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Man's soil is still rich enough to direct his own life.

Ryota Bannai RyotaBannai

Man's soil is still rich enough to direct his own life.
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RyotaBannai /
Last active February 5, 2019 04:34 — forked from miloharper/
A two layer neural network written in Python, which trains itself to solve a variation of the XOR problem.
from numpy import exp, array, random, dot, reshape
from autograd import grad
class NeuronLayer():
def __init__(self, neuron_n, inputs_n):
self.weights = 2 * random.random((inputs_n, neuron_n)) - 1
class NeuralNetwork():
def __init__(self, layer1, layer2):
self.layer1 = layer1
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c=['#415952', '#f35134', '#243AB5']
def dataset_ (n=200, idx_outlier=0, ydistance=5):
rng = np.random.RandomState(4)
data =, 2), rng.randn(2, n)).T
data[idx_outlier:idx_outlier+1,1] = ydistance
return data
i = dataset_(N, inx)
import numpy as np
for l in (z < z.mean() - 3*z.std(),
z > z.mean() + 3*z.std()):
if np.any(z[l]):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2,figsize=(16,6))
plt.xlim((0, 10))
plt.ylim((0, 7))
#red line
ran = np.random.normal(size=N)
error1 = sd**2 * ran + mu
error2 = sd*.5 * ran + mu
lin = np.linspace(-15., 15., num=N)
import scipy.odr as odr
def odr_line(B, x):
y = B[0]*x + B[1]*x**2
return y
def perform_odr(x, y, xerr, yerr):
quadr = odr.Model(odr_line)
mydata = odr.Data(x, y, wd=1./xerr, we=1./yerr)
#mydata = odr.Data(x, y)
import numpy.linalg as la
def tls(X,y):
if X.ndim is 1:
n = 1 # the number of variable of X
X = X.reshape(len(X),1)
n = np.array(X).shape[1]
Z = np.vstack((X.T,y)).T