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Created January 13, 2020 16:39
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#Author: vhanla
#Force coloring of git and npm commands
$env:TERM = 'cygwin'
$env:TERM = 'FRSX'
$global:foregroundColor = 'white'
$time = Get-Date
$psVersion= $host.Version.Major
$curUser= (Get-ChildItem Env:\USERNAME).Value
$curComp= (Get-ChildItem Env:\COMPUTERNAME).Value
# Change color of command line parameters
Set-PSReadLineOption -Colors @{Parameter = "Magenta"; Operator = "Magenta"; Type="Magenta"}
# Color directory listings
# You must install the PSColor module ( first:
# Install-Module PSColor
Import-Module PSColor
Write-Host "- PowerShell V$psVersion -"
# screenfetch
# Write-Host "Hello, $curUser! " -foregroundColor $foregroundColor -NoNewLine; Write-Host "$([char]9829) " -foregroundColor Red
# Write-Host "Today is: $($time.ToLongDateString())"
# Write-Host "Welcome to PowerShell version: $psVersion" -foregroundColor Green
# Write-Host "I am: $curComp" -foregroundColor Green
# Write-Host "¡Let's program!" `n
# Create home alias to folder in which shell was started
$_home = PWD
function goHome {Set-Location $_home}
Set-Alias home goHome
function goUserHome {Set-Location ~}
Set-Alias ~ goUserHome
function relativePathToHome{
$currentPath = (Get-Location).Path
$currentDrive = (Get-Location).Drive.Root
$homeDrive = ($_home).Drive.Root
if ($currentPath -eq $currentDrive -or $currentDrive -ne $homeDrive) {
$trimmedRelativePath = $currentPath
else {
Set-Location $_home
$relativePath = Resolve-Path -relative $currentPath
$trimmedRelativePath = $relativePath -replace '^..\\'
Set-Location $currentPath
# Write-Host $relativePath
# Write-Host $trimmedRelativePath
return $trimmedRelativePath
function Prompt {
# Prompt Colors
# Black DarkBlue DarkGreen DarkCyan DarkRed DarkMagenta DarkYellow
# Gray DarkGray Blue Green Cyan Red Magenta Yellow White
$prompt_time_text = "Black"
$prompt_time_background = "Gray"
$prompt_text = "White"
$prompt_background = "Blue"
$prompt_git_background = "Yellow"
$prompt_git_text = "Black"
# Grab Git Branch
$git_string = "";
git branch | foreach {
if ($_ -match "^\* (.*)"){
$git_string += $matches[1]
# Grab Git Status
$git_status = "";
git status --porcelain | foreach {
$git_status = $_ #just replace other wise it will be empty
if (!$git_string) {
$prompt_text = "White"
$prompt_background = "Blue"
if ($git_status){
$prompt_git_background = "DarkGreen"
$curtime = Get-Date
# $drive = (PWD).Drive.Name
$path = Split-Path (PWD) -Leaf
$relativePath = relativePathToHome
# Write-Host -NoNewLine (" PS$psVersion " -f (Get-Date)) -foregroundColor $prompt_time_text -backgroundColor $prompt_time_background
Write-Host -NoNewLine (" {0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss} " -f (Get-Date)) -foregroundColor $prompt_time_text -backgroundColor $prompt_time_background
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$([char]57520)" -foregroundColor $prompt_time_background -backgroundColor $prompt_background
# Write-Host " $path " -foregroundColor $prompt_text -backgroundColor $prompt_background -NoNewLine
if ($git_string){
Write-Host " $relativePath " -foregroundColor $prompt_text -backgroundColor $prompt_background -NoNewLine
Write-Host "$([char]57520)" -foregroundColor $prompt_background -NoNewLine -backgroundColor $prompt_git_background
Write-Host " $([char]57504) " -foregroundColor $prompt_git_text -backgroundColor $prompt_git_background -NoNewLine
Write-Host "$git_string " -foregroundColor $prompt_git_text -backgroundColor $prompt_git_background
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$([char]57520)$([char]57521)$([char]57521)$([char]57521)" -foregroundColor $prompt_background
Write-Host " $relativePath " -foregroundColor $prompt_text -backgroundColor $prompt_background
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$([char]57520)$([char]57521)$([char]57521)$([char]57521)" -foregroundColor $prompt_background
# Write-Host -NoNewLine "[" -foregroundColor Yellow
# Write-Host -NoNewLine "]$" -foregroundColor Yellow
# Write-Host -NoNewLine "$" -foregroundColor Yellow
# Write-Host -NoNewLine "$([char]955)" -foregroundColor Green
# $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS >> User: $curUser >> Current DIR: $((Get-Location).Path)"
Return " "
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