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Created December 13, 2012 08:34
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snippet u
use 5.14.2;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
snippet d
use Data::Dumper;
warn Dumper ${1}
snippet s
sub ${1}{
my ($self , ) = @_;
my $args = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : { @_ };
snippet st
subtest '${1}'=> sub {
snippet dt
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
snippet date
snippet time
snippet vp
$c->view_param(${1} => [map{$_->get_columns}@$$1]);
snippet r
snippet n
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $args = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : +{@_};
bless $args, $class;
snippet ex
use parent qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw//;
snippet plack
use Plack::Request;
sub {
my $req = Plack::Request->new($_[0]);
given ($req->path) {
when ('/') {
return [200, ["Content-Type" => "text/html"], ['200 OK']];
return [404, ["Content-Type" => "text/plain"], ['404 Not Found']];
snippet write
open my $fh , '>' , '${1}' or die 'cant open file !';
snippet read
open my $fh , '>' , '${1}' or die 'cant open file !';
snippet any
any '/' => sub {
my ($c, $args, $p) = @_;
snippet post
post '/' => sub {
my ($c, $args, $p) = @_;
snippet hook
hook '/' => sub {
my ($c, $args, $p) = @_;
snippet file
use Path::Class qw(file);
my @lines = file(__FILE__)->dir->file('/path/to/file')->slurp;
snippet r200
[ 200, ['Content-Type', 'text/plain'], ['200 OK'] ]
snippet r404
[ 404, ['Content-Type', 'text/plain'], ['404 Not Found'] ]
snippet now
localtime(time)->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
snippet create
id => '\d+',
my @create_columns = qw//;
my @modify_columns = qw//;
my $create_start_url = $PATH_PREFIX . '/create/';
my $modify_start_url = $PATH_PREFIX . '/modify/%s/';
any '/enable/:id' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
my $id = $args->{id};
my $row = $c->dao('default')->single('${1}' , {id => $id});
$row->is_enabled ?
$c->dao('default')->update('$1' , {is_enabled => 0 } , {id => $id}) :
$c->dao('default')->update('$1' , {is_enabled => 1 } , {id => $id});
return $c->redirect($PATH_PREFIX . '/list');
any '/list' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
my $id = $args->{id};
my $row = $c->dao('slave_db')->search('$1')->all;
$c->view_param(list => [map{$_->get_columns}@$row]);
any '/delete/:id' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
my $id = $args->{id};
my $row = $c->dao('default')->delete('$1' ,{id => $id});
any '/create/' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
if(defined $c->session->get($_)){
$c->view_param($_, $c->session->get($_));
$c->view_param("error_$_", $c->session->get("error_$_"));
any '/create/confirm' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
$p->each(sub {$c->session->set($_[0] ,$_[1]);});
while(my ($key , $value) = each(%{$c->{error_message}})){
$c->session->set($key ,$value);
return $c->redirect($create_start_url);
any '/create/done' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
my $values = {};
$values->{$_} = $c->session->get($_);
any '/modify/:id/' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
my $id = $args->{id};
my $row = $c->dao('slave_db')->single('$1' , {id => $id});
if(defined $c->session->get($_)){
$c->view_param($_, $c->session->get($_));
if(defined $c->session->get("error_$_")){
$c->view_param("error_$_", $c->session->get("error_$_"));
any '/modify/:id/confirm' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
my $id = $args->{id};
$p->each(sub {$c->session->set($_[0] ,$_[1]);});
while(my ($key , $value) = each(%{$c->{error_message}})){
$c->session->set($key ,$value);
return $c->redirect(sprintf($modify_start_url , $id));
any '/modify/:id/done' => sub{
my ($c,$args,$p) = @_;
my $id = $args->{id};
my $values = {};
$values->{$_} = $c->session->get($_);
$c->model('$2')->update($values, {id => $id});
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