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Last active March 31, 2024 00:31
A Lua implementation of the Alias Method, for sampling from an arbitrary distribution.
local alias_table = {}
function alias_table:new(weights)
local total = 0
for _,v in ipairs(weights) do
assert(v >= 0, "all weights must be non-negative")
total = total + v
assert(total > 0, "total weight must be positive")
local normalize = #weights / total
local norm = {}
local small_stack = {}
local big_stack = {}
for i,w in ipairs(weights) do
norm[i] = w * normalize
if norm[i] < 1 then
table.insert(small_stack, i)
table.insert(big_stack, i)
local prob = {}
local alias = {}
while small_stack[1] and big_stack[1] do -- both non-empty
small = table.remove(small_stack)
large = table.remove(big_stack)
prob[small] = norm[small]
alias[small] = large
norm[large] = norm[large] + norm[small] - 1
if norm[large] < 1 then
table.insert(small_stack, large)
table.insert(big_stack, large)
for _, v in ipairs(big_stack) do prob[v] = 1 end
for _, v in ipairs(small_stack) do prob[v] = 1 end
self.__index = self
return setmetatable({alias=alias, prob=prob, n=#weights}, self)
function alias_table:__call()
local index = math.random(self.n)
return math.random() < self.prob[index] and index or self.alias[index]
return alias_table
--[[ -- usage:
alias_table = require"alias_table"
sample = alias_table:new{10, 20, 15, 2, 2.3, 130} -- assign weights for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc.
math.randomseed(os.time()); math.random(); math.random(); math.random();
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LukeMS commented Jun 22, 2020

Can I use this under MIT or other open license?

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Public domain is fine

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MikiREXik commented Apr 13, 2023

Hey, I have problem, ik its stupid question but i have created items and i just need help with error all weights must be non-negative

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pakeke-constructor commented Mar 31, 2024

Hi- quick warning to people, I tested this code with 10 million iterations, and it yielded very incorrect results as to what the expected results should be

nvm, im an idiot. Thank you lol

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I have tested this code with 10 million iterations, and can confirm it works on edge cases 👍
Thank you!

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