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Last active October 17, 2018 19:21
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  • Save RyanSchu/210f07c3a70dc375cc21cddffb990fa5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RyanSchu/210f07c3a70dc375cc21cddffb990fa5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#origianlly written by Brianne Coffey Github@breecoffey
#modified by Ryan Schubert
import argparse
import gzip
import re
from os.path import expanduser
current = expanduser("~")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Input & Output Files') #create the argument parser
parser.add_argument('--VCF', help='The VCF file to open') #variable for VCF file
parser.add_argument('--maf', help='Minor allele frequency threshold', const=1, type = float)
parser.add_argument('--r2', help='R2 threshold', const=1, type = float)
parser.add_argument('--outputdir', "-o", default=current, help='The VCF file to open') #variable for VCF file
parser.add_argument('--tag", default=current, help='tag') #variable for VCF file
args = parser.parse_args() #parse the arguments
#geno = "SNPGenotypes_" + args.VCF
#snpsloc = "SNPLoc_" + args.VCF
filtered = [] #array to store filtered snp info
loc_output = [] #array for snp chrom location output file
with, "rt") as file: #open the vcf file
for line in file:
if line.startswith('##'): #strip the meta-information
if line.startswith('#'): #store the header
header = line
words = line.strip('\n').split('\t') #split row by tab
#chrom_num = words[0] #grab chromosome number
#chrom_loc = words[1] #grab chromosome location
#snp_id = words[2] #grab snp id
#ref_allele = words[3]
# alt_allele = words[4]
#loc_output.append(str(snp_id) + '\t' + "chr"+str(chrom_num) + '\t' + str(chrom_loc)) #append together for the location output file
R2_index = -1
af_index = -1
values = words[7].split(';') #grab the 7th column with GT info for each sample
af_index = 2 #set initial allele freq to index 2
if(str(values[2][0:4]) == 'MAF='): #check first 3 indicies for AF info, because some snps are missing first 2 values
af_index = 2
if(str(values[1][0:4]) == 'MAF='):
af_index = 1
if(str(values[0][0:4]) == 'MAF='):
af_index = 0
if(str(values[2][0:3]) == 'R2='): #check first 3 indicies for AF info, because some snps are missing first 2 values
R2_index = 2
if(str(values[1][0:3]) == 'R2='):
R2_index = 1
if(str(values[0][0:3]) == 'R2='):
R2_index = 0
R2_float = [float(i) for i in values[R2_index][3:].split(',')]
maf_float = [float(i) for i in values[af_index][3:].split(',')]
if (af_index != -1 and R2_index != -1) and (max(maf_float) >= args.maf and max(R2_float) >= args.R2): #check if AF is above 0.01 frequency
unfiltered_dose = words[9:] #grab unfiltered genotype info
dosages = [] #create array for all genotype values to be stored
#unfiltered_geno = unfiltered_geno[2:]
for i in unfiltered_dose:
j = i.split(':') #split info by colon
dose = j[1]
filt = '\t'.join(map(str, words[0:5])) #convert snpid to string
if dosages == []: #if no values, go to next snp
for k in dosages:
filt += '\t' + str(k)
filtered.append(filt) #append filtered DS values by tab delimited
loc_output.append(str(snp_id) + '\t' + "chr"+str(chrom_num) + '\t' + str(chrom_loc))
#write to output file
dose_out = args.outputdir + "/Chr" + arg.tag + "MAF" + str(args.maf) + "R2" + str(args.r2) + "Dosages.txt.gz"
#snpsloc = args.outputdir + "SNPLoc.txt.gz"
with, 'wb') as output_file:
samples = header.split('\t') #sample IDs
samples = samples[9:] #remove first columns from header
for name in samples:
for i in filtered:
output_file.write((str(i) + '\n').encode('utf-8')) #write out filtered genotype info
#with, 'wb') as output_file:
# output_file.write(("snp\tchr\tpos" + '\n').encode('utf-8')) #concat info for chrom position
# for snp in loc_output:
# output_file.write((snp + '\n').encode('utf-8'))
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