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Last active October 16, 2021 17:44
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import random
import yaml
import json
from pprint import pprint
from anytree import Node, RenderTree
from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
from itertools import count,groupby,combinations_with_replacement
from pandas.core.common import flatten
from anytree import AnyNode,PreOrderIter
from anytree.exporter import DictExporter
from anytree.importer import DictImporter
def tree_str(tree):
result = ""
for pre,fill,node in RenderTree(tree):
result += "%s%s" % (pre, + "\n"
return result
def print_tree(tree):
def serialize_tree_str(tree):
dct = DictExporter().export(tree)
return yaml.dump(dct, default_flow_style=False)
def print_serialize_tree(tree):
def deserialize_tree(tree_str):
dct = yaml.load(tree_str, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
return DictImporter().import_(dct)
def deep_copy_tree(tree):
return deserialize_tree(serialize_tree_str(tree))
def serialize_childs_possibilities(childs_possibilities):
possibilities = []
for child_possibilities in childs_possibilities:
tmp_list = []
for possibility in child_possibilities:
dct = DictExporter().export(possibility)
return json.dumps(possibilities)
def deserialize_childs_possibilities(childs_possibilities_str):
data = json.loads(childs_possibilities_str, strict=False)
possibilities = []
for child_possibilities in data:
tmp_list = []
for possibility in child_possibilities:
tree = DictImporter().import_(possibility)
return possibilities
def repart(R, N, M = None):
start = min(M,R) if M != None else R
possibilities = []
for i in range(start,0,-1):
left = R-i
if N-1 < left:
b = [0] * N
b[-1] = i
if left == 0:
elif left == 1:
b[-2] = 1
elif left > 1:
leftPossibilities = repart(left, N-1, i)
for p in leftPossibilities:
concat = p
return possibilities
def make_tree(root_childs):
root = Node("R")
for a in range(1,root_childs+1):
Node(f"{a}", parent=root)
return root
def apply_child_possibility(base_tree, order):
tmp_tree = make_tree(len(order))
tmp_tree.children = list(map(lambda x: deep_copy_tree(x), order))
return tmp_tree
def apply_childs_possibilities_generator(base_tree, child_ps):
list_child_ps = list(child_ps)
for index,order in enumerate(all_combinations_generator(list_child_ps)):
result = apply_child_possibility(base_tree, order)
yield result
def order_to_values(list_set, order):
return list(map(lambda args: list_set[args[0]][args[1]], enumerate(order)))
def all_combinations_generator(list_set):
if len(list_set) == 1:
for p in list_set[0]:
yield [ p ]
last_index = len(list_set)-1
current_index = last_index
current_order = [0]*len(list_set)
yield order_to_values(list_set, current_order)
while True:
current_order_index = current_order[current_index]
current_max_order_index = len(list_set[current_index])-1
if current_order_index == current_max_order_index:
current_order[current_index] = 0
current_index -= 1
if current_index == 0 and \
current_order[current_index] == len(list_set[current_index])-1:
current_order[current_index] += 1
yield order_to_values(list_set, current_order)
if current_index < last_index:
current_index = last_index
def apply_repartition(tree, repartitions):
# print(f"repartition: {repartition}")
# child_possibilities = [Node("empty")]*len(repartition)
# for index,r in enumerate(repartition):
# if r == 0:
# tmp_node = deep_copy_tree(tree.children[index])
# tmp_node.parent = None
# child_possibilities[index] = [ tmp_node ]
# elif r == 1:
# tmp_child = deep_copy_tree(tree.children[index])
# tmp_child.parent = None
# tmp_node = Node("1", parent=tmp_child)
# child_possibilities[index] = [ tmp_child ]
# elif r > 1:
# child_possibilities[index] = list(trees_with_n_nodes(r+1))
groups_possibilities = []
for r, g in groupby(repartitions):
group_c_possibilities = []
if r == 0:
group_c_possibilities = [ make_tree(0) ]
elif r == 1:
group_c_possibilities = [ make_tree(1) ]
elif r > 1:
group_c_possibilities = list(trees_with_n_nodes(r+1))
# print(f"repartitions: {repartitions}, r={r}, possibilities:")
# for p in group_c_possibilities:
# print("p: ")
# print_tree(p)
combinations_with_replacement(group_c_possibilities, len(list(g)))
# print("Results:")
# for ps in groups_possibilities:
# print("Group:")
# for i,c in enumerate(ps):
# print(f"combination#{i+1}")
# for p in c:
# print_tree(p)
# print(serialize_tree_str(p))
# print("________")
for combination in all_combinations_generator(groups_possibilities):
childs = list(flatten(combination))
# print(f"childs: {childs}")
# print("tree:")
# print_tree(tree)
yield apply_child_possibility(tree, childs)
def trees_with_n_nodes(N):
current_invocation = random.randint(0,1000)
for root_childs in range(N-1, 0, -1):
tree = make_tree(root_childs)
left = N-root_childs-1
if (left == 0):
yield tree
elif (left == 1):
child = Node("1", parent=tree.children[-1])
yield tree
elif (left > 1):
repartitions = repart(left, root_childs)
for repartition in repartitions:
# print(f"Internal repartition: {repartition}")
for t in apply_repartition(tree, repartition):
yield t
# def group_by_siblings(tree):
# nodes = list(PreOrderIter(tree.root))
# def parent_key(node):
# if node.parent != None:
# path_str = '/'.join([ for node in node.parent.path])
# return path_str
# else:
# return ""
# result = []
# for k, g in groupby(sorted(nodes, key=parent_key), key=parent_key):
# result += [ list(g) ]
# # print(f"group: {[ for node in list(g)]}")
# # groups.append(list(g))
# # uniquekeys.append(k)
# return result
# def apply_group_repartition(groups, group_repartition):
# for g,rs in zip(groups,group_repartition):
# for n,r in zip(g, rs):
# new_nodes = [ Node(f"{i+1}") for i in range(r)]
# n.children = (new_nodes+list(n.children))[::-1]
# base_tree_data = \
# '''
# children:
# - children:
# - name: '4'
# name: '2'
# - name: '3'
# name: '1'
# '''
# base_tree = deserialize_tree(base_tree_data)
# print_tree(base_tree)
# groups = group_by_siblings(base_tree)
# print(groups)
# repartition = [[2], [1, 1], [1]]
# apply_group_repartition(groups, repartition)
# print_tree(base_tree)
counter = 0
for tree in trees_with_n_nodes(6):
counter += 1
# print(counter)
print("Final Possibility: ")
print(f"{counter} possible trees")
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