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Last active January 29, 2023 16:01
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  • Save RyanPattison/0f7307ee39a5238270a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RyanPattison/0f7307ee39a5238270a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ordered table for Lua. A table that keeps track of the order that keys are added and makes pairs iterate in order of insertion. Also, it maintains/reports the correct number of items in the table with the `#` operator.
local ordered_table = {}
This implementation of ordered table does not hold performance above functionality.
It invokes a metamethod `__newindex` for every access, and
while this is not ideal performance wise, the resulting table behaves very closely to
a standard Lua table, with the quirk that the keys are ordered by when they are first seen
(unless deleted and then reinserted.)
-- private unique keys
local _values = {}
local _keys = {}
function ordered_table.insert(t, k, v)
if v == nil then
ordered_table.remove(t, k)
else -- update/store value
if t[_values][k] == nil then -- new key
t[_keys][#t[_keys] + 1] = k
t[_values][k] = v
local function find(t, v)
for i,val in ipairs(t) do
if v == val then
return i
function ordered_table.remove(t, k)
local tv = t[_values]
local v = tv[k]
if v ~= nil then
local tk = t[_keys]
table.remove(tk, assert(find(tk, k)))
tv[k] = nil
return v
function ordered_table.pairs(t)
local i = 0
return function()
i = i + 1
local key = t[_keys][i]
if key ~= nil then
return key, t[_values][key]
-- set metamethods for ordered_table "class"
ordered_table.__newindex=ordered_table.insert -- called for updates too since we store the value in `_values` instead.
ordered_table.__len=function(t) return #t[_keys] end
ordered_table.__index=function(t, k) return t[_values][k] end -- function so we can share between tables
function ordered_table:new(init)
init = init or {}
local key_table = {}
local value_table = {}
local t = {[_keys]=key_table, [_values]=value_table}
local n = #init
if n % 2 ~= 0 then
error("key: "..tostring(init[#init]).." is missing value", 2)
for i=1,n/2 do
local k = init[i * 2 - 1]
local v = init[i * 2]
if value_table[k] ~= nil then
error("duplicated key:"..tostring(k), 2)
key_table[#key_table + 1] = k
value_table[k] = v
return setmetatable(t, self)
return setmetatable(ordered_table, {})
--[[ Example Usage:
ordered_table = require"ordered_table"
local t = ordered_table{
"hello", 1, -- key, value pairs
2, 2,
50, 3,
"bye", 4,
200, 5,
"_values", 20,
"_keys", 4,
print(#t, "items")
print("hello is", t.hello)
for k, v in pairs(t) do print(k, v) end
t.bye = nil -- delete it
t.hello = 0 -- updates
t.bye = 4 -- bring it back!
for k, v in pairs(t) do print(k, v) end
print(#t, "items")
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What license is this under? Thanks in advance!

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It's been a very long time since I've written in Lua and I don't think this was used anywhere, so use it at your risk and support basically. The MIT one without attrition works for me though:

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