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Created November 30, 2012 15:27
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Save SEJeff/4176420 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alternate Pip install of Diamond
message_do_not_modify: Do not edit this file, this is handled by Salt
# {{ pillar['message_do_not_modify'] }}
# Handlers for published metrics.
handlers = diamond.handler.graphite.GraphiteHandler
# Leave empty to use the current user
user =
# Leave empty to use the current group
group =
pid_file = /var/run/
# Directory to load collector modules from
collectors_path = /usr/local/diamond/src/diamond/src/collectors/
# Directory to load collector config from
collectors_config_path = /etc/diamond/collectors/
# Interval to reload collectors
collectors_reload_interval = 3600
#handlers_config_path = /etc/diamond/handlers/
### Options for handlers
# logging handlers
keys = handler
host = {{ pillar['graphite_address'] }}
# Port to send metrics to
port = 2003
batch = 256
# Socket timeout (seconds)
timeout = 15
#host =
#port = 8125
hostname_method = uname_short
# All collectors are disabled by default
enabled = False
# Path Prefix
path_prefix =
path_suffix = os
# Default splay time (seconds)
splay = 1
# Default Poll Interval (seconds)
interval = 60
# Default collector threading model
method = Sequential
# Default numeric output
byte_unit = byte
enabled = True
enabled = True
enabled = True
enabled = True
# when the following comment is answered positively:
# this is required
devices = md[0-9]*$|sd[a-z][0-9]*$|xvd[a-z][0-9]*$|dm\-[0-9]*$
enabled = True
enabled = True
enabled = True
enabled = True
enabled = True
interfaces = eth, tun, tap, lo, vmbr
enabled = True
enabled = True
enabled = True
enabled = True
keys = root
keys = formatter
# to increase verbosity, set DEBUG
level = INFO
handlers = handler
args = ('{{ pillar['graylog2_address'] }}', 12201)
class = logging.Formatter
format = %(message)s
datefmt =
# this state is just an example to use pip in a new fast way
# this example install Diamond
# it assume that you already took care of installing python-dev, virtualenv, python-pip
# and all other dependencies.
# my real state do that.
# if you wonder why I use the .jinja2 extension, it's because my IDE gently handle the
# files that have this extension.
- directory
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 550
- managed
- name: /etc/init/diamond.conf
- template: jinja
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 440
- source: salt://diamond/upstart.jinja2
- managed
- name: /usr/local/diamond/salt-requirements.txt
- template: jinja
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 440
- source: salt://diamond/requirements.jinja2
- require:
- virtualenv: diamond
- manage
- upgrade: True
- name: /usr/local/diamond
- wait
- name: pip.install
- upgrade: True
- bin_env: /usr/local/diamond
- pkgs: ''
- requirements: /usr/local/diamond/salt-requirements.txt
- require:
- pkg: git
- pkg: python-virtualenv
- file: diamond_upstart
- watch:
- file: diamond_requirements
- managed
- name: /etc/diamond/diamond.conf
- template: jinja
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 440
- source: salt://diamond/config.jinja2
- require:
- virtualenv: diamond
- running
- watch:
- virtualenv: diamond
- file: diamond
- file: diamond_upstart
- module: diamond
-e git+git://
# {{ pillar['message_do_not_modify'] }}
# diamond - A system statistics collector for graphite
# Diamond is a daemon and toolset for gather system statistics
# and publishing them to graphite.
start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
exec /usr/local/diamond/bin/python /usr/local/diamond/bin/diamond --foreground
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