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Created February 22, 2021 14:07
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Export Spotify playlists to .csv file using PowerShell. Uses Spotify web API with OAuth2 Client Authorization flow
Export Spotify playlists to .csv file for backup
Export Spotify playlists to .csv file using the Spotify web API with OAuth2 Client Authorization flow
./Start-SpotifyPlaylistExport.ps1 -KeyVaultName 'myazkeyvault' -PlaylistType 'User'
- Assumes that a Spotify application has been configured and an OAuth2 Refresh token has been granted for a user
- Assumes that an Azure Key Vault has been configured to store API secrets
#region Init
param (
# The name of the Azure Key Vault where Spotify API secrets are stored
[string] $KeyVaultName,
# Process only user-created playlists, only followed playlists, or all playlists
[ValidateSet('User', 'Followed', 'All')]
[string] $PlaylistType
# Properties that will be returned for each track
$TrackFields = 'items(added_at,,track(name,id,external_urls(spotify),artists(name,external_urls(spotify)),album(name,external_urls(spotify))))'
# File system location for the resulting .csv file containing playlist data
$OutputFileLocation = "$HOME/Desktop/PlaylistExport_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd').csv"
#endregion Init
#region Functions
function Get-SpotifyAccessToken {
Get an OAuth2 Access token from an OAuth2 Refresh token and an application Client ID and Client Secret
OAuth2 Access token is used to access the Spotify API
param (
# The name of the Azure Key Vault where Spotify API secrets are stored
[string] $KeyVaultName
begin {
# Application credentials
$ClientId = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -SecretName 'Spotify-ClientID' -AsPlainText
$ClientSecret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -SecretName 'Spotify-ClientSecret' -AsPlainText
$ApplicationCredentials = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$ClientId`:$ClientSecret"))
# User credentials
$RefreshToken = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -SecretName 'Spotify-RefreshToken' -AsPlainText
process {
# Request elements
$TokenHeader = @{ 'Authorization' = "Basic $ApplicationCredentials" }
$TokenBody = @{ grant_type = 'refresh_token'; refresh_token = "$RefreshToken" }
try {
# Get an Access token from the Refresh token
$AccessToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers $TokenHeader -Uri '' -Body $TokenBody
} catch {
throw "[ERROR] Error getting Access Token from Spotify API '/token' endpoint using Refresh Token: $($Error[0])"
end {
# If an Access token was granted, return it
if ($AccessToken) {
return $AccessToken.access_token
} else {
return $null
} #endfunction Get-SpotifyAccessToken
#endregion Functions
#region GetPlaylists
# Get OAuth2 Access token and set API headers
$AccessToken = Get-SpotifyAccessToken -KeyVaultName $KeyVaultName
if ($AccessToken) {
$Headers = @{ 'Authorization' = "Bearer $AccessToken" }
} else {
throw '[ERROR] No OAuth2 Access token was granted. Please ensure that the application ClientID and ClientSecret, and the user OAuth2 Refresh token are valid.'
try {
# Get the authenticated user's Spotify profile
$User = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Headers -Uri ''
Write-Verbose "[INFO] Processing playlists for Spotify user $($User.display_name)"
} catch {
throw "[ERROR] Error getting the authenticated user's Spotify profile: $($Error[0])"
# Determine the user's number of playlists and calculate the number of paginated requests to make
try {
$PlaylistCount = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Headers -Uri ''
} catch {
throw "[ERROR] Error getting the number of playlists for user: $($Error[0])"
$PlaylistPages = [math]::ceiling($ / 50)
# Build collection of playlists by processing all pages
$Playlists = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PlaylistPages; $i++) {
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Headers -Uri "$($i * 50)"
} catch {
throw "[ERROR] Error getting list of playlists for user: $($Error[0])"
# Process playlist types based on parameter input
$ProcessPlaylists = switch ($PlaylistType) {
'User' { $Playlists.items | Where-Object { $ -eq $ } }
'Followed' { $Playlists.items | Where-Object { $ -ne $ } }
'All' { $Playlists.items }
#endregion GetPlaylists
#region ProcessPlaylists
$TrackArray = foreach ($Playlist in $ProcessPlaylists) {
Write-Verbose "[INFO] Processing playlist [$($]"
# Calculate the number of paginated requests to make to get all tracks in the playlist
$TrackPages = [math]::ceiling($ / 100)
# Build collection of tracks by processing all pages
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $TrackPages; $i++) {
try {
# Get all tracks in the playlist page, the API returns only the pre-defined fields
$Tracks = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers $Headers -Uri "$($$($i * 100)&fields=$TrackFields"
} catch {
throw "[ERROR] Error getting tracks from playlist [$($]: $($Error[0])"
# Create object for each track in playlist with processed data
foreach ($Track in $Tracks.items) {
PlaylistName = $ -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', ''
PlaylistURL = $Playlist.external_urls.spotify
AddedAt = $Track.added_at
AddedBy = $
Name = $
TrackURL = $Track.track.external_urls.spotify
Artist = $ | Join-String -Separator ', '
ArtistURL = $Track.track.artists.external_urls.spotify | Join-String -Separator ', '
Album = $
AlbumURL = $Track.track.album.external_urls.spotify
#endregion ProcessPlaylists
#region Output
# Export collection of tracks from all processed playlists to a .csv file at the pre-defined path
$TrackArray | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFileLocation -NoTypeInformation -Force
#endregion Output
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