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Created March 30, 2023 02:09
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failed to close mhyprot2
[Debug] [main.cpp:40] UserAssembly.dll isn't initialized, waiting for 2 secs.
[Debug] [main.cpp:40] UserAssembly.dll isn't initialized, waiting for 2 secs.
[Debug] [main.cpp:40] UserAssembly.dll isn't initialized, waiting for 2 secs.
[Debug] [main.cpp:49] Waiting 30.000 secs for game to initialize.
(If Genshin crashes after this line you might want to try longer delay in cfg.ini)
GetSockAddr: host
GetSockAddr: host
ip list item is:
GetSockAddr succeed.
ip list item is:
into StartupUrlUsageCheck, current url is:
into StartupMTR dest addr is:
* CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!
StartupUrlUsageCheck, current timeout is: 5000 ms
* Added to DNS cache
* Hostname was found in DNS cache
* Trying
create icmp socket success.
into SendPacket.* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 1/3)
* schannel: disabled server certificate revocation checks
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 1, checksum is 39377.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:2, sequence id is 1.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 2, checksum is 37376.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 1, ttl is 2.
receiver: start, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:3, sequence id is 2.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 2, ttl is 3.
receiver: start, ttl is 3.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 3, checksum is 28375.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:1, sequence id is 3.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 3, ttl is 1.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 4, checksum is 26374.
receiver: start, ttl is 1.
RecvIcmp start.
SendPacket succeed.
into RecvPacket.
into SendPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:4, sequence id is 4.
* set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0schannel: ALPN, offering http/1.1
* schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 200 bytes...
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 5, checksum is 19373.* schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 200 bytes
* receiver: task count is: 1.
schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
receiver: task id is 4, ttl is 4.
receiver: start, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:5, sequence id is 5.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 5, ttl is 5.
receiver: start, ttl is 5.
RecvIcmp start.
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 6, checksum is 10372.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:6, sequence id is 6.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 6, ttl is 6.
receiver: start, ttl is 6.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 7, checksum is 3371.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:7, sequence id is 7.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 7, ttl is 7.
receiver: start, ttl is 7.
RecvIcmp start.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:7.
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 8, checksum is 62905.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:6.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 6, send time is: 1680141995, 577000, recv time is 1680141995, 619000.
into RecvPacket.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 7, send time is: 1680141995, 579000, recv time is 1680141995, 618000.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 2, coast time is 42.00.
SendPacket succeed.
icmpCallback: recv task id 7, ttl is 7.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 7, dest addr rtt is 42.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:8.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 8, send time is: 1680141995, 581000, recv time is 1680141995, 624000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 1, ttl is 2.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:9, sequence id is 8.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 3, coast time is 43.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 2, ttl is 3.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 2, ttl is 3.
receiver: start, ttl is 3.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
icmpCallback: recv task id 6, ttl is 6.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 6, dest addr rtt is 43.
into SendPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 4, coast time is 35.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 4, ttl is 4.
icmpCallback: recv task id 8, ttl is 9.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 9, dest addr rtt is 45.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 9, checksum is 46904.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 8, ttl is 9.
SendPacket succeed.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: start, ttl is 9.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: ended, ttl is 1, coast time is 50.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 3, ttl is 1.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:9.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 9, send time is: 1680141995, 582000, recv time is 1680141995, 643000.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:8, sequence id is 9.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 3, ttl is 1.
receiver: start, ttl is 1.
RecvIcmp start.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 9, ttl is 8.
receiver: start, ttl is 8.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 8, coast time is 1.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 9, ttl is 8.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 9, ttl is 8.
receiver: start, ttl is 8.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 8, coast time is 1.00.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 5, coast time is 46.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 5, ttl is 5.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 3, coast time is 26.00.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 1, ttl is 2.
receiver: start, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp start.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 4, ttl is 4.
receiver: start, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp start.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 5, ttl is 5.
receiver: start, ttl is 5.
RecvIcmp start.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 10, checksum is 18903.
into RecvPacket.
into RecvPacket.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 7, coast time is 46.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 7, ttl is 7.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 31, dest addr is:
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 7, ttl is 7.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:10, sequence id is 10.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
receiver: start, ttl is 7.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 10, ttl is 10.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 1, coast time is 29.00.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:10.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 4, coast time is 16.00.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 5, coast time is 15.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 9, ttl is 8.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 8, dest addr rtt is 62.
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 11, checksum is 10902.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: start, ttl is 10.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: ended, ttl is 9, coast time is 39.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 8, ttl is 9.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 10, send time is: 1680141995, 583000, recv time is 1680141995, 675000.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 8, ttl is 9.
receiver: start, ttl is 9.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:11.
SendPacket succeed.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 11, send time is: 1680141995, 585000, recv time is 1680141995, 684000.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:11, sequence id is 11.
icmpCallback: recv task id 10, ttl is 10.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 10, dest addr rtt is 98.
into SendPacket.
icmpCallback: recv task id 11, ttl is 11.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 11, dest addr rtt is 101.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 10, coast time is 19.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 10, ttl is 10.
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 12, checksum is 56436.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 7, coast time is 24.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 10, ttl is 10.
receiver: start, ttl is 10.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 11, ttl is 11.
receiver: start, ttl is 11.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:12, sequence id is 12.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 12, ttl is 12.
receiver: start, ttl is 12.
RecvIcmp start.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:12.
into RecvPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 9, coast time is 22.00.
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 13, checksum is 44435.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 2, coast time is 51.00.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 12, send time is: 1680141995, 586000, recv time is 1680141995, 701000.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:13.
icmpCallback: recv task id 12, ttl is 12.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 12, dest addr rtt is 125.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:13, sequence id is 13.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 13, send time is: 1680141995, 587000, recv time is 1680141995, 712000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 13, ttl is 13.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 13, dest addr rtt is 126.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 13, ttl is 13.
receiver: start, ttl is 13.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 12, coast time is 17.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 12, ttl is 12.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 6, coast time is 108.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 6, ttl is 6.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 12, ttl is 12.
receiver: start, ttl is 12.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 6, ttl is 6.
receiver: start, ttl is 6.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 14, checksum is 13434.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:14, sequence id is 14.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 14, ttl is 14.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
receiver: start, ttl is 14.
RecvIcmp start.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:14.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 13, coast time is 29.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 13, ttl is 13.
receiver: ended, ttl is 11, coast time is 48.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 11, ttl is 11.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 14, send time is: 1680141995, 595000, recv time is 1680141995, 743000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 14, ttl is 14.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 14, dest addr rtt is 152.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 13, ttl is 13.
receiver: start, ttl is 13.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 6, coast time is 20.00.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 10, coast time is 60.00.
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 15, checksum is 8433.
receiver: task count is: 1.
SendPacket succeed.
receiver: task id is 11, ttl is 11.
receiver: start, ttl is 11.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:15, sequence id is 15.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 15, ttl is 15.
receiver: start, ttl is 15.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:15.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 16, checksum is 50967.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 15, send time is: 1680141995, 596000, recv time is 1680141995, 759000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 15, ttl is 15.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 15, dest addr rtt is 166.
SendPacket succeed.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 12, coast time is 42.00.
into SendPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 14, coast time is 26.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 14, ttl is 14.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 14, ttl is 14.
receiver: start, ttl is 14.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:16, sequence id is 16.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 13, coast time is 20.00.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 16, ttl is 16.
receiver: start, ttl is 16.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 11, coast time is 20.00.
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 17, checksum is 38966.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:16.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 16, send time is: 1680141995, 596000, recv time is 1680141995, 777000.
into SendPacket.
icmpCallback: recv task id 16, ttl is 16.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 16, dest addr rtt is 181.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 18, checksum is 33965.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:17, sequence id is 17.
SendPacket succeed.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 17, ttl is 17.
receiver: start, ttl is 17.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
into SendPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:18, sequence id is 18.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 19, checksum is 29964.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:18.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:19, sequence id is 19.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 19, ttl is 19.
receiver: start, ttl is 19.
RecvIcmp start.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 18, send time is: 1680141995, 600000, recv time is 1680141995, 783000.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 18, ttl is 18.
receiver: start, ttl is 18.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 18, coast time is 1.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 18, ttl is 18.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 14, coast time is 24.00.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:19.
into SendPacket.
into RecvPacket.
icmpCallback: recv task id 18, ttl is 18.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 18, dest addr rtt is 187.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:17.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 18, ttl is 18.
receiver: start, ttl is 18.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 20, checksum is 14963.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 17, send time is: 1680141995, 599000, recv time is 1680141995, 795000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 17, ttl is 17.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 17, dest addr rtt is 199.
SendPacket succeed.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 19, send time is: 1680141995, 602000, recv time is 1680141995, 792000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 19, ttl is 19.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 19, dest addr rtt is 197.
into SendPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:20, sequence id is 20.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 21, checksum is 5962.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 20, ttl is 20.
receiver: start, ttl is 20.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 19, coast time is 23.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 19, ttl is 19.
RecvIcmp end.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 16, coast time is 36.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 16, ttl is 16.
receiver: ended, ttl is 18, coast time is 14.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 18, ttl is 18.
receiver: start, ttl is 18.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 16, ttl is 16.
receiver: start, ttl is 16.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 19, ttl is 19.
receiver: start, ttl is 19.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
into RecvPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:21.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 21, send time is: 1680141995, 610000, recv time is 1680141995, 822000.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:21, sequence id is 21.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:20.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 20, send time is: 1680141995, 606000, recv time is 1680141995, 823000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 20, ttl is 20.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 20, dest addr rtt is 217.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 21, ttl is 21.
receiver: start, ttl is 21.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 21, coast time is 1.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 21, ttl is 21.
into SendPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 17, coast time is 50.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 17, ttl is 17.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 17, ttl is 17.
receiver: start, ttl is 17.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 21, ttl is 21.
receiver: start, ttl is 21.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 21, coast time is 1.00.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 22, checksum is 43496.
icmpCallback: recv task id 21, ttl is 21.
SendPacket succeed.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:22.
into SendPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:22, sequence id is 22.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 21, dest addr rtt is 212.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 22, send time is: 1680141995, 610000, recv time is 1680141995, 840000.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 23, checksum is 35495.
icmpCallback: recv task id 22, ttl is 22.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 22, dest addr rtt is 232.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 15, coast time is 86.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 15, ttl is 15.
SendPacket succeed.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 19, coast time is 26.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 15, ttl is 15.
receiver: start, ttl is 15.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:23.
into SendPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 20, coast time is 43.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 20, ttl is 20.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 20, ttl is 20.
receiver: start, ttl is 20.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 23, send time is: 1680141995, 611000, recv time is 1680141995, 849000.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 24, checksum is 23494.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 16, coast time is 36.00.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:23, sequence id is 23.
icmpCallback: recv task id 23, ttl is 23.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 23, dest addr rtt is 243.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 23, ttl is 23.
receiver: start, ttl is 23.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 22, ttl is 22.
receiver: start, ttl is 22.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:24.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 24, send time is: 1680141995, 612000, recv time is 1680141995, 862000.
SendPacket succeed.
icmpCallback: recv task id 24, ttl is 24.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 24, dest addr rtt is 250.
into SendPacket.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:24, sequence id is 24.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 25, checksum is 13493.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 18, coast time is 61.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 24, ttl is 24.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 15, coast time is 30.00.
receiver: start, ttl is 24.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 23, coast time is 20.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 23, ttl is 23.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:25, sequence id is 25.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 20, coast time is 27.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 25, ttl is 25.
receiver: start, ttl is 25.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 23, ttl is 23.
receiver: start, ttl is 23.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:25.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 17, coast time is 56.00.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 25, send time is: 1680141995, 612000, recv time is 1680141995, 886000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 25, ttl is 25.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 25, dest addr rtt is 275.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 26, checksum is 54027.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:26, sequence id is 26.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 26, ttl is 26.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 27, checksum is 46026.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:26.
SendPacket succeed.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 26, send time is: 1680141995, 612000, recv time is 1680141995, 898000.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:27, sequence id is 27.
receiver: start, ttl is 26.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 26, coast time is 7.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 26, ttl is 26.
icmpCallback: recv task id 26, ttl is 26.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 26, dest addr rtt is 287.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 26, ttl is 26.
receiver: start, ttl is 26.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:27.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 25, coast time is 29.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 25, ttl is 25.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 25, ttl is 25.
receiver: start, ttl is 25.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: ended, ttl is 24, coast time is 30.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 24, ttl is 24.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 27, send time is: 1680141995, 613000, recv time is 1680141995, 909000.
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* receiver: task count is: 1.
schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1460 length 4096
* schannel: encrypted data length: 1375
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1375 length 4096
receiver: task id is 27, ttl is 27.
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
receiver: start, ttl is 27.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2835 length 4096
receiver: ended, ttl is 27, coast time is 1.00.
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
icmpCallback: recv task id 27, ttl is 27.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 24, ttl is 24.
receiver: start, ttl is 24.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
icmpCallback: recv task id 27, ttl is 27.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 27, dest addr rtt is 300.
RecvIcmp end.
into SendPacket.
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
receiver: ended, ttl is 23, coast time is 38.00.
schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3353 length 4096
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 27, ttl is 27.
receiver: start, ttl is 27.
* schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 93 bytes...
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 28, checksum is 15025.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:28, sequence id is 28.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 28, ttl is 28.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
receiver: start, ttl is 28.
RecvIcmp start.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 29, checksum is 3024.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:28.
into SendPacket.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 28, send time is: 1680141995, 614000, recv time is 1680141995, 941000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 28, ttl is 28.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 28, dest addr rtt is 328.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 24, coast time is 24.00.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 25, coast time is 34.00.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:29, sequence id is 29.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 26, coast time is 39.00.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 30, checksum is 61558.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 26, ttl is 26.
receiver: start, ttl is 26.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 22, coast time is 90.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 22, ttl is 22.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:29.
SendPacket succeed.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 22, ttl is 22.
receiver: start, ttl is 22.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 28, coast time is 16.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 28, ttl is 28.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:30, sequence id is 30.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 29, ttl is 29.
receiver: start, ttl is 29.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 30, ttl is 30.
receiver: start, ttl is 30.
RecvIcmp start.
into SendPacket.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:30.
into RecvPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 31, checksum is 36557.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 28, ttl is 28.
receiver: start, ttl is 28.
RecvIcmp start.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 29, send time is: 1680141995, 616000, recv time is 1680141995, 952000.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 30, send time is: 1680141995, 617000, recv time is 1680141995, 971000.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:32, sequence id is 31.
icmpCallback: recv task id 30, ttl is 30.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 30, dest addr rtt is 359.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 31, ttl is 32.
receiver: start, ttl is 32.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
icmpCallback: recv task id 29, ttl is 29.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 29, dest addr rtt is 359.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:31.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 31, send time is: 1680141995, 620000, recv time is 1680141995, 983000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 31, ttl is 32.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 32, dest addr rtt is 363.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 29, coast time is 21.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 29, ttl is 29.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 22, coast time is 33.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 29, ttl is 29.
receiver: start, ttl is 29.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 258 length 4096
* schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 3/3)
* schannel: ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
* schannel: stored credential handle in session cache
> HEAD /query_region_list HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
* schannel: client wants to read 16384 bytes
* schannel: encdata_buffer resized 17408
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: encrypted data got 169
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 169 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data length: 140
* schannel: decrypted data added: 140
* schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: schannel_recv cleanup
* schannel: decrypted data returned 140
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 16384
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 02:06:36 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 16
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact
StartupUrlUsageCheck coast time is: 746 ms.
StartupUrlUsageCheck http code is:200.
StartupUrlUsageCheck succeed.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 32, checksum is 46345.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:1, sequence id is 32.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 32, ttl is 1.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 33, checksum is 41344.
receiver: start, ttl is 1.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:2, sequence id is 33.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 33, ttl is 2.
receiver: start, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 7, dest addr is:
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 34, checksum is 34343.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:3, sequence id is 34.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 34, ttl is 3.
receiver: start, ttl is 3.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 8, dest addr is:
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 35, checksum is 28342.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 10, dest addr is:
SendPacket succeed.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 11, dest addr is:
into SendPacket.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 13, dest addr is:
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 12, dest addr is:
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 36, checksum is 24341.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 9, dest addr is:
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:4, sequence id is 35.
into SendPacket.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 35, ttl is 4.
receiver: start, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 14, dest addr is:
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:5, sequence id is 36.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 15, dest addr is:
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 36, ttl is 5.
receiver: start, ttl is 5.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 16, dest addr is:
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 18, dest addr is:
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 37, checksum is 4340.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 17, dest addr is:
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:6, sequence id is 37.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 20, dest addr is:
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:37.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 22, dest addr is:
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 37, send time is: 1680141996, 578000, recv time is 1680141996, 619000.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 23, dest addr is:
icmpCallback: recv task id 37, ttl is 6.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 6, dest addr rtt is 43.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 19, dest addr is:
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 2, coast time is 48.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 33, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 30, coast time is 662.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 30, ttl is 30.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 1, coast time is 59.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 32, ttl is 1.
RecvIcmp end.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 32, coast time is 658.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 31, ttl is 32.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 28, coast time is 671.00.
receiver: ended, ttl is 29, coast time is 648.00.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 21, dest addr is:
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 26, coast time is 701.00.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 3, coast time is 68.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 34, ttl is 3.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 32, ttl is 1.
receiver: start, ttl is 1.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 5, coast time is 60.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 36, ttl is 5.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 33, ttl is 2.
receiver: start, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp start.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 27, coast time is 737.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 37, ttl is 6.
receiver: start, ttl is 6.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 24, dest addr is:
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 34, ttl is 3.
receiver: start, ttl is 3.
RecvIcmp start.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 36, ttl is 5.
receiver: start, ttl is 5.
into RecvPacket.
into RecvPacket.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 25, dest addr is:
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 30, dest addr is:
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 32, dest addr is:
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 28, dest addr is:
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 29, dest addr is:
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 26, dest addr is:
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 27, dest addr is:
into StartupUrlUsageCheck, current url is:
* CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!
StartupUrlUsageCheck, current timeout is: 5000 ms
* Added to DNS cache
* Hostname was found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 1/3)
* schannel: disabled server certificate revocation checks
* schannel: ALPN, offering http/1.1
* schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 200 bytes...
* schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 200 bytes
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 38, checksum is 45338.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:1, sequence id is 38.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 39, checksum is 40337.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:2, sequence id is 39.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 40, checksum is 38336.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:3, sequence id is 40.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 41, checksum is 36335.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:4, sequence id is 41.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 43, checksum is 34333.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:6, sequence id is 43.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 42, checksum is 33334.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:5, sequence id is 42.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:43.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 43, send time is: 1680141997, 579000, recv time is 1680141997, 586000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 43, ttl is 6.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 6, dest addr rtt is 7.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 4, coast time is 996.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 35, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 3, coast time is 910.00.
receiver: task count is: 2.
receiver: task id is 35, ttl is 4.
receiver: start, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp start.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 40, ttl is 3.
receiver: start, ttl is 3.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 1, coast time is 941.00.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 38, ttl is 1.
receiver: start, ttl is 1.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 6, coast time is 926.00.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 2, coast time is 938.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 37, ttl is 6.
receiver: task count is: 1.
receiver: task id is 39, ttl is 2.
receiver: task count is: 2.
receiver: task id is 37, ttl is 6.
receiver: start, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp start.
receiver: start, ttl is 6.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
into RecvPacket.
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1460 length 4096
* schannel: encrypted data length: 1375
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1375 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2835 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3353 length 4096
* schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 93 bytes...
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 258 length 4096
* schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 3/3)
* schannel: ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
* schannel: stored credential handle in session cache
> HEAD /query_region_list HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
* schannel: client wants to read 16384 bytes
* schannel: encdata_buffer resized 17408
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: encrypted data got 169
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 169 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data length: 140
* schannel: decrypted data added: 140
* schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: schannel_recv cleanup
* schannel: decrypted data returned 140
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 16384
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 02:06:37 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 16
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact
StartupUrlUsageCheck coast time is: 706 ms.
StartupUrlUsageCheck http code is:200.
StartupUrlUsageCheck succeed.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 44, checksum is 44331.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:1, sequence id is 44.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 45, checksum is 43330.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:2, sequence id is 45.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 46, checksum is 41329.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:3, sequence id is 46.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 47, checksum is 40328.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:4, sequence id is 47.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 48, checksum is 34327.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:6, sequence id is 48.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 49, checksum is 33326.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:5, sequence id is 49.
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:48.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 48, send time is: 1680141998, 580000, recv time is 1680141998, 586000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 48, ttl is 6.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 6, dest addr rtt is 6.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 5, coast time is 1906.00.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 3, coast time is 996.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 40, ttl is 3.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 2, coast time is 989.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 39, ttl is 2.
receiver: task count is: 2.
receiver: task id is 39, ttl is 2.
receiver: start, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 2.
receiver: task id is 40, ttl is 3.
receiver: start, ttl is 3.
RecvIcmp start.
receiver: task count is: 2.
receiver: task id is 42, ttl is 5.
receiver: start, ttl is 5.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: ended, ttl is 4, coast time is 1009.00.
receiver: task id is 41, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 1, coast time is 1006.00.
receiver: start, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp start.
icmpCallback: recv task id 38, ttl is 1.
into RecvPacket.
receiver: task count is: 2.
receiver: task id is 38, ttl is 1.
receiver: start, ttl is 1.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
into StartupUrlUsageCheck, current url is:
* CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!
StartupUrlUsageCheck, current timeout is: 5000 ms
* Added to DNS cache
* Hostname was found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 1/3)
* schannel: disabled server certificate revocation checks
* schannel: ALPN, offering http/1.1
* schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 200 bytes...
* schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 200 bytes
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1460 length 4096
* schannel: encrypted data length: 1375
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1375 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2835 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3353 length 4096
* schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 93 bytes...
current ttl 1 Continueous timeout count is over the max timeout count 3, return directly.
current ttl 3 Continueous timeout count is over the max timeout count 3, return directly.
current ttl 2 Continueous timeout count is over the max timeout count 3, return directly.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 50, checksum is 39324.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:4, sequence id is 50.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 51, checksum is 34323.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:5, sequence id is 51.
into SendPacket.
set socket 4148 timeout 5000 opt result is: 0
PackIcmp, send icmp id is 18764, seq is 52, checksum is 33322.
SendPacket succeed.
send: SendIcmp: addr is, ttl is:6, sequence id is 52.
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 258 length 4096
* schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 3/3)
* schannel: ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
* schannel: stored credential handle in session cache
> HEAD /query_region_list HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
current response ip is:, dest ip is:
into unpack, the buffer len is:84.
unpack, the icmp type is: 0, the icmp sequence no is:52.
recv from addr is:, icmp seq is: 52, send time is: 1680141999, 581000, recv time is 1680141999, 588000.
icmpCallback: recv task id 52, ttl is 6.
recv the dest addr response, dest addr is, current addr is, ttl is 6, dest addr rtt is 8.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 5, coast time is 996.00.
receiver: task id is 49, ttl is 5.
receiver: start, ttl is 5.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 2, coast time is 1001.00.
receiver: task id is 45, ttl is 2.
icmpCallback: recv task id 45, ttl is 2.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 6, coast time is 1992.00.
receiver: task id is 43, ttl is 6.
receiver: start, ttl is 6.
RecvIcmp start.
into RecvPacket.
StartupSpecifyStepMTR: callback dest ttl is 6, current ttl is:2.
RecvIcmp end.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 2, dest addr is:
receiver: ended, ttl is 4, coast time is 999.00.
RecvIcmp end.
icmpCallback: recv task id 41, ttl is 4.
receiver: ended, ttl is 3, coast time is 1008.00.
receiver: task id is 46, ttl is 3.
icmpCallback: recv task id 46, ttl is 3.
receiver: task count is: 3.
receiver: task id is 41, ttl is 4.
StartupSpecifyStepMTR: callback dest ttl is 6, current ttl is:3.
receiver: start, ttl is 4.
RecvIcmp start.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 3, dest addr is:
into RecvPacket.
* schannel: client wants to read 16384 bytes
* schannel: encdata_buffer resized 17408
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: encrypted data got 169
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 169 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data length: 140
* schannel: decrypted data added: 140
* schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: schannel_recv cleanup
* schannel: decrypted data returned 140
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 16384
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 02:06:39 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 16
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact
StartupUrlUsageCheck coast time is: 748 ms.
StartupUrlUsageCheck http code is:200.
StartupUrlUsageCheck succeed.
into StartupUrlUsageCheck, current url is:
* CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!
StartupUrlUsageCheck, current timeout is: 5000 ms
* Added to DNS cache
* Hostname was found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 1/3)
* schannel: disabled server certificate revocation checks
* schannel: ALPN, offering http/1.1
* schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 200 bytes...
* schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 200 bytes
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1460 length 4096
* schannel: encrypted data length: 1375
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1375 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2835 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3353 length 4096
* schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 93 bytes...
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 258 length 4096
* schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 3/3)
* schannel: ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
* schannel: stored credential handle in session cache
> HEAD /query_region_list HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
* schannel: client wants to read 16384 bytes
* schannel: encdata_buffer resized 17408
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: encrypted data got 169
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 169 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data length: 140
* schannel: decrypted data added: 140
* schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: schannel_recv cleanup
* schannel: decrypted data returned 140
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 16384
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 02:06:41 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 16
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact
StartupUrlUsageCheck coast time is: 722 ms.
StartupUrlUsageCheck http code is:200.
StartupUrlUsageCheck succeed.
into StartupUrlUsageCheck, current url is:
* CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!
StartupUrlUsageCheck, current timeout is: 5000 ms
* Added to DNS cache
* Hostname was found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 1/3)
* schannel: disabled server certificate revocation checks
* schannel: ALPN, offering http/1.1
* schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 200 bytes...
* schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 200 bytes
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1460 length 4096
* schannel: encrypted data length: 1375
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 1375 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2835 length 4096
* schannel: received incomplete message, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3353 length 4096
* schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 93 bytes...
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 258 length 4096
* schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 3/3)
* schannel: ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
* schannel: stored credential handle in session cache
> HEAD /query_region_list HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
* schannel: client wants to read 16384 bytes
* schannel: encdata_buffer resized 17408
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: encrypted data got 169
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 169 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data length: 140
* schannel: decrypted data added: 140
* schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 17408
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 140 length 16384
* schannel: schannel_recv cleanup
* schannel: decrypted data returned 140
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 16384
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 02:06:43 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 16
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact
StartupUrlUsageCheck coast time is: 743 ms.
StartupUrlUsageCheck http code is:200.
StartupUrlUsageCheck succeed.
final CheckUrlUsage result( json format ) is:{
"error_code": 0,
"error_msg": "",
"url": "",
"data": [{
"dest_addr": "",
"count": 5,
"success_count": 5,
"failed_rate": 0.000000,
"best": 706.000000,
"worst": 748.000000,
"avg": 733.000000,
"all_data": [{
"is_useful": true,
"time_interval": 746.000000,
"curl_code": 0,
"http_code": 200
}, {
"is_useful": true,
"time_interval": 706.000000,
"curl_code": 0,
"http_code": 200
}, {
"is_useful": true,
"time_interval": 748.000000,
"curl_code": 0,
"http_code": 200
}, {
"is_useful": true,
"time_interval": 722.000000,
"curl_code": 0,
"http_code": 200
}, {
"is_useful": true,
"time_interval": 743.000000,
"curl_code": 0,
"http_code": 200
into GetLocalDNSs proc.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 1, coast time is 5982.00.
receiver: task id is 44, ttl is 1.
icmpCallback: recv task id 44, ttl is 1.
StartupSpecifyStepMTR: callback dest ttl is 6, current ttl is:1.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 1, dest addr is:
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 5, coast time is 5002.00.
icmpCallback: recv task id 42, ttl is 5.
icmpCallback: recv task id 49, ttl is 5.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: task count is: 3.
receiver: task id is 42, ttl is 5.
icmpCallback: recv task id 51, ttl is 5.
receiver: ended, ttl is 6, coast time is 5014.00.
StartupSpecifyStepMTR: callback dest ttl is 6, current ttl is:6.
StartupSpecifyStepMTR: callback dest ttl is 6, current ttl is:5.
RecvIcmp end.
receiver: ended, ttl is 4, coast time is 5007.00.
receiver: task id is 47, ttl is 4.
icmpCallback: recv task id 47, ttl is 4.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 6, dest addr is:
icmpCallback: recv task id 50, ttl is 4.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 5, dest addr is:
StartupSpecifyStepMTR: callback dest ttl is 6, current ttl is:4.
StartupMTR callback: ttl is 4, dest addr is:
mtr task coast time is:9062 ms
mtr coast time is 9062 ms
final result( json format ) is:{
"error_code": 0,
"error_msg": "",
"host": "",
"data": [{
"dest_addr": "",
"mtr_data": [{
"index": 1,
"from_addr": "No response from host",
"loss": 100.000000,
"send": 4,
"recv": 0,
"best": 0.000000,
"avg": 0.000000,
"worst": 0.000000,
"last": 0.000000
}, {
"index": 2,
"from_addr": "No response from host",
"loss": 100.000000,
"send": 4,
"recv": 0,
"best": 0.000000,
"avg": 0.000000,
"worst": 0.000000,
"last": 0.000000
}, {
"index": 3,
"from_addr": "No response from host",
"loss": 100.000000,
"send": 4,
"recv": 0,
"best": 0.000000,
"avg": 0.000000,
"worst": 0.000000,
"last": 0.000000
}, {
"index": 4,
"from_addr": "No response from host",
"loss": 100.000000,
"send": 5,
"recv": 0,
"best": 0.000000,
"avg": 0.000000,
"worst": 0.000000,
"last": 0.000000
}, {
"index": 5,
"from_addr": "No response from host",
"loss": 100.000000,
"send": 5,
"recv": 0,
"best": 0.000000,
"avg": 0.000000,
"worst": 0.000000,
"last": 0.000000
}, {
"index": 6,
"from_addr": "",
"loss": 0.000000,
"send": 5,
"recv": 5,
"best": 6.000000,
"avg": 21.400000,
"worst": 43.000000,
"last": 8.000000
[Debug] [PatternScanner.cpp:248] Module G:\impact\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\UnityPlayer.dll bound 0x00007FFA8DC00000-0x00007FFA8FF83000.
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
[Debug] [PatternScanner.cpp:248] Module G:\impact\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\GenshinImpact_Data\Native\UserAssembly.dll bound 0x00007FFA24C70000-0x00007FFA36261000.
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
[Info] [il2cpp-init.cpp:209] Detected version: OSRELWin3.5.0.
[Debug] [ProtectionBypass.cpp:98] Sniffed correct signature for type 0 value '825e29440be02a0f26c4563dce19b3e8'
[Debug] [ProtectionBypass.cpp:98] Sniffed correct signature for type 1 value 'b8c1d4c0f687df999270a5c2ece67e6c27'
[Debug] [ProtectionBypass.cpp:98] Sniffed correct signature for type 3 value '410041009'
[Error] [ProtectionBypass.cpp:48] Failed to close mhyprot2 handle. Report this Issue and describe it.
[Debug] [ProtectionBypass.cpp:51] Initialized
[Debug] [renderer.cpp:209] Initializing ImGui...
[Debug] [dx11-hook.cpp:113] Initializing D3D11 hook: started.
[Debug] [dx11-hook.cpp:120] SwapChain Present: 00007FFAF6263900
[Debug] [dx11-hook.cpp:123] Initializing D3D11 hook: done.
[Debug] [renderer.cpp:490] ImGUI: DirectX11 backend initialized successfully.
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
[Info] [InteractiveMap.cpp:1390] Interactive map data loaded successfully.
[Debug] [InteractiveMap.cpp:1467] Position scaling for scene 3: scale 1.001 -1.001, offset 747.181 2323.033
[Debug] [InteractiveMap.cpp:1467] Position scaling for scene 5: scale 1.000 -1.000, offset -198.041 274.108
[Debug] [InteractiveMap.cpp:1467] Position scaling for scene 6: scale 1.002 -1.000, offset -543.561 605.835
[Debug] [InteractiveMap.cpp:1467] Position scaling for scene 9: scale 0.498 -0.502, offset 178.638 143.080
[Debug] [InteractiveMap.cpp:1978] Not found filter for item 'KeySigil'
[Debug] [main.cpp:59] Config path is at C:\Users\steven.WIN-I1LLGJ7KTA1.003\Documents\Acrepi-v1.0.7\cfg.json
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
url fetch responce: {"retcode":0,"message":"success","data":null}
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