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Last active December 13, 2023 13:17
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Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU) from the paper ["Resurrecting Recurrent Neural Networks for Long Sequences"](
Simplified Implementation of the Linear Recurrent Unit
We present here a simplified JAX implementation of the Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU).
The state of the LRU is driven by the input $(u_k)_{k=1}^L$ of sequence length $L$
according to the following formula (and efficiently parallelized using an associative scan):
$x_{k} = \Lambda x_{k-1} +\exp(\gamma^{\log})\odot (B u_{k})$,
and the output is computed at each timestamp $k$ as follows: $y_k = C x_k + D u_k$.
In our code, $B,C$ follow Glorot initialization, with $B$ scaled additionally by a factor 2
to account for halving the state variance by taking the real part of the output projection.
$D$ is random $H$-dimensional and mutiplies elementwise each $u_k$, where $k$ is the timestamp.
$\Lambda$ is initialized with the help of Lemma, with phase potentially restricted to a thin slice
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
parallel_scan = jax.lax.associative_scan
def forward(lru_parameters, input_sequence):
"""Forward pass of the LRU layer. Output y and input_sequence are of shape (L, H)."""
# All LRU parameters
nu_log, theta_log, B_re, B_im, C_re, C_im, D, gamma_log = lru_parameters
# Materializing the diagonal of Lambda and projections
Lambda = jnp.exp(-jnp.exp(nu_log) + 1j*jnp.exp(theta_log))
B_norm = (B_re + 1j*B_im) * jnp.expand_dims(jnp.exp(gamma_log), axis=-1)
C = C_re + 1j*C_im
# Running the LRU + output projection
# For details on parallel scan, check discussion in Smith et al (2022).
Lambda_elements = jnp.repeat(Lambda[None, ...], input_sequence.shape[0], axis=0)
Bu_elements = jax.vmap(lambda u: B_norm @ u)(input_sequence)
elements = (Lambda_elements, Bu_elements)
_, inner_states = parallel_scan(binary_operator_diag, elements) # all x_k
y = jax.vmap(lambda x, u: (C @ x).real + D * u)(inner_states, input_sequence)
return y
def init_lru_parameters(N, H, r_min=0, r_max=1, max_phase=6.28):
"""Initialize parameters of the LRU layer."""
# N: state dimension, H: model dimension
# Initialization of Lambda is complex valued distributed uniformly on ring
# between r_min and r_max, with phase in [0, max_phase].
u1 = np.random.uniform(size = (N,))
u2 = np.random.uniform(size = (N,))
nu_log = np.log(-0.5*np.log(u1*(r_max**2-r_min**2) + r_min**2))
theta_log = np.log(max_phase*u2)
# Glorot initialized Input/Output projection matrices
B_re = np.random.normal(size=(N,H))/np.sqrt(2*H)
B_im = np.random.normal(size=(N,H))/np.sqrt(2*H)
C_re = np.random.normal(size=(H,N))/np.sqrt(N)
C_im = np.random.normal(size=(H,N))/np.sqrt(N)
D = np.random.normal(size=(H,))
# Normalization factor
diag_lambda = np.exp(-np.exp(nu_log) + 1j*np.exp(theta_log))
gamma_log = np.log(np.sqrt(1-np.abs(diag_lambda)**2))
return nu_log, theta_log, B_re, B_im, C_re, C_im, D, gamma_log
def binary_operator_diag(element_i, element_j):
"""Binary operator for parallel scan of linear recurrence."""
a_i, bu_i = element_i
a_j, bu_j = element_j
return a_j * a_i, a_j * bu_i + bu_j
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