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Created November 17, 2023 09:03
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def test_all_Steps_of_pipeline(
dummy_pipeline: PipelineTuple, expected_dronology_ypred_ytrue
Test loading predictions from a CSV file into the pipeline and calculate
the metrics and export the results.
We aim to validate that the pipeline can successfully load prediction results from a CSV
file. The metrics are tested through the exporter, because they calculate the metrics by
using the methods from the Metrics class.
# Load Prediction
pipeline, _, _ = dummy_pipeline
# Assert Prediction
y_pred, y_true = expected_dronology_ypred_ytrue
assert pipeline._prediction_results[0].result.y_pred[:10] == y_pred
assert pipeline._prediction_results[0].result.y_true[:10] == y_true
# Assert Metrics and test the exporter
metrics = Metrics(pipeline._prediction_results)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
temp_dir_path = Path(tmp_dir)
latex_output_path = temp_dir_path.joinpath('metrics.tex')
csv_output_path = temp_dir_path.joinpath('metrics.csv')
expected_exporter_output_path = Path(
# Latex Exporter
LatexExporter().export_all_metrics(metrics, str(latex_output_path), None)
expected_latex_content = expected_exporter_output_path.joinpath('metrics.tex').read_text()
actual_latex_content = latex_output_path.read_text()
assert actual_latex_content == expected_latex_content
# CSV Exporter
CsvExporter().export_all_metrics(metrics, str(csv_output_path), None)
expected_csv_content = expected_exporter_output_path.joinpath('metrics.csv').read_text()
actual_csv_content = csv_output_path.read_text()
assert actual_csv_content == expected_csv_content
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