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Last active March 2, 2024 21:02
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Split, Encode then Merge for closed GOP hevc or avc file.
# In my (and Magic-Raws') configue, mkvmerge is placed in system path,
# VSPipe.exe in sys.prefix, and x265 (plus x264) in sys.prefix//x26x, so that is default in this function.
def SEM(
fp_vc_input: str,
segment_list: list,
fp_qpfile: str,
x26x_param: str,
fp_vpy: str,
fp_vc_output: str,
force_expand: bool = True
Split, Encode then Merge for closed GOP hevc or avc file.
:param fp_vc_input: file path to the input hevc or avc file
:param segment_list: [[l1, r1], [l2, r2], ...] describes all the segments you want to repair
:param fp_qpfile: origin qpfile when encode the input hevc or avc file
:param x26x_param: specify x264 or x265 encode command except --output, --input (input), and --qpfile
:param fp_vpy: file path to the vapoursynth script you redo
:param fp_vc_output: file path to the output hevc or avc file
:param force_expand: whether to expand the endpoint to Iframe for segments in segment_list
import os
import sys
from vapoursynth import core
valid_exts = ['.hevc', '.avc', '.265', '.264']
ext = os.path.splitext(fp_vc_input)[1]
if not ext in valid_exts:
raise ValueError(f'Input file invalid.')
if force_expand:
iframe_segment_list = expand_segment_to_iframe(fp_vc_input, segment_list)
iframe_segment_list = sort_segment(iframe_segment_list)
with open(fp_qpfile, "r") as f:
qpstr = f.readlines()
qpstr = [i for i in qpstr if i != "\n"]
qpstr = [i if i.endswith("\n") else i + "\n" for i in qpstr]
qpstr = [i[:-3] for i in qpstr]
qp = [int(i) for i in qpstr]
os.environ['Path'] = os.environ['Path'] + ";" + sys.prefix + "\\x26x;" + sys.prefix
# Default where VSPipe.exe, mkvmerge.exe, and x26x placed
# Todo: specify VSPipe and mkvmerge filepath.
file = '_tomerge.mkv'
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "{file}" "{fp_vc_input}"')
# For segment [Iframe1, Iframe2], mkvmerge will cut [-, Iframe1) and [Iframe2, -].
# So you need to re-encode [Iframe1, Iframe2) and pay attention to qp belong to this segment.
# Assume the origin qp equals to Qx, in this segment it will be Qx-Iframe1
# If the last segment [Iframe1, Iframe2] reaches the end of the video, Iframe2 = clip.num_frames
qp_idx = 0
last_Iframe = 0
for seg in iframe_segment_list:
Iframe1, Iframe2 = seg[0], seg[1]
tmp_qp = []
while qp_idx < len(qp):
Qx = qp[qp_idx]
if Qx < Iframe1:
qp_idx += 1
elif Iframe1 <= Qx < Iframe2:
tmp_qp += [Qx - Iframe1]
qp_idx += 1
tmp_qp_str = "\n".join([f"{i} K" for i in tmp_qp])
with open("tmp_qp.qpfile", "w") as f:
if Iframe1 == 0:
os.system(f'VSPipe "{fp_vpy}" -c y4m -s {Iframe1} -e {Iframe2 - 1} - | ' + \
f'{x26x_param} --qpfile "tmp_qp.qpfile" -o "_newseg{ext}" -')
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_lastseg.mkv" "_newseg{ext}"')
# Judge whether you have [0, last_Iframe) in _lastseg.mkv
if os.path.exists("_lastseg.mkv"):
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_newseg.mkv" --split parts-frames:{last_Iframe+1}-{Iframe1+1} "{file}"')
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_last.mkv" "_lastseg.mkv" + "_newseg.mkv"')
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_last.mkv" --split parts-frames:{last_Iframe+1}-{Iframe1+1} "{file}"')
# Now you have [0, Iframe1) in _last.mkv
os.system(f'VSPipe "{fp_vpy}" -c y4m -s {Iframe1} -e {Iframe2 - 1} - | ' + \
f'{x26x_param} --qpfile "tmp_qp.qpfile" -o "_newseg{ext}" -')
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_newseg.mkv" "_newseg{ext}"')
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_lastseg.mkv" "_last.mkv" + "_newseg.mkv"')
last_Iframe = Iframe2
if last_Iframe != core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(file).num_frames:
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_newseg.mkv" --split parts-frames:{last_Iframe+1}- "{file}"')
os.system(f'mkvmerge -o "_last.mkv" "_lastseg.mkv" + "_newseg.mkv"')
os.system(f'mkvextract "_last.mkv" tracks 0:"{fp_vc_output}"')
os.system(f'mkvextract "_lastseg.mkv" tracks 0:"{fp_vc_output}"')
def expand_segment_to_iframe(vc_filepath: str, segment_list: list):
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xet
os.system('ffprobe -hide_banner -v error -threads auto -show_frames -show_entries frame=key_frame ' +
f'-of xml -select_streams v:0 -i "{vc_filepath}" > tmp_frames.xml')
frames = xet.parse("tmp_frames.xml").getroot()[0]
num_frames = len(frames)
iseg_list = []
for seg in segment_list:
l, r = seg[0], seg[1]
if l < 0 or l >= num_frames or r < 0 or r >= num_frames:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid segment [{l}, {r}]')
while l > 0 and frames[l].attrib['key_frame'] != '1':
l -= 1
while r < num_frames and frames[r].attrib['key_frame'] != '1':
# if the last frame (num_frames - 1) is not an I Frame, r should be num_frames
r += 1
iseg_list += [[l, r]]
return iseg_list
def sort_segment(segment_list: list):
segment_list = sorted(segment_list, key=lambda x:x[0]) # segments are sorted by left endpoint
merge_list = []
i = 0
while i < len(segment_list):
seg = segment_list[i]
l, r = seg[0], seg[1]
j = i + 1
while j < len(segment_list) and segment_list[j][0] <= r:
r = max(segment_list[j][1], r)
j += 1
merge_list += [[l, r]]
i = j
return merge_list
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