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Created February 8, 2018 13:40
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import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
val lines = List(
"- 2018年02月08日 木曜日 20:51",
"- 2018年02月09日 金曜日 20:51",
val dateTimeSep = """- (\d\d\d\d)年(\d\d)月(\d\d)日 .曜日 (\d\d:\d\d)""".r
// foldLeft版
val articles = lines.foldLeft(TreeMap[String, String]()) { (_articles, line) =>
line match {
case dateTimeSep(year, month, day, time) =>
_articles.insert(s"$year-$month-$day $time", "")
case _ => {
val (lastKey, lastValue) = _articles.last
_articles.updated(lastKey, s"$lastValue$line\n")
// 再帰関数版
def convert(lines: List[String], articles: TreeMap[String, String]): TreeMap[String, String] = {
lines match {
case (head :: tail) =>
head match {
case dateTimeSep(year, month, day, time) =>
convert(tail, articles.insert(s"$year-$month-$day $time", ""))
case _ => {
val (lastKey, lastValue) = articles.last
convert(tail, articles.updated(lastKey, s"$lastValue$head\n"))
case Nil => articles
println(convert(lines, TreeMap[String, String]()))
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