter 93 13 69 7 56 11 629
Pound Disarming Voice Clefairy 35 15 69 11 54 5 213
Confusion Psybeam Venonat 48 10 69 9 37 12 129
Water Gun Ancient Power Omanyte 138 3 67 12 18 15 107
Rock Smash X Scissor Pinsir 127 15 67 12 84 3 1074
Bite Hyper Beam Aerodactyl 142 9 67 6 98 15 1125
Fury Cutter Vice Grip Pinsir 127 14 67 14 81 2 1013
Shadow Claw Dark Pulse Haunter 93 15 67 4 46 11 406
Acid Wrap Bellsprout 69 12 64 5 63 12 526
Tackle Rock Slide Geodude 74 6 64 10 44 13 334
Quick Attack Body Slam Vulpix 37 10 64 10 27 9 124
Water Gun Aqua Tail Vaporeon 134 3 64 11 113 15 817 Raekwon
Confusion Psyshock Hypno 97 9 64 6 104 14 1134
Frost Breath Psyshock Jynx 124 6 64 9 43 14 267
Ember Fire Blast Flareon 136 0 62 14 69 14 1136
Confusion Bug Buzz Venomoth 49 2 62 14 79 12 887
Steel Wing Bug Buzz Scyther 123 14 62 14 53 0 370
Wing Attack Twister Pidgeotto 17 15 62 9 75 4 504
Wing Attack Air Cutter Pidgeotto 17 15 62 9 70 4 441
Mud Slap Megahorn Rhydon 112 2 62 12 61 14 289
Ember Flame Burst Charmander 4 12 60 15 39 0 264
Acid Petal Blizzard Gloom 44 7 60 9 61 11 584
Bite Poison Fang Zubat 41 6 60 12 42 9 226
Poison Sting Horn Attack Nidorino 33 3 60 12 62 12 509
Rock Smash Bulldoze Rhyhorn 111 12 60 0 85 15 441
Razor Leaf Power Whip Weepinbell 70 7 60 8 64 12 573
Acid Moonblast Oddish 43 3 60 14 32 10 203
Confusion Psyshock Drowzee 96 13 58 4 58 9 307
Mud Shot Scald Poliwhirl 61 10 58 4 83 12 709
Bug Bite Psybeam Venonat 48 12 58 9 46 5 178
Pound Psyshock Jynx 124 6 58 5 60 15 504
Pound Disarming Voice Jigglypuff 39 15 58 5 113 6 267
Poison Jab Aerial Ace Beedrill 15 10 58 6 48 10 259
Karate Chop Low Sweep Mankey 56 13 58 1 32 12 155
Bite Body Slam Nidoran F 29 3 58 12 42 11 178
Mud Shot Aqua Tail Goldeen 118 11 58 7 55 8 421
Acid Sludge Bomb Gloom 44 11 56 4 55 10 447
Peck Twister Spearow 21 7 56 12 47 6 289
Bubble Vice Grip Krabby 98 14 56 3 34 8 242
Steel Wing Bug Buzz Scyther 123 7 56 15 47 3 312
Poison Sting Struggle Weedle 13 12 56 11 19 2 27
Bubble Dragon Pulse Horsea 116 10 56 0 36 15 306
Bite Sludge Bomb Zubat 41 7 56 11 47 7 270
Steel Wing Twister Fearow 22 6 56 4 39 15 220
Steel Wing X Scissor Scyther 123 11 56 12 48 2 312
Splash Struggle Magikarp 129 1 56 10 22 14 105
Acid Dark Pulse Koffing 109 9 56 3 33 13 238
Steel Wing Twister Fearow 22 11 56 8 77 6 777
Bug Bite Cross Poison Paras 46 13 53 0 44 11 379
Ice Shard Icy Wind Shellder 90 5 53 5 33 14 312
Zen Headbutt Signal Beam Abra 63 0 53 12 24 12 187
Razor Leaf Moonblast Oddish 43 9 53 5 31 10 171
Peck Drill Peck Spearow 21 4 53 14 48 6 321
Peck Drill Run Seaking 119 14 53 6 37 4 139
Bug Bite Struggle Metapod 11 11 53 12 59 1 169
Pound Disarming Voice Clefairy 35 8 53 11 37 5 111
Vine Whip Solar Beam Tangela 114 12 53 9 80 3 811
Fury Cutter Vice Grip Pinsir 127 11 53 11 67 2 719
Razor Leaf Sludge Bomb Gloom 44 9 53 5 68 10 712
Feint Attack Disarming Voice Jigglypuff 39 0 53 14 66 10 113
Fury Cutter Vice Grip Pinsir 127 10 51 11 62 2 606
Confusion Psybeam Drowzee 96 2 51 7 60 14 394
Vine Whip Sludge Bomb Bellsprout 69 1 51 10 56 12 500
Bite Ominous Wind Golbat 42 9 51 4 87 10 862
Wing Attack Air Cutter Pidgeotto 17 4 51 15 60 4 371
Bug Bite Cross Poison Parasect 47 10 51 2 57 11 507
Poison Sting Dig Nidorino 33 4 51 11 73 8 673
Tackle Horn Attack Tauros 128 14 51 9 84 0 704
Metal Claw Vice Grip Kingler 99 13 51 1 67 9 817
Fury Cutter Vice Grip Pinsir 127 14 49 6 66 2 662
Low Kick Brick Break Machop 66 7 49 5 68 10 334
Karate Chop Brick Break Mankey 56 7 49 14 30 1 146
Zen Headbutt Shadow Ball Hypno 97 0 49 9 81 13 757
Scratch X Scissor Paras 46 8 49 3 34 11 255
Fury Cutter Vice Grip Pinsir 127 14 49 8 65 0 631
Splash Struggle Magikarp 129 4 49 5 21 13 79
Steel Wing Twister Fearow 22 6 49 9 81 7 906
Scratch Cross Poison Paras 46 9 49 3 31 10 207
Poison Sting Sludge Bomb Nidorina 30 8 49 7 68 7 433
Acid Seed Bomb Weepinbell 70 9 49 1 78 12 805
Ember Flamethrower Flareon 136 0 49 7 74 15 1295
Bite Flamethrower Growlithe 58 8 47 0 68 13 652
Wing Attack Aerial Ace Pidgeotto 17 4 47 12 75 5 586
Bite Air Cutter Golbat 42 12 47 0 74 9 603
Bubble Scald Poliwhirl 61 2 47 15 52 4 302
Vine Whip Seed Bomb Bulbasaur 1 10 47 11 53 0 421
Bite Poison Fang Golbat 42 3 47 7 91 11 1010
Acid Sludge Bomb Oddish 43 10 44 0 49 10 410
Zen Headbutt Body Slam Clefairy 35 14 44 2 68 4 328
Pound Disarming Voice Clefairy 35 5 44 1 37 14 114
Tackle Dig Geodude 74 3 44 5 35 12 212
Wing Attack Twister Pidgeotto 17 4 44 4 69 12 504
Rock Smash Vice Grip Pinsir 127 10 44 7 74 3 877
Splash Struggle Magikarp 129 2 44 6 10 12 10
Pound Psychic Drowzee 96 11 42 4 67 4 397
Fury Cutter Submission Pinsir 127 5 42 14 69 0 809
Feint Attack Play Rough Jigglypuff 39 8 42 2 83 9 150
Acid Sludge Bomb Bellsprout 69 10 42 1 58 8 441
Bubble Flash Cannon Horsea 116 3 40 0 27 15 213
Poison Sting Sludge Bomb Nidoran F 29 12 40 0 39 6 123
Pound Disarming Voice Clefairy 35 4 40 10 86 4 594
Tackle Icy Wind Shellder 90 4 40 1 29 13 242
Bullet Punch Ice Punch Hitmonchan 107 13 40 5 45 0 338
Poison Sting Sludge Bomb Nidorina 30 10 40 2 59 6 316
Tackle Struggle Metapod 11 5 40 13 56 0 163
Pound Hyper Beam Wigglytuff 40 2 40 7 127 9 654
Poison Jab Sludge Bomb Beedrill 15 1 40 8 33 9 134
Zen Headbutt Body Slam Clefairy 35 0 38 12 67 5 387
Wing Attack Aerial Ace Pidgeotto 17 4 38 11 62 2 390
Spark Thunderbolt Magnemite 81 15 38 2 27 0 217
Poison Sting Horn Attack Nidorino 33 0 38 9 45 8 273
Fury Cutter Night Slash Scyther 123 7 38 9 51 1 359
Acid Mud Bomb Grimer 88 0 36 6 79 10 456
Steel Wing Hurricane Pidgeot 18 0 36 10 70 6 537
Poison Jab Sludge Wave Tentacruel 73 7 36 4 36 5 148
Bite Poison Fang Nidorina 30 3 36 6 71 7 494
Scratch Dig Diglett 50 11 36 5 17 0 174
Water Gun Bubble Beam Staryu 120 5 36 1 24 10 180
Fury Cutter Submission Pinsir 127 12 33 3 84 0 1075
Rock Smash X Scissor Pinsir 127 0 33 15 77 0 1061
Bubble Flash Cannon Horsea 116 0 33 2 26 13 207
Steel Wing Air Cutter Pidgeotto 17 10 33 2 57 3 299
Fury Cutter Vice Grip Pinsir 127 8 33 4 80 3 1026
Bug Bite Sludge Bomb Beedrill 15 8 33 5 40 2 167
Bubble Flash Cannon Horsea 116 1 33 0 27 14 208
Wing Attack Aerial Ace Pidgeotto 17 6 33 5 61 4 360
Steel Wing X Scissor Scyther 123 9 31 5 89 0 1042
Bite Sludge Bomb Nidoran F 29 3 31 8 65 3 392
Water Gun Swift Staryu 120 0 31 4 33 10 377
Steel Wing X Scissor Scyther 123 5 29 6 82 2 938
Rock Smash X Scissor Pinsir 127 10 29 0 84 3 1103
Bubble Bubble Beam Poliwag 60 3 29 6 10 4 10
Fury Cutter Night Slash Scyther 123 10 29 2 69 1 626
Poison Sting Struggle Kakuna 14 1 29 11 51 1 186
Fury Cutter X Scissor Pinsir 127 2 27 10 55 0 528
Peck Horn Attack Nidoran M 32 6 27 3 59 3 412
Peck Water Pulse Goldeen 118 4 27 1 41 7 255
Fury Cutter Vice Grip Pinsir 127 2 27 9 80 1 1112
Poison Sting Body Slam Nidoran M 32 2 24 5 15 4 30
Wing Attack Aerial Ace Pidgeotto 17 4 24 3 48 4 233
Wing Attack Twister Pidgeotto 17 5 24 2 72 4 502
Peck Horn Attack Goldeen 118 4 24 5 53 2 406
Quick Attack Drill Peck Spearow 21 0 22 4 33 6 156
Confusion Psyshock Drowzee 96 0 22 0 30 10 96
Fury Cutter Submission Pinsir 127 5 22 2 76 3 956
Fury Cutter Night Slash Scyther 123 7 20 0 91 2 1110
Bubble Aqua Tail Squirtle 7 3 20 6 51 0 417
Steel Wing Bug Buzz Scyther 123 7 20 0 58 2 462
Tackle Dig Rattata 19 1 16 0 33 6 215
Tackle Struggle Metapod 11 1 16 6 57 0 173
Zen Headbutt Moonblast Clefairy 35 0 11 0 77 5 483
Bug Bite Struggle Metapod 11 2 7 1 60 0 188
Ice Shard Aqua Tail Seel 86 1 7 2 76 0 477
Bite Hydro Pump Wartortle 8 0 4 2 64 0 614
Steel Wing Bug Buzz Scyther 123 2 4 0 78 0 853
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