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Created February 21, 2018 13:35
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"TCRT5000 TEST "
Created Feb 21, 2018
by Ryo Kosaka
You have to install some library.
1.MIDI :
////////////////////////////////////////// INITIAL VALUE ////////////////////////////////////////////
int HIHAT[6] = {1000, 100, 150, 10, 46, 0}; // *** NOTICE *** Except for NOTE, make open and close same value.
int HIHAT_CLOSE[6] = {1000, 100, 150, 10, 42, 0}; //{sensitivity, threshold1, threshold2, retrigger,note, velocity} *** NOTICE *** velocity must be zero.
int HIHAT_PEDAL[4] = {200, 0, 44, 0};
int SETTING[4] = {4, 80, 100 , 35}; //{scantime, snare/rim, pedalVelocity , masktime}
#include <MIDI.h>
boolean hihatFlag = false;
boolean pedalFlag = false;
int hihatExValue = 0;
int hihatState = 0;
int exTCRT = 0;
unsigned long time_hit_hihat;
unsigned long time_end_hihat;
void setup() {
void loop() {
/////////////////////////////// CIRCUIT /////////////////////////////////////
int piezoValue = analogRead(A1); //hi-hat
int TCRT = analogRead(A0); //hi-hat pedal
//////////////////////////////// HI-HAT /////////////////////////////////////
if (piezoValue > HIHAT[1]) {
time_hit_hihat = millis();
if (time_hit_hihat - time_end_hihat < HIHAT[3]) {
hihatFlag = true;
if (piezoValue - hihatExValue > HIHAT[2]) {
hihatFlag = false;
if (hihatFlag == false) {
for (int i = 0; i < SETTING[0]; i++) {
int peak = analogRead(A1);
if (peak > HIHAT[5]) {
HIHAT[5] = peak;
while (millis() - time_hit_hihat < 1);
HIHAT[5] = map(HIHAT[5], HIHAT[1], HIHAT[0], 0, 127);
if (HIHAT[5] <= 1) {
HIHAT[5] = 1;
if (HIHAT[5] > 127) {
HIHAT[5] = 127;
//HIHAT[5] = (HIHAT[5] * HIHAT[5]) / 127 + 1;
if (TCRT > HIHAT_PEDAL[0]) {
hihatState = 0; //open
hihatState = 1; //close
switch (hihatState) {
case 0:
MIDI.sendNoteOn(HIHAT[4], HIHAT[5], 1); //(note, velocity, channel)
MIDI.sendNoteOff(HIHAT[4], 0, 1);
hihatFlag = true;
case 1:
MIDI.sendNoteOn(HIHAT_CLOSE[4], HIHAT[5], 1); //(note, velocity, channel)
MIDI.sendNoteOff(HIHAT_CLOSE[4], 0, 1);
hihatFlag = true;
if (hihatFlag == true) {
time_end_hihat = millis();
hihatExValue = analogRead(A1);
hihatFlag = false;
/////////////////////// HIHAT PEDAL /////////////////////////
if (TCRT < HIHAT_PEDAL[0] && pedalFlag == false) {
MIDI.sendNoteOn(HIHAT_PEDAL[2], SETTING[2], 1); //(note, velocity, channel)
MIDI.sendNoteOff(HIHAT_PEDAL[2], 0, 1);
pedalFlag = true;
if (TCRT > HIHAT_PEDAL[0] + 100 && pedalFlag == true) {
pedalFlag = false;
/////////////////////// HIHAT PEDAL CC /////////////////////////
TCRT = map(TCRT, 900, 100, 0, 127);
if (TCRT > 127) {
TCRT = 127;
if (TCRT < 0) {
TCRT = 0;
if (exTCRT != TCRT) {
MIDI.sendControlChange(4, TCRT, 1);
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