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Ryan Morgan RyanMorgan

  • Washington, D.C.
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RyanMorgan /
Last active February 16, 2016 19:52
New Mac Install (10.11 - El Capitain)

#Installing a Mac!

First off, we need to install Homebrew in order to install just about everything

xcode-select --install
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew install caskroom/cash/brew-cask
brew install ack autojump automake colordiff curl git git-flow hub icoutils imagemagick libmemcached memcached openssl ossp-uuid qt readline redis tmux wget libxml2
| => bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Fetching dependency metadata from
Resolving dependencies....................................................................................................
Using rake 10.4.2
Using RedCloth 4.2.9
Using activesupport 2.2.2
Using actionpack 2.2.2
Using actionmailer 2.2.2
// RGB sensor code, stripped to basics, to get initialization working...
const i2c_ioexp = 0x7C; // I2C channel base adddreses
const i2c_als = 0xE8; // adjusted to 8 bit values
// Initialise the imp hardware
local i2c = hardware.i2c89;
// ------------------------------------------------ rgbdcs register definitions -----------------------------------------------------
const rgbdcsRED = 0; const rgbdcsGREEN = 1; const rgbdcsBLUE = 2; const rgbdcsCLEAR = 3;
// RGB sensor code, stripped to basics, to get initialization working...
const i2c_ioexp = 0x7C; // I2C channel base adddreses
const i2c_als = 0xE8; // adjusted to 8 bit values
// Initialise the imp hardware
local i2c = hardware.i2c89;
// ------------------------------------------------ rgbdcs register definitions -----------------------------------------------------
const rgbdcsRED = 0; const rgbdcsGREEN = 1; const rgbdcsBLUE = 2; const rgbdcsCLEAR = 3;