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Last active October 19, 2023 09:22
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Typescript definitions for ExcelJS
* Type definitions for ExcelJS
* Project:
* Definitions by: Rycochet
* This is a WIP
declare namespace ExcelJS {
type Zip = any;
type Stream = any;
type Model = any;
export const enum PageSize {
LEGAL = 5,
A4 = 9,
A5 = 11,
B5 = 13,
JIS = 13,
ENVELOPE_10 = 20,
ENVELOPE_Monarch = 37,
_16K_197X273 = 119
* between Values must lie between formula results
* notBetween Values must not lie between formula results
* equal Value must equal formula result
* notEqual Value must not equal formula result
* greaterThan Value must be greater than formula result
* lessThan Value must be less than formula result
* greaterThanOrEqual Value must be greater than or equal to formula result
* lessThanOrEqual Value must be less than or equal to formula result
export type Operator = "between"
| "notBetween"
| "equal"
| "notEqual"
| "greaterThan"
| "lessThan"
| "greaterThanOrEqual"
| "lessThanOrEqual";
export type PatternStyles = "none"
| "solid"
| "darkVertical"
| "darkGray"
| "mediumGray"
| "lightGray"
| "gray125"
| "gray0625"
| "darkHorizontal"
| "darkVertical"
| "darkDown"
| "darkUp"
| "darkGrid"
| "darkTrellis"
| "lightHorizontal"
| "lightVertical"
| "lightDown"
| "lightUp"
| "lightGrid"
| "lightTrellis"
| "lightGrid";
export type BorderStyles = "thin"
| "dotted"
| "dashDot"
| "hair"
| "dashDotDot"
| "slantDashDot"
| "mediumDashed"
| "mediumDashDotDot"
| "mediumDashDot"
| "medium"
| "double"
| "thick"
export interface View {
x?: number;
y?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
firstSheet?: number;
activeTab?: number;
visibility?: "visible";
xSplit?: number;
ySplit?: number;
export interface WorkbookProperties {
tabColor?: Color;
showGridLines?: boolean;
views?: View[];
date1904?: boolean;
outlineLevelCol?: number;
outlineLevelRow?: number;
export interface WorksheetProperties {
* The worksheet column outline level
outlineLevelCol: number;
* The worksheet row outline level
outlineLevelRow: number;
* Default row height
defaultRowHeight: number;
dyDescent: number;
export interface WorksheetViews {
* Controls the view state - one of normal, frozen or split
state: "normal" | "frozen" | "split";
* The currently selected cell
activeCell: string;
* Shows or hides the ruler in Page Layout
showRuler: boolean;
* Shows or hides the row and column headers (e.g. A1, B1 at the top
* and 1,2,3 on the left
showRowColHeaders: boolean;
* Shows or hides the gridlines (shown for cells where borders have not
* been defined)
showGridLines: boolean;
* Percentage zoom to use for the view
zoomScale: number;
* Normal zoom for the view
zoomScaleNormal: number;
* Presentation style - one of pageBreakPreview or pageLayout. Note
* pageLayout is not compatable with frozen views
style: "pageBreakPreview" | "pageLayout";
export interface WorksheetFrozenViews extends WorksheetViews {
* Controls the view state - one of normal, frozen or split
state: "frozen";
* How many columns to freeze. To freeze rows only, set this to 0 or
* undefined
xSplit: number;
* How many rows to freeze. To freeze columns only, set this to 0 or
* undefined
ySplit: number;
* Which cell will be top-left in the bottom-right pane. Note: cannot
* be a frozen cell. Defaults to first unfrozen cell
topLeftCell: string;
export interface WorksheetSplitViews extends WorksheetViews {
* Controls the view state - one of normal, frozen or split
state: "split";
* How many points from the left to place the splitter. To split
* vertically, set this to 0 or undefined
xSplit: number;
* How many points from the top to place the splitter. To split
* horizontally, set this to 0 or undefined
ySplit: number;
* Which cell will be top-left in the bottom-right pane.
topLeftCell: string;
* Which pane will be active - one of topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft and
* bottomRight
activePane: "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight";
export const enum ValueType {
Null = 0,
Merge = 1,
Number = 2,
String = 3,
Date = 4,
Hyperlink = 5,
Formula = 6,
SharedString = 7,
RichText = 8
export interface Font {
bold?: boolean;
charset?: number;
color: Color;
family?: number;
italic?: boolean;
name?: string;
outline?: boolean;
scheme?: "none" | "minor" | "major";
size?: number;
strike?: boolean;
underline?: boolean | "none" | "single" | "double" | "singleAccounting" | "doubleAccounting";
export interface Alignment {
horizontal?: "left" | "center" | "right" | "fill" | "justify" | "centerContinuous" | "distributed";
vertical?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "distributed" | "justify";
wrapText?: boolean;
indent?: number;
readingOrder?: "rtl" | "ltr";
textRotation?: "vertical" | number;
export interface Color {
argb: string;
export interface Border {
up?: boolean;
down?: boolean;
left?: boolean;
right?: boolean;
style?: BorderStyles;
color?: Color;
export interface Stop {
position: number;
color: Color;
export interface FillPattern {
type: "pattern";
pattern: PatternStyles;
fgColor: Color;
bgColor: Color
export interface FillGradientAngle {
type: "gradient";
gradient: "angle";
degree: 0 | 45 | 90 | 135;
stops: Stop[];
export interface FillGradientPath {
type: "gradient";
gradient: "path";
center: {left: number, top: number};
stops: Stop[];
export type Fill = FillPattern | FillGradientAngle | FillGradientPath;
export interface Style {
numFmt: string;
font: Font;
alignment: Alignment;
border: Border;
fill: Fill;
export interface DataValidationList {
type: "list";
allowBlank: boolean;
* ['"One,Two,Three,Four"']
* ['$D$5:$F$5']
formulae: string[];
export interface DataValidationWhole {
type: "whole";
operator: Operator;
showErrorMessage: boolean;
formulae: number[];
errorStyle: string;
errorTitle: string;
error: string;
export interface DataValidationDecimal {
type: "decimal";
operator: Operator;
allowBlank: boolean;
showInputMessage: boolean;
formulae: number[];
promptTitle: string;
prompt: string;
export interface DataValidationTextLength {
type: "textLength";
operator: Operator;
showErrorMessage: boolean;
allowBlank: boolean;
formulae: number[];
export interface DataValidationDate {
type: "date";
operator: Operator;
showErrorMessage: boolean;
allowBlank: boolean;
formulae: Date[];
export type DataValidation = DataValidationList | DataValidationWhole | DataValidationDecimal | DataValidationTextLength | DataValidationDate;
export interface Address {
address: string;
col: number;
row: number;
sheetName: string;
export interface Cell extends Style {
readonly workbook: Workbook;
readonly worksheet: Sheet;
* Modify/Add individual cell
value: any;
readonly text: string;
readonly toCsvString: string;
readonly address: string;
readonly row: number;
readonly col: number;
readonly $col$row: string;
* Query a cell's type
readonly type: ValueType;
readonly effectiveType: ValueType;
readonly isMerged: boolean;
readonly fullAddress: Address;
merge(master: Cell): void;
unmerge(): void;
isMergedTo(master: Cell): boolean;
readonly master: Cell;
readonly isHyperlink: boolean;
readonly hyperlink: string;
* Style
style: Style;
* Individual cells (or multiple groups of cells) can have names
* assigned to them. The names can be used in formulas and data
* validation (and probably more).
name: string;
* Cells can define what values are valid or not and provide prompting
* to the user to help guide them.
dataValidation: DataValidation;
export interface Column extends Style {
readonly workbook: Workbook;
readonly worksheet: Sheet;
readonly number: number;
readonly letter: string;
readonly isCustomWidth: boolean;
defn: {
header: string;
key: string;
width: number;
style: Style;
hidden: boolean;
outlineLevel: number;
readonly headers: string[];
* Check if any custom size or style
readonly isDefault: boolean;
* The width of the column, this is the only value to be saved
width: number;
* A convenience value for finding columns by name (must not match a
* column letter)
key: string;
* The value of the top cell in the column
header: string;
* Is the column hidden from view
hidden: boolean;
* Set an outline level for columns
outlineLevel: number;
* Columns support a readonly field to indicate the collapsed state
* based on outlineLevel
readonly collapsed: boolean;
* Check if same size, visibility and style
equivalentTo?(other: Column): boolean;
* Iterate over all current cells in this column
eachCell(callback: (cell: Cell, rowNumber: number) => void): void;
eachCell(options: {includeEmpty: boolean}, callback: (cell: Cell, rowNumber: number) => void): void;
* cut one or more columns (columns to the right are shifted left)
* If column properties have been defined, they will be cut or moved accordingly
* Known Issue: If a splice causes any merged cells to move, the results may be unpredictable
spliceColumns(start: number, count: number, ...insert: Cell[][]): void;
export interface Row extends Style {
readonly workbook: Workbook;
readonly worksheet: Sheet;
* Return the row number
readonly number: number;
* A sparse array of cell values
values: any[] | {[key: string]: any};
* Returns true if the row includes at least one cell with a value
readonly hasValues: boolean;
* Number of cells in this row
readonly cellCount: number;
* Number of non-empty cells in this row
readonly actualCellCount: number;
* Get the min and max column number for the non-null cells in this row
* or null
readonly dimensions: null | {min: number, max: number};
* The height of the row, this is the only value to be saved
height: number;
* Set an outline level for columns
outlineLevel: number;
* Columns support a readonly field to indicate the collapsed state
* based on outlineLevel
readonly collapsed: boolean;
* Assign row values by object, using column keys
value: {[columnId: string]: any} | any[]
* Returns the cell at col.
* If not found, return undefined
findCell(col: number): Cell | undefined;
* Inform Streaming Writer that this row (and all rows before it) are
* complete and ready to write. Has no effect on Worksheet document
commit(): void;
* Return the cell at col.
* If not found, create a new one.
getCell(col: string | number): Cell;
* Iterate over all current cells in this column
eachCell(callback: (cell: Cell, rowNumber: number) => void): void;
eachCell(options: {includeEmpty: boolean}, callback: (cell: Cell, rowNumber: number) => void): void;
* cut one or more rows (rows below are shifted up)
* If row properties have been defined, they will be cut or moved accordingly
* Known Issue: If a splice causes any merged cells to move, the results may be unpredictable
splice?(start: number, count: number, ...insert: Cell[][]): void;
export interface PageSetupOptions {
* Whitespace on the borders of the page. Units are inches.
margins: number;
* Orientation of the page - i.e. taller (portrait) or wider (landscape)
orientation: "portrait" | "landscape";
* Horizontal Dots per Inch. Default value is -1
horizontalDpi: number;
* Vertical Dots per Inch. Default value is -1
verticalDpi: number;
* Whether to use fitToWidth and fitToHeight or scale settings. Default
* is based on presence of these settings in the pageSetup object - if
* both are present, scale wins (i.e. default will be false)
fitToPage: "fitToWidth" | "fitToHeight" | "scale";
* Which order to print the pages - one of ['downThenOver',
* 'overThenDown']
pageOrder: "downThenOver" | "overThenDown";
* Print without colour
blackAndWhite: boolean;
* Print with less quality (and ink)
draft: boolean;
* Where to place comments - one of ['atEnd', 'asDisplayed', 'None']
cellComments: "atEnd" | "asDisplayed" | "None";
* Where to show errors - one of ['dash', 'blank', 'NA', 'displayed']
errors: "dash" | "blank" | "NA" | "displayed";
* Percentage value to increase or reduce the size of the print. Active
* when fitToPage is false
scale: number;
* How many pages wide the sheet should print on to. Active when
* fitToPage is true
fitToWidth: number;
* How many pages high the sheet should print on to. Active when
* fitToPage is true
fitToHeight: number;
* What paper size to use
paperSize: PageSize;
* Whether to show the row numbers and column letters
showRowColHeaders: boolean;
* Whether to show grid lines
showGridLines: boolean;
* Which number to use for the first page
firstPageNumber: number;
* Whether to center the sheet data horizontally
horizontalCentered: boolean;
* Whether to center the sheet data vertically
verticalCentered: boolean;
* Set the print area
printArea: string;
export interface Sheet {
pageSetup: PageSetupOptions;
properties: WorksheetProperties;
views: (WorksheetViews | WorksheetFrozenViews | WorksheetSplitViews)[];
* An array of Columns
columns: Column[];
* The total row size of the document. Equal to the row number of the
* last row that has values.
rowCount: number;
* A count of the number of rows that have values. If a mid-document
* row is empty, it will not be included in the count.
actualRowCount: number;
* The total column size of the document. Equal to the maximum cell
* count from all of the rows
columnCount: number;
* A count of the number of columns that have values.
actualColumnCount: number;
* Check of the sheet has any merges
hasMerges: boolean;
* Bottom row of the sheet
lastRow: number;
* Get a single column by col number or ID. If it doesn't exist, create
* it and any gaps before it
getColumn(name: string | number): Column;
* Get a row by row number.
getRow(name: number): Row;
* cut one or more columns (columns to the right are shifted left)
* If column properties have been defined, they will be cut or moved accordingly
* Known Issue: If a splice causes any merged cells to move, the results may be unpredictable
spliceColumns?(start: number, count: number, ...insert: Cell[][]): void;
* cut one or more rowa (rows below are shifted up)
* If row properties have been defined, they will be cut or moved accordingly
* Known Issue: If a splice causes any merged cells to move, the results may be unpredictable
spliceRows?(start: number, count: number, ...insert: Cell[][]): void;
* Find a row (if exists) by row number
findRow(row: number): Row;
* Add a single row to the sheet
addRow(cells?: {[columnId: string]: any} | any[]): Row;
* Add multiple rows to the sheet
addRows(cells: ({[columnId: string]: any} | any[])[]): void;
* Iterate over all rows that have values in a worksheet
eachRow?(callback: (row: Row, rowNumber: number) => void): void;
eachRow?(options: {includeEmpty: boolean}, callback: (row: Row, rowNumber: number) => void): void;
* Returns the cell at [r,c] or address given by r.
* If not found, return undefined
findCell(address: string): Cell | undefined;
findCell(row: number, col: number): Cell | undefined;
* Return all rows as sparse array
getSheetValues(): Cell[][];
* Return the cell at [r,c] or address given by r.
* If not found, create a new one.
getCell(address: string): Cell;
getCell(row: number, col: number): Cell;
* Convert the range defined by ['tl:br'], [tl,br] or [t,l,b,r] into a
* single 'merged' cell
mergeCells?(cellRange: string): void;
mergeCells?(topLeft: string, bottomRight: string): void;
mergeCells?(top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number): void;
* Scan the range defined by ['tl:br'], [tl,br] or [t,l,b,r] and if any
* cell is part of a merge, un-merge the group. Note this function can
* affect multiple merges and merge-blocks are atomic - either they're
* all merged or all un-merged.
unMergeCells?(cellRange: string): void;
unMergeCells?(topLeft: string, bottomRight: string): void;
unMergeCells?(top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number): void;
interface LoadOptions {
base64?: boolean;
interface WriteOptions {
base64?: boolean;
useStyles?: boolean;
useSharedStrings?: boolean;
export interface XLSX {
addApp(zip: Zip, model: Model): Promise<void>;
addContentTypes(zip: Zip, model: Model): Promise<void>;
addCore(zip: Zip, model: Model): Promise<void>;
addOfficeRels(zip: Zip, model: Model): Promise<void>;
addSharedStrings(zip: Zip, model: Model): Promise<void>;
addStyles(zip: Zip, model: Model): Promise<void>;
addThemes(zip: Zip): Promise<void>;
addWorkbook(zip: Zip, model: Model, options: any): Promise<void>;
addWorkbookRels(zip: Zip, model: Model): Promise<void>;
addWorksheets(zip: Zip, model: Model, options: any): Promise<void>;
createInputStream(): Promise<void>;
load(data: any, options?: LoadOptions): Promise<Workbook>;
parseRels(stream: Stream): Promise<void>;
parseSharedStrings(stream: Stream): Promise<void>;
parseWorkbook(stream: Stream): Promise<void>;
parseWorksheet(stream: Stream): Promise<void>;
read(stream: Stream): Promise<Workbook>;
readFile(filename: string): Promise<void>;
reconcile(model: Model): Promise<void>;
write(stream: Stream, options?: WriteOptions): Promise<void>;
writeBuffer(options?: WriteOptions): Promise<void>;
writeFile(filename: string, options?: WriteOptions): Promise<void>;
export class Workbook {
creator?: string;
lastModifiedBy?: string;
lastPrinted?: Date;
created?: Date;
modified?: Date;
properties?: WorkbookProperties;
worksheets?: Sheet[];
definedNames?: string[];
views?: View[];
company?: string;
manager?: string;
title?: string;
subject?: string;
keywords?: string;
category?: string;
description?: string;
language?: string;
revision?: string;
model?: any;
xlsx?: XLSX;
addWorksheet?(name: string, options?: WorkbookProperties): Sheet;
getWorksheet?(name: string | number): Sheet;
removeWorksheet?(name: string | number): void;
eachSheet?(callback: (worksheet: Sheet, sheetId: number) => void): void;
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I think this will be a great idea, I can't wait to use typescript

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