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Created May 21, 2020 21:41
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package de.bigmachines.blocks.blocks.pipes;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import de.bigmachines.Reference;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.animation.FastTESR;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
public class TileEntitySpecialRendererPipeBase extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer<TileEntityPipeBase> {
private ResourceLocation texture;
private double textureWidth;
private static double pixelWitdh = 1D / 16D;
private double pixelTextureWitdh;
public TileEntitySpecialRendererPipeBase(ResourceLocation texture, double textureWidth) {
this.texture = texture;
this.textureWidth = textureWidth;
this.pixelTextureWitdh = 1D / textureWidth;
public void render(TileEntityPipeBase te, double x, double y, double z, float partialTicks, int destroyStage, float alpha) {
GlStateManager.translate(x, y, z);
GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.DOWN)) drawAttachment(EnumFacing.DOWN);
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.EAST)) drawAttachment(EnumFacing.EAST);
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.NORTH)) drawAttachment(EnumFacing.NORTH);
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.SOUTH)) drawAttachment(EnumFacing.SOUTH);
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.UP)) drawAttachment(EnumFacing.UP);
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.WEST)) drawAttachment(EnumFacing.WEST);
drawFluid(new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.WATER, 1), te);
public void drawBase() {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
BufferBuilder buffer = tessellator.getBuffer();
buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
public void drawAttachment(EnumFacing side) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
BufferBuilder buffer = tessellator.getBuffer();
buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
GL11.glTranslated(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
switch (side) {
case NORTH:
GL11.glRotated(90, -1, 0, 0);
case WEST:
GL11.glRotated(90, 0, 0, 1);
case SOUTH:
GL11.glRotated(90, 1, 0, 0);
case EAST:
GL11.glRotated(90, 0, 0, -1);
case DOWN:
GL11.glRotated(180, 1, 0, 0);
case UP:
GL11.glTranslated(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 6 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(12 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(6 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(18 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 10 * pixelWitdh).tex(24 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh).tex(0 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 16 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10 * pixelWitdh, 11 * pixelWitdh, 5 * pixelWitdh).tex(6 * this.pixelTextureWitdh, 21 * this.pixelTextureWitdh).endVertex();
public void drawFluid(FluidStack stack, TileEntityPipeBase te) {
bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/atlas/blocks.png"));
TextureAtlasSprite fluidTexture = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(stack.getFluid().getStill().toString());
drawBaseFluid(fluidTexture.getMinU(), fluidTexture.getMinV(), fluidTexture.getMaxU(), fluidTexture.getMaxV());
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.DOWN)) drawAttachmentFluid(EnumFacing.DOWN, fluidTexture.getMinU(), fluidTexture.getMinV(), fluidTexture.getMaxU(), fluidTexture.getMaxV());
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.EAST)) drawAttachmentFluid(EnumFacing.EAST, fluidTexture.getMinU(), fluidTexture.getMinV(), fluidTexture.getMaxU(), fluidTexture.getMaxV());
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.NORTH)) drawAttachmentFluid(EnumFacing.NORTH, fluidTexture.getMinU(), fluidTexture.getMinV(), fluidTexture.getMaxU(), fluidTexture.getMaxV());
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.SOUTH)) drawAttachmentFluid(EnumFacing.SOUTH, fluidTexture.getMinU(), fluidTexture.getMinV(), fluidTexture.getMaxU(), fluidTexture.getMaxV());
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.UP)) drawAttachmentFluid(EnumFacing.UP, fluidTexture.getMinU(), fluidTexture.getMinV(), fluidTexture.getMaxU(), fluidTexture.getMaxV());
if(te.hasAttachment(EnumFacing.WEST)) drawAttachmentFluid(EnumFacing.WEST, fluidTexture.getMinU(), fluidTexture.getMinV(), fluidTexture.getMaxU(), fluidTexture.getMaxV());
public void drawBaseFluid(double minU, double minV, double maxU, double maxV) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
BufferBuilder buffer = tessellator.getBuffer();
buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
public void drawAttachmentFluid(EnumFacing side, double minU, double minV, double maxU, double maxV) {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
BufferBuilder buffer = tessellator.getBuffer();
buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
GL11.glTranslated(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
switch (side) {
case NORTH:
GL11.glRotated(90, -1, 0, 0);
case WEST:
GL11.glRotated(90, 0, 0, 1);
case SOUTH:
GL11.glRotated(90, 1, 0, 0);
case EAST:
GL11.glRotated(90, 0, 0, -1);
case DOWN:
GL11.glRotated(180, 1, 0, 0);
case UP:
GL11.glTranslated(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(5.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 5.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(maxU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 16 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, minV).endVertex();
buffer.pos(10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh, 10.5 * pixelWitdh).tex(minU, maxV).endVertex();
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