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Last active February 19, 2019 21:24
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#read in diff chr results
parser <- ArgumentParser()
parser$add_argument("--column","-c", help="Specifies which column contains pvalues for multi-column file", type="integer")
parser$add_argument("--input","-i",help="file containing pvalues. Can be fed one column file as pvalues, or can specify column number for multi-column file with '--column'. If neither of these is the case then it assumes it is plink format by default.")
parser$add_argument("--limit", help="Limits output to the top proportion of data you wish to graph, default is no limit. Accepts decimal input 0 to 1.", type="double")
parser$add_argument("--noheader", help="Specifies that input file does not contain a header. Default assumes file has header", action='store_true')
parser$add_argument("--out", "-o", help="Use as in plink - output prefix optionally including file path, but not including file type.")
parser$add_argument("--range", help="Specifies the total number of pvalues within the parent set of input. For use when input pvalues is a subset of the total.", type="integer")
args <- parser$parse_args()
"%&%" = function(a,b) paste(a,b,sep="")
##three situations - standard plink output, only one column, or specify column number
##check if theres a header or not
read_input<- function(file=args$input, noheader=args$noheader, limit=Inf) {
if (noheader == T && grepl(file,".gz$") == T){
print("reading input")
input<'zcat ' %&% file, header = F, showProgress = T))
} else if (noheader == F && grepl(file,".gz$") == T){
print("reading input")
input<'zcat ' %&% file, header = T, showProgress = T))
} else if (noheader == F && grepl(file,".gz$") == F){
print("reading input")
input<, header = T, showProgress = T))
} else if (noheader == T && grepl(file,".gz$") == F){
print("reading input")
input<, header = F, showProgress = T))
clean_pvals<-function(df){ #grabs the pvalues, -log transforms, sorts them, drops NAs
if (ncol(df) == 1){ #if only one col, that is just assumed as a list of pvals
print("Input data has only one column, treating it as pvalues")
logp<- -log10(df)
pval_col<- sort(logp, decreasing = T, na.last = NA) %>%
else if(!is.null(args$column)){ #have you specified which col number is pvalues
print("Treating i-th column as pvalues where i = " %&% args$column)
logp<- -log10(df[,args$column])
pval_col<-sort(logp, decreasing = T, na.last = NA) %>%
else { #default assumes it is plink format
pval_col<-filter(df, Test == "ADD") %>% select(P) %>% -log10() %>% sort(decreasing = T, na.last = NA) %>%
create_qq_input<-function(df, limit=nrow(df),range=nrow(df)){ #takes in one column df of pvalues - assumes no NAs, can also limit to the top n hits. Default of this will be just all pvalues
print("Size of parental set is presumed to be " %&% range)
print("Provided number of pvalues is " %&% nrow(df))
print("limiting output to top " %&% limit %&% " rows")
count <- nrow(df) #count number of pvals that are not na
ExpP <- -log10((1:count)/(range+1)) %>% #generate a list of expected pvalues equal in length to the obs pvalues that are not na
pvalue_data<-read_input(args$input, args$noheader)
#set limit
if (!is.null(args$limit)){
limit = floor(args$limit * nrow(cleanded_pvalues))
} else {
limit = nrow(cleanded_pvalues)
if (!is.null(args$range)){
range = args$range
} else {
range = nrow(cleanded_pvalues)
qq_input<-create_qq_input(cleanded_pvalues, limit, range)
qq1 <- ggplot(qq_input,aes(x=Expected,y=Observed)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
#coord_cartesian(xlim=c(-0.05,8.05),ylim=c(-0.05,30.05)) +
theme_bw(12) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c(rgb(163,0,66,maxColorValue = 255),"dark gray")) +
theme(legend.position = c(0.01,0.99),legend.justification = c(0,1)) +
geom_abline(slope=1,intercept = 0) +
xlab(expression(Expected~~-log[10](italic(p)))) +
ylab(expression(Observed~~-log[10](italic(p)))) +
expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0)
png(filename = args$out %&% '.png', width=480, height=480)
pdf(file = args$out %&% '.pdf',width = 3.75, height = 3.75)

Here is an rscript to generate a qqplot that comes with five basic flags. It is designed to be run through the command line using these flags as necessary. This script can be used to generate either partial or complete qqplots, with partial qqplots displaying only the top proportion of hits according to user input. The script is designed to take in a variety of types described as follows:

  • Data with or without a header (Default is with)

The script assumes by default that the input file has a header. If the input file does not have a header, then the user may signal this by supplying the --noheader flag at runtime

  • Data in .gz format

The script in utilizing the fread function from data.table interprets whether or not the data is in .gz format based on the file name ending with .gz or not

  • Single or multi column data

If input file is only one column, the script interprets this column as a column of pvalues and executes accordingly. If the input file consists of multiple columns, then it is assumed that only one such column contains pvalues. In this case the user must supply the column number at runtime using the --column flag (assume column indexing starts at 1).

  • Plink format gwas

If the data is in plink format gwas results then the user does not need any additional flags including column number.

Creating partial qqplots

Using the --limit flag at runtime will limit the number of pvalues that are graphed in the final output. This flag is based on proportions and accepts an input from 0 to 1 to plot out the top proportion of pvalues. For example, if you supply it as such --limit 0.5 the script will limit output to half of all pvalues, and this limitation will only output the half that is significant. Depending on the number of pvalues you have, this limit can afford to be very strict. For example when running on test data of over 2.4e7 data points, --limit 0.01 produced reasonable output that containing the significant signal.

Additionally it's possible for you to supply a subset of pvalue data to this script. If you are still attempting to create a qqplot that only plots the significant signal in your data, then this requires that your input data only contains your top pvalues. In addition to your subset of top pvalues, you supply the script with the --range flag which specifies how many pvalues are in the superset that the input was derived from. This will calculate the expected pvalues based on the number of presumed pvalues in the parental set. Note: the --range flag itself will not be able to correct your provided value for any NAs or redundant lines in your parental set so it important that this provided value be accurate.

All options

--input or -i
full path to input file. Can be single or multi column as well as plink format or not plink format
--column or -c
the column number that contains your pvalues for a multi-column file that is not plink.
signifies that input file does not have a header. If not used assumes it does have a header.
limits output to the top proportion of values as defined by the user. Accepts value between 0 and 1
--out or -o
Use as in plink - output prefix optionally including file path, but not including file type (ie not including .txt, .png etc)
Specifies the total number of pvalues within the parent set of input. For use when your input is a subset of your actual data (that is your input file is too big to actually use). 


To run it from the command line do it as so

Rscript qqplot_tophits.R --input pvalues.txt --out ./output_prefix --limit 0.01
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