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Created March 30, 2018 20:38
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Save RyanSquared/7d5bde7fcf9cd22556fddfe601ed5ade to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name = "testingstuffs"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Ryan"]
debug = []
pest = "~1.0"
pest_derive = "~1.0"
extern crate pest;
extern crate pest_derive;
use std::io::{self, BufRead, Write};
use pest::Parser;
use pest::iterators::Pairs;
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
const _GRAMMAR: &'static str = include_str!("parser.pest");
#[grammar = "parser.pest"]
struct IdentParser;
fn do_thing(pairs: Pairs<Rule>) {
for pair in pairs {
println!("Rule: {:?}", pair.as_rule());
println!("Span: {:?}", pair.clone().into_span());
println!("Text: {}", pair.clone().into_span().as_str());
let rule = pair.as_rule();
if rule != Rule::statement {
panic!("Logic error; expected Rule::statement, got: {:?}", rule);
let mut inner_pairs = pair.into_inner();
let statement ="No values captured in statement");
match statement.as_rule() {
Rule::assignment => {
let mut inner_pairs = statement.into_inner();
let (head_pair, tail_pair) = (,;
let head = head_pair.expect("Missing head for assignment");
let tail = tail_pair.expect("Missing tail for assignment");
println!("tail: {:?}", tail.clone().into_inner().collect::<Vec<_>>());
println!("Setting {:?} to {:?}",
_ => panic!("Match not found for statement type: {:?}", rule)
fn main() {
let stdin = io::stdin();
let mut stdout = io::stdout();
print!("> ");
let line = stdin.lock().lines().next().expect("Missing line").unwrap();
let pairs = IdentParser::parse(Rule::program, line.as_str()).unwrap();
// :GUIDE:
// Solitary units should be prepended by a $ to avoid having space included
// after the text.
whitespace = _{ " " }
// Match Lua's parsing rules
variable = { !'0'..'9' ~ ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|"_"|'0'..'9')+ }
number = { '0'..'9'+ }
head = ${ variable }
tail = ${ variable | number }
assignment = { "local" ~ head ~ "=" ~ tail }
statement = { (assignment) ~ ";" }
program = _{ statement+ ~ eoi }
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Dismissed; this will be useful later when adding in more potential statements

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