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Created October 23, 2014 17:42
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Save SDKiller/ed646a21513549bd3002 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixed current page display
* @author Serge Postrash aka SDKiller <>
namespace frontend\widgets;
use Yii;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\widgets\LinkPager;
use yii\bootstrap\Dropdown;
class DropdownPager extends LinkPager
* @inheritdoc
public function run()
if ($this->registerLinkTags) {
$linkOptions['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
$linkOptions['role'] = 'button';
Html::addCssClass($linkOptions, 'dropdown-toggle');
$html = Html::a(Yii::t('app', 'Page') . ' ' . ($this->pagination->getPage() + 1) . ' <span class="caret"></span>', '#', $linkOptions);
$html .= Dropdown::widget([
'items' => $this->configureItems(),
'encodeLabels' => false,
echo $html;
* Renders the page buttons.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function configureItems()
$items = [];
$pageCount = $this->pagination->getPageCount();
if ($pageCount < 2 && $this->hideOnSinglePage) {
return $items;
$currentPage = $this->pagination->getPage();
// first page
if ($this->firstPageLabel !== false) {
$items[] = $this->createPageItem($this->firstPageLabel, 0, $this->firstPageCssClass, $currentPage <= 0, false);
// prev page
if ($this->prevPageLabel !== false) {
if (($page = $currentPage - 1) < 0) {
$page = 0;
$items[] = $this->createPageItem($this->prevPageLabel, $page, $this->prevPageCssClass, $currentPage <= 0, false);
// internal pages
list($beginPage, $endPage) = $this->getPageRange();
for ($i = $beginPage; $i <= $endPage; ++$i) {
$items[] = $this->createPageItem($i + 1, $i, null, $i == $currentPage, $i == $currentPage);
// next page
if ($this->nextPageLabel !== false) {
if (($page = $currentPage + 1) >= $pageCount - 1) {
$page = $pageCount - 1;
$items[] = $this->createPageItem($this->nextPageLabel, $page, $this->nextPageCssClass, $currentPage >= $pageCount - 1, false);
// last page
if ($this->lastPageLabel !== false) {
$items[] = $this->createPageItem($this->lastPageLabel, $pageCount - 1, $this->lastPageCssClass, $currentPage >= $pageCount - 1, false);
return $items;
* Creates a configuration array for Dropdown item.
* Refer to description for \yii\bootstrap\Dropdown::$items property.
* @param string $label the text label for the button
* @param integer $page the page number
* @param string $class the CSS class for the page button.
* @param boolean $disabled whether this page button is disabled
* @param boolean $active whether this page button is active
* @return array
protected function createPageItem($label, $page, $class, $disabled, $active)
$item = ['label' => $label];
$options = ['class' => $class === '' ? null : $class];
if ($active) {
Html::addCssClass($options, $this->activePageCssClass);
if ($disabled) {
Html::addCssClass($options, $this->disabledPageCssClass);
$item['options'] = $options;
return $item;
$linkOptions = $this->linkOptions;
$linkOptions['data-page'] = $page;
$item['options'] = $options;
$item['linkOptions'] = $linkOptions;
$item['url'] = $this->pagination->createUrl($page);
return $item;
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